
This contemporary Torah commentary is dedicated to the kind souls who turned screens into portals every day to build something sacred together during a very difficult time.
For a paperback copy of the complete work, including commentary from a diverse array of American Jewish rabbinical school students, visit:

Ohr Binyamin distributes free Jewish Berakha Cards, Siddurim & Coloring Books. We Offer a Selection of Materials for Jews that Are interested in Self Growth and Improvement - Including Jewish Self Help materials & material for the Jew that wants to grow but doesn't know where to start. For the Jew that knows but needs a hand to reach higher.

Based on source material from Talmud and Midrash, sheets in this collection include those form the "Midrash Theatre Company", a fictional Talmudic era theatre house where some of the greatest Jewish tales were written and performed.

Discover some of the inner meanings of Tehillim and experience how amazing the Tehillim are! Help the world one Tehillim at a time!
According to Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson
(The Tzemach Tzedek
"Know that the chapters of Tehillim (Psalms)
break through all barriers and soar aloft
from level to level unimpeded.
They intercede before the Master of the Universe
and secure their effect with kindness and mercy."
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson
The Tzemach Tzedek

Content originally published at On1Foot, a project hosted by American Jewish World Service.

Parsha Shiurim given by Maharat Intern Sofia Freudenstein at ASBI for the 5783 year

Texts from which we learn about the Messiah

We cultivate vibrant Jewish life in deep connection with the Earth, catalyzing culture change and systemic change through Jewish Environmental Education, Immersive Retreats, and Climate Action.
Our Values
We cultivate connections
We learn from the Earth
We take care of each other
We educate through experience
And, if not now — when?

The Akedah Project explores the story of the Binding of Isaac (“akedah” means “binding” in Hebrew), which is one of the most confounding narratives in the Bible. Traditionally, the Akedah is chanted in synagogue on the second day of Rosh Hashanah. Scholars, rabbis, artists, teachers, poets, and readers have tried to make sense of this story for millennia, which has given us a range of lenses through which we can read it, even as we bring the new questions, ideas, and perspectives that come with every new generation of readers.
The Akedah Project brings some of the most prominent scholars, teachers, thinkers, activists, and artists to investigate and present the story in their own way. Here you will find more than 30 videos, each coming to the Akedah from a different angle. If you like what you see here, The Akedah Project is just the beginning. We believe that a plurality of voices can be brought together to explore the vast canon of Jewish literature. Tradition tells us that the Torah has “seventy faces,” and we look forward to exploring them with you.

Moral and Ethical questions through a Jewish lens.

Asking core questions about the Torah text to create a meaningful connection with its Author.

All about Chanukah - the story, the observances, the traditions

Learn about the origins of the Tikkun Leil Shavuot and the pleasures of learning Torah.

Animals in Rabbinic Literature

Source sheets used for sessions of JSP's "As it is Written" series (May 2020-June 2021)

At The Well is on a mission to connect women around the world with transformative Jewish practices. We envision a world where all women are connected to their bodies, spiritual practices, and community.

Dedicated in memory of Rabbi and Professor Zvi H. Szubin z”l, the Ateret Zvi Prize is awarded annually to an outstanding essay displaying rigorous scholarship and religious insight.

Fostering a greater mindfulness towards the mitzvos we do on a regular basis.

This is a series of shiurim designed to explore some of the big ideas that form the foundation of Jewish life, practice, and spirituality. Through understanding these essential, but seldom explicitly articulated concepts, seekers at any stage of their journey through Judaism will be better able to engage with Jewish texts and traditions and will find more value in them. Our guide will be Rabbi Arthur Green's book "Judaism's 10 Best Ideas," a short and easily accessible worth that learners are strongly encouraged to pick up and read for themselves. Each of Rabbi Green's chapters will serve as the jumping off point for learning and discussion of the sources that he cites and how of how we can discover these Jewish ideas in our lives.

Centro de estudos da Bíblia Hebraica e Literatura Judaica Clássica - Com racionalismo e bom senso
One of the joys of the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur prayer service is its familiarity. The words we recite are the same words previous generations used as they prayed for a good year. Some of us have prayed with the same congregation for years, and the melodies used in the synagogue feel like home.
Although the words don’t change every year, we do. We have had experiences over the previous twelve months that may have changed our perspectives. Our needs are different. Our relationships are different. When we encounter the high holiday machzor in a new year, it may acquire a new resonance. Maybe certain phrases or prayers speak to us positively and give us meaning that we have never seen before. Maybe parts of the liturgy strike us as harsh or painful in light of experiences we have endured. Maybe the liturgy just doesn’t hit the spot, oblivious to what we need right now.
In this Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur Machzor Companion, over 40 educators, clergy, writers, and artists reflect on elements of the traditional High Holidays liturgy, drawing connections between their experiences and the words of the machzor. They consider the national trauma of October 7th and its aftermath, and how the words of the prayers speak to them in this particularly heartbreaking year. They also consider how their own personal experiences of joy and challenge intersect with the words of the machzor. For example, what does it mean to hear the prayer of Unetaneh Tokef when dealing with loss? How does one dealing with fertility challenges approach the emphasis on birth on Rosh Hashanah? Contributors created new prayers, art, and poetry to expand and enhance the High Holidays experience, sharing with all of us the emotions, thoughts, and kavanot (intentions) closest to their hearts this year.
The contributors hope B’Kol Libeinu will serve as a friend to you during the High Holidays, and that you will hear them whispering in your ears that they are there with you, that your experiences matter, and that when the prayer doesn’t speak to you it is okay to move off the page and offer your own heartfelt truth.
Featuring inspiration from:
Rabbi Tali Adler, Sarah Allen, Rabba Wendy Amsellem, Rabbi Rachel Barenblat, Dr. Guila Benchimol, Shira Berkovits, Maya Bernstein, Rebbetzin Aliza Bulow, Chanie Chein, Rachel Danziger, Rabbanit Dalia Davis, Talia Engelhart, Zoe Fertik, Dr. Naomi Marmon Grumet, Rabbanit Batya Hefter, Rachel Jackson, Dr. Tammy Jacobowitz, Rabbi Rebecca Kamil, Rachel Kann, Rabbi Avi Killip, Rabbi Melanie Levav, Rebecca Minkus-Lieberman, Rabbi Emily Meyer, Rabbi Heather Miller, Ariele Mortkowitz, Rabbi Marianne Novak, Rabbi Vanessa Ochs, Sarah Osborne, Naama Sadan, Julie Seltzer, Dr. Jane Shapiro, Rabba Anat Sharbat, Rabbi Abby Sosland, Rabbanit Aliza Sperling, Rabbanit Alissa Thomas-Newborn, Elisheva Thompson, Rabbi Lauren Tuchman, Rabbi Elianna Yolkut, Rabbi Mary Zamore, Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower, and more
Created in grateful partnership together with:
The Covenant Foundation, The AVIV Foundation, SRE Network, FeedPrayLoveJerusalem, UpStart, Women’s Rabbinic Network, The Eden Center, The Orot Center, Sacred Spaces, A Mitzvah To Eat, Shomer Collective, Bayit, M54, The Multitudes, Maharat, NCJW, Ben Yehuda Press, Neshama: Association of Jewish Chaplains, and more

compiled by Kol Tzedek 4 Black Lives committee members

Sefaria sheets focused on the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov (Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer of Medzhybizh).

Source sheets on Sefer Bamidbar

This collection of sheets features English lectures from Beit Avi Chai.

בית המדרש "בלבנו" קם על ידי נוער מ"איגי - ארגון הנוער הגאה" לנוער להט"בים שראו שלהרבה אנשים להט"בים אין מקום בטוח ופתוח שאפשר ללמוד בו. מפני הבעיה הזאת קיימנו את בית המדרש "בלבנו", בית מדרש שבו אפשר ללמוד וללמד, לשאול ולענות, בסביבה פתוחה והלכתית.
Beit Midrash "Belibenu" was founded by youth from "IGY - Israel Gay Youth" for LGBTQ+ youth as a place in which one can learn and teach, ask and answer, in an open and halachic environment.

Source sheets on Sefer Beraishis

This collection draws from multiple user interpretations of the Talmudic story of Kamtza and bar Kamtza, which is the classic tale of interpersonal relationships that prefigured the destruction.

Beyond Noah’s Ark empowers people to become active makers of Jewish experience through inquiry-based text study and collaborative creation.

A collection of promises God has made with various people through history

BimBam sparks conversations about Judaism through digital storytelling for learners of all ages.

Mekorot para estudo dos livros Rab Bonder

The Bronfman Fellowship is a vibrant network of 1,400+ pluralistic Jews from Israel and North America. Fellows explore deep existential questions and Jewish ideas while building friendships with peers who challenge and inspire them.
Parsha B’ha’alot’cha,
Toraha and haftara readings according to Liberal Judaism.

Biblical origins of the fall holidays

Sefat Emet's spiritual approach to Chanukah, with questions for reflection and related contemporary sources. These sheets were created for Jewish Studio Process mindful art sessions with Rabbi Margie Jacobs- you are invited to write, paint, or otherwise reflect on what arises as you study the sources and reflect on the questions in this collection.

Sources related to the holiday of Chanukah
This group will contain source sheets related to Channukah and the Mishnah

This collection features Chanukkah sheets created by Sefaria's Learning Team and learners like you! From the basics of how to light a menorah and what we celebrate on Chanukkah, to unsung heroes of the holiday and lesser known customs, the sheets in this collection should keep you busy learning for at least eight nights.

The outline of the text with select comments from Rashi in Q&A form.

Mindfulness is moment to moment awareness of our direct sensory experience. If we think about the encounter with divine in the Wilderness as a result of mindful awareness, what was experience through the senses- seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling- in the Wilderness? As we came to our senses, what was awakened? These sheets were created for Jewish Studio Process mindful art sessions with Rabbi Margie Jacobs- you are invited to write, paint, or otherwise reflect on what arises as you study the sources and reflect on the questions in this collection.

A commentary on selected passages—those with significant gender implications where the RJPS translation (a/k/a THE JPS TANAKH: Gender-Sensitive Edition, 2023) differs from the NJPS translation (TANAKH, 1962, 1967, 1985, 1999). An edited version of working notes created during the preparation of RJPS. Now that the Torah has been published (Oct. 2, 2023), my goal is to continue with Genesis — and stay just ahead of the weekly Torah portion. For an overview, see the link below. See also my “Commentary on the Functions and Rendering of אִישׁ” on this site, for many instances that likewise have gender implications. (Disclaimer: The scholarly views expressed in these comments are mine alone; I do not purport to speak for The Jewish Publication Society or its staff.)

Shedding some more light on the distinctive renderings in the RJPS translation (2023). The focus here is on ancient Hebrew conventions that differ from English conventions. Readerly understanding can be improved when certain things that went without saying in the source text are made more explicit, either in the translation itself, or the footnotes, or in commentary. Because these conventions may have gender implications, many entries here are listed also in “Commentary on Gender Choices in the RJPS Torah.” (Both commentaries are being constructed a little at a time.)

A commentary in progress, on many of the phrases that differ in the RJPS translation (a/k/a THE JPS TANAKH: Gender-Sensitive Edition, 2023) compared to its base translation, NJPS (a/k/a TANAKH, 1962, 1967, 1985, 1999), including its footnotes. This is an edited version of working notes created during the preparation of RJPS. Thus far, more than 300 comments have been issued. (Disclaimer: The scholarly views expressed in these comments are mine alone; I do not speak for The Jewish Publication Society or its staff.) For the book’s preface, see
Edited version of working notes created during the preparation of the RJPS translation of the Tanakh (published in 2023 by The Jewish Publication Society). Discusses the functions of the noun אִישׁ, on its gender ascriptions, and on why changes were made (or not) to the NJPS base translation. Only the passage’s plain-sense meaning is considered. ¶ Ultimately, this commentary will consist of more than 500 entries on instances whose rendering differs from the NJPS base translation, or about 1 in 4 of all instances of אִישׁ. Thus far, more than 200 comments have been issued, covering the Torah, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and beyond. ¶ These notes presuppose an orientation to אִישׁ as a situating noun, as described in the document linked below, pp. 11–16. (Disclaimer: The scholarly views expressed in these comments are mine alone; I do not purport to speak for The Jewish Publication Society or its staff.)

Jewish learning is a lifelong process, one requiring methods and language to explore traditional texts. We at the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem work hard at providing our students with the skills for such learning, and the desire to use them everyday of their lives.

The 49 days of the Omer are filled with anticipation and spiritual significance. Hadar’s Advanced Kollel and the Rising Song Institute gathered weekly to hear new melodies and explore midrash while counting toward the gift of receiving the Torah on Shavuot. Learn and sing along each week of the Omer as we work through a piece from Sifre Devarim, a halakhic midrash on the Book of Deuteronomy composed in Talmudic Israel/Babylon around 200 CE, exploring water-y metaphors for Torah.

Why do we count the omer? How do we count the omer? This collection includes sheets which delve into all aspects of counting the omer.

A collection of lessons for students to work on alone or in pairs. Each lesson develops skills which empower students to spark their curiosity and interest in learning.

Collection of Dapei Mekorot - As Lentes da Identidade 1EM

In my capacity as a professional researcher and cybersecurity expert, I frequently engage with individuals from diverse races, genders, and a variety of religious and cultural perspectives. At times, my experience as a Jew of Color can feel somewhat solitary and isolating. As taken from academics and Sages of Israel, this research will indicate significant interactions between the Cushites and the inhabitants of Judah during the biblical era.

A collection of sheets explaining the custom of eating dairy foods on Shavuot.

Purim Torah based on children's stories
Picture by Smith, Jessie Willcox, 1863-1935 (artist); L. Prang & Co. (publisher) - Flickr: Fairy Tales, Public Domain, is Rabbi David Paskin's online learning site.

Halacha is a guide for living, rich in nuance and alive to its adherents. It is responsive to religious intuitions and spiritual aspirations. It is much more than a black or white bottom line. Deracheha presents Halacha accurately and respectfully, in a woman’s voice. We explore a range of halachic opinion, leaving room for each reader to find her (or his) place within Halacha.
בדורנו הולך וגדל הצורך בהעמקת הלימוד של מצוות הנוגעות לנשים, הן לנשים והן לכלל הציבור.
אנו מאמינים כי הבנה מעמיקה של עולם ההלכה מובילה למחויבות הלכתית רבה יותר ותורמת להעלאת רמת השיח ההלכתי בציבור.
ההלכה מורה לנו את הדרך הנכונה לחיות. היא לא מתבטאת רק בכללים של מותר ואסור, היא חיה ועשירה, קשובה ודינמית, והיא מתכתבת עם שאיפות רוחניות ועם המציאות.
דרכיה מציג את ההלכה כפי שהיא, בצורה מדויקת ומכבדת, מתוך נקודת מבט נשית.
באתר אנו פורשים מגוון נקודות מבט הלכתיות בצורה ברורה ויסודית, כדי לאפשר לכל לומד ולומדת למצוא את מקומם.
המטרה שלנו אינה לפסוק או לשכנע, אלא להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה על ידי הנגשת ההלכה והענקת הידע התורני לכל דורש ודורשת.

Source sheets on Sefer Devarim

Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah learning sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and grownups discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. Devash is designed for kids ages 7 and up to read independently, or together with families and teachers.

Cours sur la Porte XXIII du Pardess Rimonim, dictionaire du Zohar

Divrei Torah for Temple Beit Torah
(Image by Brett Jordan on Unsplash)

Rabbi Irving (Yitz) Greenberg serves as the President of the J.J. Greenberg Institute for the Advancement of Jewish Life (JJGI) and as Senior Scholar in Residence at Hadar. Rabbi Greenberg was ordained by Beth Joseph Rabbinical Seminary of Brooklyn, New York and has a PhD in history from Harvard University. He has had a long and notable career in the service of the Jewish people. He served in the rabbinate, notably at the Riverdale Jewish Center in the 1960s. He served as professor and chairman of the Department of Jewish Studies of City College of the City University of New York in the 1970s. Together with Elie Wiesel, he founded CLAL: The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership and served as its president until 1997.CLAL offered pluralistic Jewish learning for Jewish communal leadership and programs of intra-faith dialogue for rabbis of every denominational background. From 1997 to 2008, he served as founding president of Jewish Life Network/Steinhardt Foundation which created such programs as birthright Israel and the Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education.
Rabbi Greenberg was one of the activist/founders of the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry in the movement to liberate Russian Jewry. He was a pioneer in the development of Holocaust education and commemoration. When Elie Wiesel served as chairman of the President’s Commission on the Holocaust, Rabbi Greenberg served as its (Executive) Director. The Commission recommended and drew the blueprint for the creation of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum on the National Mall in Washington. He served as the Museum’s chairman from 2000-2002.
He is a leading Jewish thinker and has written extensively on post-Holocaust Jewish religious thought, Jewish-Christian relations, pluralism, and the ethics of Jewish power. In his book, Interpreters of Judaism in the Late Twentieth Century, Professor Steven T. Katz wrote: “No Jewish thinker has had a greater impact on the American Jewish Community in the last two decades than Irving (Yitz) Greenberg.” In his new book, The Triumph of Life (forthcoming), he argues that the Holocaust and the Jewish assumption of power in creating the state of Israel are the beginning of a new era in Jewish history. Together, these two events usher in a third stage of Jewish religion.

Torah study with text and images.

ELI Talks cultivates role models; raises up examples of Judaism’s relevance to the big and small issues of our lives; and transmits inspired Jewish ideas to people everywhere through a curated digital media canon that speaks directly to the hearts and the minds of our viewers. We can learn from trained speakers from diverse Jewish backgrounds on a singular platform, giving us access to individuals who have thought through and found inspiration for our modern lives and created a bridge across the religious and demographic spectrums of Judaism. This library of resources challenges each of us to find answers and our own path within our tradition. The collective catalog of diverse speakers energizes, cross-pollinates, and inspires the entire spectrum of Jewish observance while acting as a model of what is possible when people are willing to tell and listen to each other’s stories. Through the documentation of today’s Judaism, ELI provides a guiding resource for a dynamic and vibrant Judaism tomorrow.

Anything from sophisticated essays on complex Thomistic metaphysics to simple prayers in Latin. Check it out.

Desde sofisticados ensayos acerca de aspectos complejos de la metafísica Tomista, hasta simples oraciones en Latín. Échale un vistazo.

Caring For The Environment - A Jewish Approach

A collection of past educator newsletters from Sefaria’s Learning Department.
Sign up on Teach with Sefaria to get future newsletters delivered directly to your inbox.

A collection of Talmud Study sessions that were curated and examined during COVID to keep us from going ccrazy.

Journey inward in preparation for the High Holidays through ancient texts, contemporary poetry, and reflective questions. These sheets were created for Jewish Studio Process mindful art sessions with Rabbi Margie Jacobs- you are invited to write, paint, or otherwise reflect on what arises as you study the sources and reflect on the questions in this collection.

The Embodied Jewish Wisdom Network, founded by Embodied Jewish Learning, provides connection, support, and resources for practitioners and guides of Embodied Jewish Wisdom worldwide. We inspire our teaching with new ideas, strengthen our offerings with Jewish Wisdom, share and receive resources, and deepen our connection with the global teaching community via monthly advanced learning and community practices, as well as a private online resource sharing social network platform.
Embodied Jewish Learning elevates the wisdom of the body in Jewish life. We offer all people the chance to experience Jewish wisdom through movement practices that nourish their minds, bodies, hearts and souls and empower them to fully embody and express their unique role in creating positive change for our world.
Embodied Jewish Learning offers teacher trainings, classes, workshops, retreats and on-line learning to provide an alternative point of connection to Jewish life. With a bold, holistic approach, we train movement, dance and yoga instructors in best practices for integrating Jewish wisdom into their classes, and we offer spiritual seekers, yogis and dancers a way to access Jewish wisdom that is meaningful and relevant to their everyday lives.

Esther Rabbah compiles multiple interpretations and expansions on the Book of Esther, filling in gaps, adding rich details, and providing new perspectives on all the major (and minor) players.
Have you ever been curious about Esther’s early life or wanted to know more about Mordekhai? Have you wondered about Haman’s backstory, or what Vashti was thinking? This collection features five sheets which delve into the characters and plot lines of the Book of Esther. You will learn how the midrash interprets the biblical text, provides fresh insights, and maybe even change how you understand the central figures of the story.

A collection of source sheets used in teachings that bring fat liberation and Torah into conversation with one another.

what it says on the tin

In this series we will uncover the backstory to the sages of the Mishnah and their living teachings and their teaching lives.
We will explore a selection of the stories, adventures, wisdom recorded in the Talmudim and Midrashim beginning with Ezra the scribe and his court and concluding with the students of Judah the Prince.
Pirkei Avot: The “Chapters of the Fathers”, will serve as a backdrop to our explorations.

Source Sheets focused on the frum observance of the feasts, fasts, and other moedim of Jewish life

An awesome group to be in with an awesome group of people.

Sheets dealing with aspects of relating to G-d

source sheets on selected texts from the book of Genesis/ Bereishit

Hints in the mishna and gmara

Girls in Trouble: an indie-folk/art-pop song cycle about women in Torah by musician, writer and teacher Alicia Jo Rabins. The Girls in Trouble Curriculum: a series of study guides accompanying the songs, intended for teens and adults in a wide range of Jewish education settings or for self-study, created with generous support from the Covenant Foundation.

Rabbi Steinsaltz invites Jews from all walks of life, all around the world, to join him in an annual day of text study. Tens of thousands of Jews in hundreds of communities across the continents participate by learning Jewish texts, simultaneously. In 2019, the Global Day theme is "Speaking Volumes", exploring how and why words matter.

This collection features GrowTorah's Core Environmental Lessons. Many are adaptations from Canfei Nesharim's 18 core Jewish Environmental Lessons. Canfei Nesharim and GrowTorah merged in December 2019.

Hadran is a global organization that supports and encourages women’s Talmud learning. The founder of Hadran, Rabbanit Michelle Farber, is the first woman to produce a daily Daf Yomi podcast. She has been teaching Daf Yomi since the 13th cycle began in 2012.

Notes and Sources from Dirshu Learning Mishna Berura

Halachikus gyűjtemények

מאמרים הלכתיים מפרי עטם של המורות להלכה במתן השרון
Halakhic essays by the Morot L'Halakha at Matan HaSharon

The Shmita Project is working to expand awareness about the biblical Sabbatical tradition, and to bring the values of this practice to life today.

Sheets that explore the connection between Jewish texts and the practice of the healing professions

Source Sheets on the Five Scrolls by Rabbi David M. Rosenberg

The Hebrew College Passover Companion
In Honor of Judith Kates
Edited by Rachel Adelman, Jane L. Kanarek, and Gail Twersky Reimer

Here you will find the answers to all your questions about using Sefaria. Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Email us at [email protected].

An introduction to one of Judaism's most prolific & influential rabbis.

Series of Shiurim on background and halachot of the Tefilla

Source Sheets on various Holidays

A set of source sheets examining aspects of the Jewish holidays.

Jewish Texts and Supplementary Resources for the New Honeycomb Changemakers Curriculum

Shiurim prepared for delivery by Howard Karesh, [email protected]. Supplemental material not included in the source sheets may have been used to augment what's already included.

Jewish ideas matter. They make us smarter. They compel us to action. They make the world a better place. Hartman scholars address the most urgent, important issues of our day through Jewish texts, history, and tradition. You’ll be inspired by our unique approach to learning and the outstanding community of passionate learners who will join you on this journey of discovery. Register now for the Shalom Hartman Institute's curated courses by Hartman Institute scholars on the big Jewish ideas of this moment.

Join us as we take a deep dive into a topic from the Daf Yomi, the daily page of Talmud, with modern-day Sages of Torah and the world who can draw from their unique expertise to share modern and creative perspectives on the text. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or however you find podcasts!

Curious about Kabbalistic thought? Explore some themes of Chanukkah through the lens of some classic mystical texts, selected, explained, and translated by Rabbi Ami Silver.

Source sheets inspired by the book of Isaiah and its texts

Source sheets that somehow connect to Israel
JCDS cultivates knowledgeable, passionate Jewish learners with the capacity and confidence to question, listen, understand, and change the world.

Creativity is a transformative practice, a powerful new pathway for engaging Judaism, and an essential tool for bringing about a more just world. Through the synergy of Jewish learning and creative practice the Jewish Studio Process builds resilience and empathy, activates prophetic imagination, and inspires new approaches to society’s most pressing problems. By making this work available to a diverse audience, including educators, activists, those on the margins of the Jewish community and those who hold the levers of institutional power, JSP is helping to seed a future in which every person is connected to their creativity as a force for healing, liberation and transformation.

This Gender, Torah and Tradition project is part of the JTS Hendel Center for Ethics and Justice and funded by an anonymous donor. It includes 22 Fellows from across JTS' five schools, alumni in positions of leadership throughout the Jewish community, board members, faculty and adjunct faculty from JTS' Rabbinic Literatures and Cultures department.
Over the course of ten months, we met regularly in small groups to examine how an attentiveness to gender influences the study of our texts and traditions.
Each of us chose to study texts that we have struggled with at some point in our teaching or professional careers or as students thinking about how to find meaning in them.
We were all searching to develop a new language of interpretation that would enable us as communal educators and leaders to critically and creatively engage traditional texts that are patriarchal, misogynist, and heteronormative.
We created safe spaces to bring our emotions, struggles, worries, and religious spirits to the endeavor. We explored rabbinic texts in comparison to the world in which we live in order to think not only about what we find problematic in the Talmud, but also to locate points of inspiration.
We initiated this project because we think it is key to the growth of the kind of gender equity necessary for nourishing our religious selves.
We are committed to forming and sustaining communities that value respect, care, and kindness. In this collection you will find some of the best of what we discussed together.
We encourage others to create similar study groups devoted to teaching across differences and write essays containing curricular ideas intended to enhance our understanding of one another and ourselves.

A collection of discussions of ten passages from the second of the literary prophets, Jeremiah

Various sheets about the folk magic histories of our holidays

Written and animated by Hanan Harchol, Jewish Food For Thought: The Animated Series, is a collection of engaging animated conversations between Hanan and his parents that explore Jewish teachings on themes such as forgiveness, love, gratitude, and many others. This project was created with generous funding by The Covenant Foundation, with Fiscal Sponsorship by FJC and The Foundation for Jewish Culture. Study Guides included by Rabbi Leora Kaye and Beth Huppin.

Jewish Interactive (Ji) is a non-profit dedicated to enabling schools, educators and parents to deliver Jewish and Hebrew education using modern tools.

The 21st Century has seen a dramatic increase in the number of books published on practical halakha. As a result, Halakhic observance has never been more accessible. But how does increased commitment to halakhic detail accomplish its goal of personal and ethical refinement? Halakhic practices are meant to be spiritual entry points for divine encounters. Commitment to Jewish ritual should mold one's character and help facilitate a life guided by divine ideals. In fact, adherence to Jewish law without a parallel understanding of the meaning behind the law runs the risk of transforming halakha into a formulaic set of rules without any larger spiritual vision. Jewish Law as a Journey is a valuable companion to published works of practical halakha. It explores virtues and ideals foundational to daily halakhic practice. Moreover, it offers a systematic exploration of the mitzvot one encounters in a given day and the transformative religious messages that underlie them.

1:1 Jewish Learning program powered by Moishe House!

The Jewish home for students at Georgetown University's main campus.

A collection of source sheets about how to implement Judaism in our everyday life.

A collection of source sheets exploring Jewish magical practice, ritual, prophecy and divination, and the beings inhabiting the unseen realms.

A six-session course on supernatural ideas and questions

A collection of source sheets about Jewish texts

This collection contains excerpts from the writings of the fourteen women in the Jewish Women Scholars' Writing Fellowship, 2021, a joint project of Maharat and Sefaria. These incredible fellows have been busy writing on a vast array of topics, and these pieces represent just the beginnings of their transformational Torah.

sheets on Jewish history and characters

This collection takes a deeper look at the many Purim customs, like costumes, joy, food for the hungry, gifts to friends, and more! Where do they come from, and how are they meant to change us?

A study and course guide for Judaism Disrupted: A Spiritual Manifesto for the 21st Century

Some kabbalistic findings in the scriptures for you to think about.

Supplementaly teachings sources for kallah teachers
I produced this collection of three source sheets on kashrut as a self-study resource for students taking an introductory course on Jewish texts as part of their university degree in Religious Studies. It is therefore aimed at an audience with little to no prior understanding of Judaism.
The sheets in this collection assume a basic knowledge of the main textual sources (Torah, Talmud, later commentaries), and offer
(a) practice in reading different kinds of Jewish text and perceiving the relationship between various commentaries and
(b) a very basic introduction to the key principles of kashrut, with no assumption of any prior knowledge or understanding of this area of study.
Each sheet contains a number of questions meant to either check comprehension or encourage further reflection.

Kavod v'Nichum (Honor and Comfort) provides information, education, training, and technical assistance for bereavement committees and Chevra Kadisha groups in synagogues and communities to support their organization and development and enable them to perform Jewish funeral, burial, and mourning mitzvot and to protect and shield bereaved families from exploitation.

These collections of Jewish sources are meant to spur reflection and see wisdom rooted in our ancient texts that can guide us on how to refine our character today

sources sheets on different aspects of Kohelet: Shlomo's life, Wisdom, Fate, Joy/ Pleasure, and Yirah

Source sheets prepped by Rabbi Shir Yaakov Feit and others for the Kol Hai online Beit Midrash.

Guemara-halakha beiyoun - Kollel Makom Torah Vincennes Rav David Lévy

The Kreuzberg Kollel is a communal learning space geared towards in-depth, committed Jewish learning, and an incubator for developing new talent and creative Europe-based teachers rooted in the Jewish tradition. We aim to be both open and deep, inclusive and dedicated. Participants of all genders and Jewish backgrounds commit to one day a week of intensive Bible and Talmud study. In addition, participants propose independent study paths and take part in diverse, comprehensive afternoon seminars with guest lecturers from around the globe.

Source sheets for four hours of learning, going from Torah to modern times, not completely chronologically

Bonfires, bows and arrows, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. This collection of sheets includes information and activities to enrich your study and observance of Lag BaOmer.

Audio and video lessons discussing aspects of the weekly Zohar through the lens of Chassidus . The lessons are delivered by Rabbi Mendy Drelich Lakewood, NJ.

collection of sheets on what I call the Lilith-Eve dichotomy in which I look at someone faced with a pair of opposites to choose from.

Welcome to the Limmud Festival Sefaria group! And for those of you joining us from Birmingham, welcome to Festival!
Here you can find source sheets from sessions happening across Festival. Please feel free to use them to follow along in sessions - or alternatively, you can use them to learn at your leisure if you weren't able to catch the session in person.
The Limmud Beit Midrash will be open from 13:30 - 15:30 from Monday - Wednesday for open learning, which would be a great time to use this group. Come and learn!

Teshuvot from The Lindenbaum Center for Halakhic Studies at YCT Rabbinical School

Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah promotes and supports “Living Torah” — Judaism as a powerful, evolving wellspring of accumulating wisdom and sensibilities that enriches people’s lives and helps create a better world.

A collection of source sheets explaining prayers, often with YouTube videos of different musical versions.

The Macks Center for Jewish Education promotes and facilitates lifelong learning that nurtures Jewish identity and strengthens Jewish community. CJE is an agency of The Associated-

At Madlik we light a spark or shed some light on a Jewish Text or Tradition. Created by Geoffrey Stern, an ex-Yeshiva student and along with Rabbi Adam Mintz we host Madlik Disruptive Torah on clubhouse every Thursday and share it as the Madlik podcast on your favorite platform.

A collection of Madlik Disruptive Torah on the Passover Seder

Shayla is an online Halakhic resource run by graduates of Hilkhata – Matan Jerusalem’s five-year Advanced Halakhic Institute. Shayla answers a growing need for an accessible go-to address for Jewish women and students seeking Halakhic guidance.
Our Halakhic Responders have extensive backgrounds in Torah learning. They are all Torah educators actively involved in their communities. Answers are reviewed by the editorial Halakhic board: Harav HaDayan Ariel Holland, Rabbanit Surale Rosen and Rav Yehoshua Mayerson.

A collection to celebrate the foods of the Seder, from Sefaria's Chief Learning Officer, Sara Wolkenfeld. I love sharing thoughts about the foods we are eating throughout the night, and this collection is where I keep all of the sheets I find on Sefaria that speak to this theme.

The Megillah Project is a collection of more than 30 videos, each offering a unique perspective on The Book of Esther.
The Book of Esther is traditionally read on the holiday of Purim. In synagogues, it often chanted to a special melody and read from a scroll—megillah is the Hebrew word for scroll—and even though there are other scrolls, Jews often refer to The Book of Esther as "The Megillah." The Book of Esther is indeed a unique text in the canon of Jewish literature, opening its content to multiple interpretations. We have gathered here a collection of perspectives on this rich text, bringing together scholars, rabbis, artists, teachers, poets, and readers to shed light on The Book of Esther from a wide variety of disciplines and sources of knowledge.
We believe that a plurality of voices can be brought together to explore the vast canon of Jewish literature. Tradition tells us that the Torah has “seventy faces,” and we look forward to exploring them with you. Bringing together these varied perspectives was made possible by a collaboration between BINA: The Jewish Movement for Social Change, Judaism Unbound, 929 English, The Oshman Family JCC in Palo Alto, and jewishLIVE.

Looking at modern social issues through the lens of characters from the Purim story.

Exploring Fascinating Midrashim

Ruth Rabbah delves into the themes of the book of Ruth and provides a variety of interpretations and fascinating details. Why does Ruth follow her mother-in-law, Naomi, back to Israel? Why does Boaz act with such generosity to Ruth? What does any of this have to do with Shavuot, and how do we create the possibility of redemption in a broken world? Join us on our learning journey through these four sheets!

This is the group of people studying Mishnah Makkot together through BESC.

An instructive schooling method of going through the Torah

I’m not a rabbi, but every week I look at our Torah portion and I try to put it in conversation with the world around me.
Judaism is a rich and open ended tradition, and each of us deserves the chance to find our own meaning in the text.
Just remember, there’s nothing new under the sun. Now, let’s learn together.

Moishe House provides vibrant Jewish community for young adults by supporting leaders in their 20s as they create meaningful home-based Jewish experiences for themselves and their peers.We envision Moishe House as the global leader of pluralistic Jewish life for adults in their 20s. We facilitate a wide range of experiences, so that they have the leadership, knowledge and community to enrich their Jewish journeys.
In this Sefaria group, you will find great Jewish content by Moishe House people, for Moishe House people and beyond!
A Holy Temple on Mount Moriah has been discovered. The stone Temple is dated to the time of Shem-MalchiTzedek and went out of service after Jacob was exiled to Egypt.

Mussar with Rabbi Josh Franklin

Reading the weekly Torah portion through Mussar commentary - and especially through the writings of R' Shlomo Wolbe z"l in his book Alei Shur.

A collection of sheets highlighting an engaging and inspiring midrash from the parsha

The gigantic mythical beasts of Tanakh - the Behemoth, the Leviathan, and the Ziz

Scriptural and Second Temple period sources of the mentions of named angels, including Gabriel and Michael, with theological connections.

Sources for the weekly parsha shiurim based on the commentary of Netziv (delivered in Hungarian)

Have you ever seen a sukkah on a camel, or a sukkah on top of another sukkah? Neot Kedumim, the Biblical Landscape Reserve in Israel, attempts to recreate the physical setting of the Bible and enable its visitors to see life as it was lived by our ancestors thousands of years ago. This collection features highlights from the park’s special Sukkot Exhibit, which depicts the many varieties of sukkot that appear in the Mishnah. We’ve also created activities for students to engage in based on these unique sukkot. We’re grateful to Neot Kedumim for providing us with these images and supporting our work.

Source Sheets for OSRUI Summer 2021

The collective source sheets of Olami Rabbis and educators around the world.

Forgive and forget. Turn the other cheek. Don’t hold a grudge. Be the bigger person. We continually ask victims to move on and avoid further confrontation. But the ethos of forgiveness-above-all often lets perpetrators off the hook without accountability, or even a coherent understanding about what repair and amends might look like.
ON REPENTANCE AND REPAIR: MAKING AMENDS IN AN UNAPOLOGETIC WORLD (Beacon Press; September 13, 2022), offers a crucial new perspective to navigating conflict, applying an ancient framework to the country’s most vexing contemporary problems—from systemic racism and the legacy of enslavement, to sexual abuse and the #MeToo movement—as well as issues in our personal lives and relationships.
The source sheets in this collection pull together the Jewish texts referenced in each chapter of the book.

A short Dwar Torah for each week.
Based on a Pasuk and a Parshan concludet with a nice thing we can learn from this.

OneTable empowers people who don’t yet have a consistent Shabbat dinner practice to build one that feels authentic, sustainable, and valuable. The OneTable community is made up of people in their 20s and 30s, over 21, not in college, and without children, looking to find and share this powerful experience. We make it easy for hosts to welcome people to a Shabbat dinner at home, for guests to savor a Friday meal and for all to experience unique events for Shabbat dinner out. Guests of any and all religions and cultures are welcome. There’s nothing better than a great dinner with people you love. Join us for slowing down, joining together, and sharing stories.

Sources to accompany "The Oral Talmud" podcast/video series with Benay Lappe and Dan Libenson

Weekly parsha sheet by Rav Yitzchak Blau with a bunch of thought provoking questions on that week's parsha with great mekorot.

Five Dimensions of the book of Esther:The Big Picture Rabbi Yossi Yaffe Explore the Book of Esther through the historical, midrashic, symbolic, mystical, and Chassidic lenses. Five classes, five different approaches. *The Persian word for “orchard” is Pardes. The term, sometimes also rendered PaRDeS, is an acronym formed from the initials of the following four traditional approaches to Torah interpretation: • Peshat (פְּשָׁט) – "surface" ("straight") or the literal (direct) meaning. • Remez (רֶמֶז) – "hints" or the deep (allegoric: hidden or symbolic) meaning beyond just the literal sense. • Derash (דְּרַשׁ) – from Hebrew darash: "inquire" ("seek") – the comparative (midrashic) meaning, as given through similar occurrences. • Sod (סוֹד) – "secret" ("mystery") or the esoteric/mystical meaning. The Chassidic approach is seen as the fifth dimension that reveals the unity in all of the above approaches and is an expression of the soul of the Torah.
For Peshat Source sheet : Language, Biblical context, history & archeology go here
For videos of classes visit us on youtube

A Collection of Translations (with occasional sources and additional texts) of R. Yitzchak Hutner's Discourses on Purim.

Source sheets related to Mishanyos Parah

New Stoke Newington Shul Parashah Classes 5783

A collection of Parashah memes as seen on JewishMemesOnly, just easier to access and use.

Pardes is an open, co-ed and non-denominational Jewish learning community, based in Jerusalem and with programs worldwide.
Students encounter and grapple with classic texts and traditions of Judaism, while exploring their relevance to today’s most pressing issues.

cours de Michael Sebban
institut Beit ha Zohar étude du zohar et de la kabbale

Delving into difficult questions on the parsha, trying to answer them, please send any difficult questions you may have [email protected]

Some thoughts on various parshas

Insights Into Torah and Contemporary Life

Insights Into Torah and Contemporary Life

Insights Into Torah and Contemporary Life

Insights Into Torah and Contemporary Life

Insights Into Torah and Contemporary Life

Insights Into Torah and Contemporary Life

Insights Into Torah and Contemporary Life

Insights Into Torah and Contemporary Life

Insights Into Torah and Contemporary Life

Insights Into Torah and Contemporary Life

Insights Into Torah and Contemporary Life

Insights Into Torah and Contemporary Life

Sheets for the weekly parsha

Explore the themes of Passove through ancient texts, contemporary wisdom, and reflective questions. These sheets were created for Jewish Studio Process mindful art sessions with Rabbi Margie Jacobs- you are invited to write, paint, or otherwise reflect on what arises as you study the sources and reflect on the questions in this collection.

My eldest just turned four and I am excited to prepare for Passover and put together a child-friendly seder! As a young child, I remember enjoying Passover but also being overwhelmed by certain aspects of the Passover story, like the lessons from The Four Children. In an effort to make sure I don’t leave my own children with unanswered questions, I’ve compiled sheets to highlight Passover’s teachings in a way that is both meaningful and accessible to children.
--Annie Lumerman, Chief Operating Officer at Sefaria

A four part series written by Rabbi Ami Silver presenting a mystical approach to the festival of Passover.

Sefaria's education team curates sample lessons that showcase innovative ways to leverage Sefaria's technology in the classroom. Our goal is to cultivate a constructivist approach to education in the Judaic studies classroom, and to explore the ways in which new digital tools can enhance learning.

Get inspired by some examples of personalized Haggadot made by other Sefaria users!
Source sheets related to the holiday of Pesach and the Mishnah

Like the Haggadah text itself, the photographs of Zion Ozeri reflect the essence of Jewish connection – an unbreakable bond with the past, with the customs, beliefs, and traditions that have sustained us, and with an almost tangible sense of Jewish peoplehood. These sheets pair Ozeri’s images with key Haggadah texts to help illuminate both. The photographs on these sheets are not mere illustrations; they are visual commentaries – “texts” in their own right – that speak to, expand on, challenge, and re-contextualize the words that have been so carefully handed down through the generations.

Pirkei Avot with biographies of each rabbi

Pirkei Avot is a Mishnaic tractate focused on moral and ethical teachings. It stands out from the rest of the Mishnah, which is largely a legal work, and is full of the wisdom of the sages, passed down from one generation to another. In the Image pairs each Mishnah in Pirkei Avot with an image and a number of thought-provoking questions. Learners will discover the wisdom of Pirkei Avot and its relevance to our own complicated times, and explore these texts through the lens of accomplished photographer, Zion Ozeri. These sheets also exist in Spanish, Portuguese, Hebrew, and French.

"The Place of All Possibility" is a paradigm-shifting work that reframes the whole of Torah as a contemporary guidebook for creativity. Drawing from the deep well of Jewish sacred texts, and the radical interpretive strategies of ancient rabbis, "The Place of All Possibility" provides teachings and tools for those who seek to employ creativity as a force of transformation.
Putting spiritual wisdom in conversation with contemporary disciplines of art therapy, liberation theology, and creativity research, this essential book invites us all to rediscover our place in a world of mutual thriving. Packed with practical exercises to inspire your creative practice, "The Place of All Possibility" is for all people—from any tradition or none—who want to seed a world of imagination, abundance, and joy.
We are all created creative.

From Rabbi Josh Franklin's "The Prayers of Shabbat Class." Catch recordings here:

Praying Between the Lines was a series of discussions from 2021-2022 facilitated by Alex Friedman as part of his internship with Congregation Agudas Achim in Austin, Texas. Each week, we explored a different blessing of the middle blessings of the Amidah, drawing sources largely from 'My People's Prayerbook,' Rabbi Ellie Kaunfer's 'Bite Sized Tefillah' series, and the Abudarham.

A collection of sources to celebrate Pride Month

The best place to prepare for and celebrate Yom Yerushalayim by learning Torat Eretz Yisrael from an array of Torah educators based in Israel.

* Ten classes on the theme of Psalms in Jewish prayer, formal and informal
* Ten classes on Psalms as Meditations on God and Humanity
Collection Image:
"David Composing the Psalms," Paris Psalter, 10th century
By anonymous - Paris psalter (BnF MS Grec 139), folio 1v, Public Domain,

Psalms with Rabbi Josh Franklin

Unveiling the Torah in the Weekly Readings (פרשת השבוע)

Explore the themes of hiding, vulnerability, joy, and hope through this deep dive into Purim. These sheets were created for Jewish Studio Process mindful art sessions with Rabbi Margie Jacobs- you are invited to write, paint, or otherwise reflect on what arises as you study the sources and reflect on the questions in this collection.

A collection of Purim resources suitable for a variety of ages and learning environments

A Bét Jehuda Közösség péntek esti ima előtti hetiszakasz tanulásainak forrásgyűjteményei.

Curriculum for SF Hillel's QJew course on queer Jewish studies.


Halacha 8G 2017-2018
Mrs. Chani Richmond

Insights Into Torah and Contemporary Life

The Rabbinical Assembly is the international association of Conservative/Masorti rabbis. We aim to kindle the passion of the Jewish People in the service of God, Torah and Klal Yisrael, to strengthen the Conservative/Masorti movement, and to support the Conservative/Masorti rabbi. Our nearly 1,700 members serve as congregational rabbis, educators, military and hospital chaplains, professors, and officers of communal service organizations throughout the world.

This collection of sources was launched in preparation for Rabbis Against Gun Violence Shabbat on Nov. 12, 2022 (Parshat Vayera), and will be updated regularly to include sermons and other writings on Gun Violence in America. The first source sheets were converted from pieces originally appearing in All Who Can Protest: A Rabbinic Call to End the American Gun Violence Epidemic (2022), edited by Rabbi Menachem Creditor, Rabbi Rachel Timoner, Rabbi Isaiah Rothstein, and Rabbi Michelle Dardashti. For more information visit @RabbisAgainstGunViolence on Facebook.

Sample Judaic Studies and interdisciplinary source sheets from our faculty!

An American University (Washington, DC) based group dedicated to exploring and affirming LGBTQ-Jewish identity.
The sheets in this collection were used during ReJEWvenate meetings.

Sheets with assigned readings for the course "Reading the Rabbis" (REL 284) at Muhlenberg College

Created for the eponymous seminar for 2021 NewCAJE. Seminar focused on teaching grades 5+ Jewish legends using original biblical and talmudic sources.
Features both a student edition [with no notes] and teacher's edition of 2 of the legends provided. A third bonus legend is included as well.

Class source sheets for series on building Torah-inspired relationships

Ever wanted to know the answer to some deep and challenging questions in halakhah (Jewish law)? Join Rabbi Avi Killip interviewing Rabbi Ethan Tucker with questions sent in by you (the public!) on all sorts of details of Jewish law.
Have a halakhic question you'd like answered on the show? Send an email to Ethan Tucker at [email protected]. You can also leave a message at 215-297-4254.
Have some feedback for our show? Please send an email to [email protected].

Hadar’s Rising Song Institute cultivates Jewish spiritual life through song. It is a meeting place and incubator for creative musicians and prayer leaders who hope to reinvent the future of music as a communal Jewish spiritual practice. Based in Philadelphia, we engage people throughout North America and around the world through communal singing, immersive study, and experimental music-making.
The Rising Song Institute is part of the Hadar Institute. Hadar empowers Jews to create and sustain vibrant, practicing, egalitarian communities of Torah, Avodah, and Hesed.

Listen to the music of Rising Song Records while learning the source texts for the lyrics to these songs.
Robert Alter art of translation and art of biblical narrative and poetics; Hebrew Bible relationship to literature; techniques and methods.

Offerings in the Beit Midrsah, Study Center, of the Romemu, NYC community

Torah texts for Shabbat Morning Parsha class and Shabbat Moring Torah Service

Check out these Climate Torah Resources – teachings from biblical ancestors to contemporary scholars, with suggested questions to spark discussion and reflection. We encourage you to use them with your Dayenu Circle, your Hillel or congregation, in your classroom, with friends, family, or on your own.*
May these narratives of Jewish resistance and resilience challenge us, comfort us, and inspire us to action.
*All the materials on this page are being shared using a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license.

A collection of sheets created for my Rosh Chodesh circle.

Sage Insights is a series of resource sheets and articles drawing on insights from Chazal (the Sages) to flesh out the topic at hand.

From early childhood through Grade 12, Scheck Hillel Community School educates and inspires students to become exemplary global citizens with enduring Jewish identity, values and a commitment to the State of Israel, through a college preparatory curriculum and meaningful co-curricular experiences guided by Orthodox teachings and set within a nurturing, diverse community.

Resources aimed at illuminating the inner essence and intended goals of Jewish rituals.

These virtual mock seder activities are meant to educate, engage, and connect people around Passover prep and the seder. Each may be used as is, or you can make a copy of the sheet and adapt it for a different setting or audience.

Source Sheets created algorithmically by looking at usages patterns across Sefaria users.

The three lessons in this collection teach students the basics of Sefaria: understanding the library, finding a text, and creating a sheet. Each lesson contains a creative student assignment. A complete teacher's guide is included.

Compiled by Rabbi Monica Kleinman for an ongoing adult learning course.

You can use Sefaria to post your sermons, Divrei Torah, and Derashot for those in your community and the broader Jewish world to read, watch, and listen to! This is especially important in 2020 when most congregations are unable to meet in person.
We've curated this collection of excellent 2020/5781 High Holiday sermons from rabbis across North America.
Feel free to read through the content, watch the video recordings, and explore how you can use Sefaria's tools to share the Divrei Torah you would like to offer the world.
Interested in having your High Holiday sermons featured in this collection? Check out this sheet to learn how:

Shaar Habitachon separated into sheets according to the Perakim.

four related source sheets for Shabbat Hagadol -- created with Tzedek Chicago's Torah Study in mind and might or might not be discussed

Laws and Practices of Shabbat

These Torah experiences include both texts and narrative, to provide learners with a guided tour through a topic. Study on Shavuot or prepare for the holiday in advance with these Torah journeys from an all-star lineup of educators.
Exposition and Elucidation of Etz Yosef's Explanation on Shemoneh Esrei (to be printed BE"H!)

Source sheets on Sefer Shemos

Weekly 30-minute Midrash Aggada shiurim on Ein Yaakov delivered in 2020 to members of Kehillat Darchei Tzion (KDT) in Modiin. Yevamot and Avodah Zara.
Full source sheets and audio recordings available at site link.

Weekly 30-minute Midrash Aggada shiurim on Parshat HaShavua delivered in 2019 to members of Kehillat Darchei Tzion (KDT) in Modiin. Also includes chagim. Full source sheets and audio recordings available at site link.

The Shmita year began on Rosh Hashanah 2021. Join me as we go on a journey through the yearly Torah cycle as it relates to Shmita. While Shmita is only one-year of a seven-year cycle, its values present the core of the Torah's vision of a society that opposes the concentration of wealth and power, and promotes justice, equity, and chesed, lovingkindness, for people and the earth.
Hasidic, Zoharic and Contemporary sources on the spiritual meanings of the shofar. These sheets were created for Jewish Studio Process mindful art sessions with Rabbi Margie Jacobs- you are invited to write, paint, or otherwise reflect on what arises as you study the sources and reflect on the questions in this collection.

Each session begins with 10-15 minutes of facilitated text study related to the Parsha (weekly Torah portion) followed by 45-50 minutes of studio time/creative interpretation of the texts.

A series of sheets that explore ancient Jewish values of reckoning, apology, and restitution that resonate with the contemporary restorative justice movement.

From deep dives into highlighted verses (and versions) led by Deborah Sacks Mintz to a verse-by-verse guide to the Hallel service with song recommendations, this is a place to gather melodies and teachings related to Tehilim from the faculty of Hadar's Rising Song Institute.

Five classes for adults on the topic of Slavery in Jewish Sources.

This collection contains Sefaria Sheets which highlight interesting scribal traditions featured in Jewish manuscripts.

Explore the music of the Jewish calendar with Hadar's Rising Song Institute. Source texts and seasonal prayers are interspersed with videos, songs and playlists related to various holiday themes. Listen while you learn!

Text Study Sheets for Stephen Wise Temple Spirit of Shabbat.

Why Star Wars? Well, Master Yoda was my first rabbi - the first to describe something I understood to be a spiritual truth. The films are important to me not just because of nostalgia, but because they facilitated an aspect of spiritual growth for me.
These shiurim are love letters. I'm interested in teaching the commonalities between Star Wars and Jewish learning because I care deeply about both. One is "real" and the other is "fantasy," but they're both mythologies. That is, they are frameworks for finding and making meaning. If one is already more familiar, let it serve as a pathway into the other.

An examination of Biblical and Talmudic stories, one section at a time

Sukkot texts on Joy

A collection of Sukkot resources suitable for a variety of ages and learning environments

These sheets represent some of the Sefaria Learning Team's favorite classics on topics that are core to the High Holiday experience. Learn more about a favorite ritual, discover new ones, or find a great activity for kids or families.

The Ta’amei HaPardes Commentary is a dynamic and accessible collection that offers deep, and often original, interpretations of classical Jewish texts, making them meaningful for a modern audience. The collection empowers learners by presenting the skills necessary for authentic independent text study.
Authored by scholars Rabbi Rahel Berkovits, Judy Klitsner, and Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield—faculty members of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies—the commentary delves into key themes in Jewish law, spirituality, and ethics; and examines psychological and social matters such as the complexities of family dynamics,, humanity’s tendencies toward competition and strife, and the human potential for self-reflection and repair. By blending classical rabbinic interpretation with modern analysis,the commentary encourages, through close readings of texts, critical engagement with Torah, Mishnah, and Talmud, bridging the depth of Jewish tradition with the complexities of contemporary life.
About Pardes
The Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies is a vibrant institution dedicated to making classical Jewish texts accessible to all. Through immersive, text-based learning in a Beit Midrash environment, Pardes invites students to engage deeply with Torah, Talmud, and other foundational Jewish texts. Rooted in the belief that Jewish learning is a journey of personal discovery, Pardes fosters an environment where each learner can find their own path in the texts. Based in Jerusalem, with programs around the world, Pardes encourages a lifelong love of Jewish learning and a deep exploration of one’s identity through the lens of Jewish tradition.

Every Tuesday, I lead an adult intro to Talmud studies class - hence, Talmud Tuesdays - at Temple Beth Emeth, in Ann Abor, MI. For more information about the class, or more info about our curriculum, contact me at [email protected]
Presented by Rabbi Yoel Kahn, z"l, via Heichal Menachem

Each chapter of Tanya reconstructed from the sources and accompanied by the primary commentaries, i.e. Admorei Chabad, Reb Yoel Kahn and others.

Inspirando familias

A series of 10 bite-sized learning tips to help you use Sefaria as a transformative and empowering teaching tool.

A collection of sheets on the topic of gratitude and thanking. Perfect for Thanksgiving or any discussion of gratitude.

A collection of source sheets for teaching basic concepts of Judaism

It's history, structure, and narrative arc.

An exploration of traditional rabbinical Peshat interpretation of the text- Pashtanai ha'Mikrah. Geared towards adult learners without a formal Jewish education. Much of the time based on Primery goal to reveal the depth and richness of the text and of the rabbinic commentaries. At times concluding with a practical lesson in life to be derived from the different approaches in the light of Chabad Chassidus.

The Drama of Torah: A Day of Learning Featuring Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, celebrated the English launch of 929 with speakers from Sefaria, Drisha, and The Bronfman Center. Here is a complied list of the source sheets that accompanied their sessions.

The Epstein School, Solomon Schechter School of Atlanta, provides unsurpassed academic excellence through an integrated, bilingual curriculum taught by a talented, compassionate faculty and bolstered by cutting-edge technology. We foster a caring community that encourages each child to reach his or her potential and embraces partnership between family, home and school. Guided by the principles of Conservative Judaism - God, Torah and Israel - and the timeless religious ideals of our people, we prepare our students to become confident, excited learners and leaders, responsible citizens and knowledgeable, committed Jews.

Source sheets exploring things that come in fours during Passover, chosen by Sefaria co-founder and CTO Brett Lockspeiser. --- "I've always been fascinated and puzzled by the repetition of this number in the seder. As I started to dig through public sources sheets on the topic, I found that there were even more fours than I knew."

A deep dive into the Magid (story telling) section of the Haggadah

A compendium of Sefaria worksheets for Phil. 3510 at the University of North Texas

The Idea School creates a learning environment that sparks inquiry and exploration and connects students to themselves, God, their Judaism, and the world. Idea School students engage confidently and creatively with people, ideas and texts; contribute to society in ethically and morally responsible ways; meaningfully enrich and grow their Jewish communities; and see the image of God in every human being, and the interconnectedness of all living things.

Following along with the weekly Torah portions, looking at the development of our national identity and memory.

A Maryland-based community for adults seeking the joy and meaning of Judaism.

Creating meaningful and joyful Jewish experiences for adults
Pesach Resources
Source sheets from the CCAR's Mussar-based commentary.

In Depth approach to being a Ben Torah through the Workplace

A 13-session course on why and how midrash happens, with the basic point that Judaism is not the religion of the Torah, but the religion of the Torah as interpreted and renewed by the rabbis. Realistically it took us 18 sessions, due to discussion and the type of material. The course covers midrash in three forms: aggadic, halachic and (a little of) "running midrash", which is the retelling of the Torah story with midrash woven in the text.
A weekly learning series by Dimitry Ekshtut for the Based in Harlem community

A look into the structure of the Shema and its blessings, and the story they tell.

Collection of source sheets for the thinking Jew podcast

These are materials supporting a Jewish vision of Abolition.

Drawn from Joey Weisenberg's book of the same name, this collection explores the important roles music has played throughout Jewish history and today in religious practice. Each source sheet is interspersed with recordings of powerful, timely melodies.

Examining modern issues through the lens of the women in the Book of Genesis

What was the merit of the women for which we were redeemed from Egypt?

Introductory material and appendices of the Zohar, Soncino Press, 1931

some source sheets for the Three Weeks and related parshiyot

On Tisha B'Av and in the weeks preceding this day, we mourn all that we have lost. Our hearts break open, and in the days that follow, we are called to rebuild through love as we celebrate Tu B'Av. These sheets were created for Jewish Studio Process mindful art sessions with Rabbi Margie Jacobs- you are invited to write, paint, or otherwise reflect on what arises as you study the sources and reflect on the questions in this collection.

A collection of sheets discussing aspects of the three week period between the 17th of Tammuz and the 9th of Av.

A course on the Tomer Devorah, as a preparation for the High Holidays. Seven classes with most of the text of Tomer Devorah split into the First chapter (introduction to the 13 middot) and the other chapters (how to's for each week)

Deepen your understanding of some of the most central prayers of Rosh Hashanah and reflect on their meaning in our lives today.

Deepen your understanding of some of the most central prayers of Yom Kippur and reflect on their meaning in our lives today.

The Louise D. and Morton J. Macks Center for Jewish Education, the Festival of Jewish Literature and present source sheets on the topic of our responsibility for the stranger in our midst.
This event was possible due to the generous support of the Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Fund for the Enrichment of Jewish Education of the Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore.
If you have any questions about Sefaria - please contact Sara Wolkenfeld - [email protected]. If you have any questions about Jewish Learning in Baltimore – please contact Zina Segal – [email protected] or Eli Bass – [email protected]

Torah is light! It illuminates the path in even the most difficult of circumstances for each one of us and our people.
We will explore the land of Israel through the generations, modern Zionism, war, peace, ransoming hostages, protecting life, anti-Semitism, terrorism, faith, fracture and unity among the Jewish people and other topics that you suggest.
I will attempt to give a broad perspective of Jewish traditions through the ages, exploring Jewish law and thought. In addition, we will focus on the Lubavitcher Rebbe's application of these teachings to our generation.

Unveiling Torah

We at Sefaria believe that people of all backgrounds can offer fresh insights we can learn from. The 10 Commandments opens with an Aleph. Also the first letter of the aleph-bet, "Aleph" means "to learn." We are all students, and we are all teachers. As the saying goes, "if you know Aleph, teach Aleph." Through this project, Torah Talks, you have the opportunity to hear from award-winning novelists, journalists, legal experts, and judges as they share their reflections on Jewish texts about Torah and Revelation.

Step-by-step instructions and sheets with suggested texts to facilitate a program where students learn a text, study it with someone else and record the conversation.

Exploring the usage of color words in Torah.

A weekly Torah study for people in recovery from addiction and/or those concerned about addictive tendencies in their lives.

Discoveries and beautiful passages from the aramaic Targums, which are translations, paraphrases, and creative amplifications of the hebrew scriptures.

What Torah topics are on everyone's mind this holiday season? Sefaria's Learning Team has selected some of the ideas that are on everyone's minds. These sheets collect some of the big questions around these core ideas and provide guidance on where to find more resources on the topic.

Weekly Torah readings following the triennial cycle with traditional and alternate haftarot.

Weekly Torah readings following the triennial cycle with traditional and alternate haftarot.

Four sets of sources exploring ethical questions related to the COVID-19 pandemic with lasting implications for social justice and human rights.

Tu B’Shvat, also called the New Year for the Trees, is a Jewish holiday focused on nature and humankind’s stewardship of Earth, and serves as a time to reflect on personal growth and practice gratitude by appreciating the things in our lives we so often take for granted.
Like all living things, we are constantly growing and bettering ourselves. Just as we care for the trees, we also must care for ourselves. Just as we water a garden, we must nourish ourselves. When used as part of our own self-care, gratitude can play a large role in healing, both physically and mentally.

A collection of Tu Bishvat Seders that can be used as is or as inspiration for writing your own seder.

Sefaria staff favorites for Tu Bishvat

History of the holiday, as well as imagery and symbols

Step-by-step instructions for Sefaria's special features

Through the creation of meaningful Jewish experiences, our goal is to discover each student's individual interests or needs and, through these pursuits, provide energizing opportunities to embrace Judaism - now and for a lifetime.

Verse-by-verse walkthroughs, translation comparisons, explanations and interpretations of selected Psalms

Torah lessons delivered at Jerusalem Urban-Place offices

This class of 5th and 6th graders is spending this year studying Mitzvot through text, media, and prayer. They will be creating Sefaria Sheets for this collection both as a class and in Chevruta

Source Sheets on Sefer Vayikrah

On each episode of Verses, we select a song from the Broadway canon and match it with a selection from the Biblical canon, putting the texts in conversation with one another.
In these collages, a significant passage of the bar or bat mitzvah’s torah portion is illustrated to convey its meaning. Map collage and Hebrew text are used to express the beauty of Torah. This is a meaningful gift for a bar or bat mitzvah, one they will cherish for a lifetime. Illuminations of any Torah portion can be commissioned or prints of some images can be ordered.
A digital version of a collage may be used for bar and bat mitzvah invitations, thank you notes, programs, etc.

Vital Transformation is a place where you can learn about all the texts of Kabbalah, Zohar and the Portion of the week from a spiritual and practical perspective.

Beurei HaTefillah, Rabbi Isaiah Wohlgemuth’s Guide to Jewish Prayer was published by OU Press and KTAV in both Hard Cover and Soft Cover in August 1, 2021.

What can we learn from our ancient stories about the very contemporary experience of being with the unknown? These sheets were created for Jewish Studio Process mindful art sessions with Rabbi Margie Jacobs- you are invited to write, paint, or otherwise reflect on what arises as you study the sources and reflect on the questions in this collection.

Sefaria offers free webinars for educators. Keep up with new webinar offerings and watch recordings of previous webinars.

Sefaria offers free webinars for learners. Keep up with new webinar offerings and watch recordings of previous webinars.

Sefer Beis Yitchok, Admur M'Turka - translation in memory of Shimshon Ben Shalom

From the four questions to the ten plagues to the thirteen verses of “Who Knows One (Echad mi Yode’a)”, numbers keep popping up throughout the seder. Learning about and playing with the numbers can help you to explore and have fun with your children during the Passover seder.
This collection of sheets helps you to more deeply explore the Haggadah and to find questions and ideas to discuss with your students or family.

Are you a person? How do you know? And, how does that empower or restrain your agency over matters of life or death?

Explore the stories of the women of Torah including the midwives (Shifra and Puah), Esther, and the lesser- known wise woman, Serach bat Asher. Imagine a conversation between Serach and Amanda Gorman. These sheets were created for Jewish Studio Process mindful art sessions with Rabbi Margie Jacobs- you are invited to write, paint, or otherwise reflect on what arises as you study the sources and reflect on the questions in this collection.

YU Torah Tours 2018
Now in its fourth decade, the Aaron and Blanche Schreiber Torah Tours of CJF shares the Torah knowledge and enthusiasm of Yeshiva University and Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) students and alumni with Jewish communities throughout the world. During the holiday celebrations of Simchat Torah and Shavuot, teams of four to six young men and women visit communities across the United States, Canada and Europe to teach Torah classes, lead singing and dancing, meet with synagogue youth and create a fun and spirited yom tov experience.

This is a collection of Source Sheets related to Mesechtas yadayim

test for 5th Grade Mishna

Selected texts and preliminary English translations from Or haMe'ir, sermons on the Torah Portions, the Scrolls and the Festivals by Ze'ev Wolf of Zhitomir, student of Dov Ber of Mezeritch.

Source sheets from Rabbi Alex Kress' course Zionism 101, a survey of Zionist thought.

philological and compositional notes for advanced discussion

For each Parsha, a rabbi and an artist learned together then produced a Dvar Torah and artwork, respectively. These pieces are meant to challenge and excite you.

some passages on chok, mishpat, mitzvah, etal

cours beithazohar de Michael Sebban

random maamorim

some random sichos

מפרי עטן של חבורת מורות להלכה במתן השרון
A collection of Essays by the Morot L'halakha of Matan HaSharon
Sourcesheets collecting sources on themes related to Passover.

Topics in halacha, machshava, and tefillah related to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

אסופת מאמרי עמיתות כתובני מתן תשפ"ד
A collection of essays by the Matan Kitvuni fellows, women scholars and educators 5784

Source sheets on classical Torah commentators (Rishonim) from the medieval period.

Source sheets on topics related to Sukkot, Hoshana Rabba, Shmini Atzeret, and Simchar Torah.

ביום שמיני עצרת ה'תשפ"ד נחטפו לרצועת עזה מאות אנשים - ביניהם נשים, ילדים וקשישים. בדפי המקורות הבאים ננסה לעיין בחשיבות של מצוות פדיון שבויים כערך יהודי עליון. בתפילה ותקווה לשחרורם הקרוב בבריאות איתנה.
אַחֵינוּ כָּל בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל הַנְּתוּנִים בַּצָּרָה וּבַשִּׁבְיָה הָעוֹמְדִים בֵּין בַּיָּם וּבֵין בַּיַּבָּשָׁה הַמָּקוֹם יְרַחֵם עֲלֵיהֶם וְיוֹצִיאֵם מִצָּרָה לִרְוָחָה וּמֵאֲפֵלָה לְאוֹרָה וּמִשִּׁעְבּוּד לִגְאֻלָּה הָשָׁתָא בַּעֲגָלָא וּבִזְמַן קָרִיב וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן

Since there are actually two Talmuds, the Babylonian and the Jerusalem Talmud, “the Talmud says” is only part of the story. In fact, the Talmud Bavli and Yerushalmi feature many of the same narratives, but their respective tellings are unique. Sometimes the differences between the two are readily apparent. At other times, they are much more subtle, but no less significant. This collection highlights several of these parallel stories and invites you to notice and reflect on the differences between them. Sefaria is grateful to de Gruyter GmbH for making these resources available.

창세기/출애굽기/레위기/민수기/신명기 영어본에서 한글 번역

Personal Study of 1 Samuel.

2021 Halacha Exam

Covering topics from Tanakh & Midrash/Aggadah on kidnapping and hostage taking

Collection of sheets created for a new study session schedule

This is the second year a Vav Zayin Class has studied text, Hebrew, and values through the lens of the Mitzvot. Every week the class responds to a source sheet on a mitzvah they are studying on that week

Video Summaries and Sourcesheets for weekly shiurim by Rabbi Josh Weiner

מקורות מתוך השיעור בשו"ע חושן משפט, ביכ"נ מעלות לדוד, מעלה אדומים.
מגיד שיעור: הרב אילן משה מארק שליט"א.

ביאורים והרחבות על הספר מנחת חינוך

קבוצת תלמידות ותלמידי בית המדרש לרבנים ע״ש שכטר, במסלול ההסמכה לרבנות.

גיליונות נחמה הם דפי לימוד לפרשת השבוע שנוצרו על ידי פרופ' נחמה לייבוביץ' ז"ל. דפי לימוד אלה מלאים במקורות פרשנות ובצדם שאלות מאתגרות של הבנה וחשיבה.
20th-century collection of worksheets with questions on the Torah and traditional commentators created by a pioneering educator and scholar.

Adar chabura at Mind the Gap about buying things that don't exist
לאחר נפילת ברקאי במבצע "צוק איתן" בחרנו, חבריו של ברקאי, להקים את בית המדרש החברתי. הפועל בסיוע של עמותת כל ישראל חברים (כי"ח).
בית המדרש מגלם את הערכים בהם האמין ברקאי ואשר לאורם פעל בדבקות – חיבור בין קבוצות שונות בחברה הישראלית, שיח מכבד במאור פנים ובאהבה, לימוד תורה ועשייה חברתית. ערכים אלו באו לידי ביטוי באופן משמעותי בכל בחירה ומעשה של ברקאי.

אסופת דפי מקורות מגוונים לפסח- כאלה שיתאימו למגוון היושבים סביב שולחן הסדר.
הלכות ארץ ישראל, ומטרתה בדורנו.

זה אסופה של דברים שאני מסכם לעצמי, אחרי שאני לומד אותם בספר עלי שור, בשביל לעשות בהם סדר, ולהבין אותם יותר טוב, אתם מוזמנים לקרוא בכיף!

יחידות מודרכות בהן נלמדות האפשרויות השונות באתר ספריא צעד אחר צעד כדי לאפשר למשתמשות ומשתמשים באתר את הלימוד המלא והמעמיק ביותר.

אסופה מגוונת של דפי לימוד לליל שבועות

סוגיית סרבנות הגט נמצאת על פרק יומה של החברה היהודית בישראל מזה שנים רבות. מאחר ולבית הדין הרבני סמכות בלעדית בכל הקשור לנישואין וגירושין במדינת ישראל, הרי שהליכי הגירושין המשפטיים בארץ נעשים על פי ההלכה היהודית. במצב הנוכחי החשש מפני ‘גט מעושה’ שלא ניתן על פי רצונם המלא של הגבר או האישה, יוצר מצבים של עיגון – קרי עיכוב מתן הגט על ידי הצד שאיננו מעוניין בכך, או שמבקש להפעיל לחץ באמצעות סרבנות הגט לקבלת תנאים טובים יותר בפירוקו של התא המשפחתי.
מטרתו של ‘הסכם לכבוד הדדי’ למנוע אפשרות של סרבנות גט באמצעות הסכם בין בני הזוג המתחייבים זה לזו מתוך אחריות וכבוד הדדי. באסופה זו, דפי מקורות על סוגיות הליבה של נישואין וגירושין, אשר מטרתם להנגיש ללומד את אבני היסוד המעצבים את מוסד הנישואין והליכי הגירושין במסורת היהודית, ואת פס הקול אשר הביא לניסוחו של הסכם קדם הנישואין.

סמינר "ומה עם המשפחה? זוגיות, הורות ושארות בספרות בית שני ובספרות חז"ל", המכללה האקדמית אחוה, תשפ"ג-תשפ"ד.
פרקי לימוד בין תחומיים (היסטוריה ומחשבת ישראל) אודות דרשותיו של הרב יישכר שלמה טייכטל שנכתבו בעיצומם של ימי השואה בסלובקיה ובהונגריה וראו אור בספרו "אם הבנים שמחה".

דפי הלימוד של פרויקט "זושא" מיועדים לסייע לכל מי שמעוניין להכיר, לקרוא ולגלות סיפורי חסידים.
סיפורי החסידים מכילים בתוכם עושר רוחני והיסטורי, ובעינינו הם רלוונטיים היום ממש כמו שהיו בעבר.
אנחנו ב"זושא" החלטנו להפשיל שרוולים ולחפש עבורכם את הסיפורים הכי מעניינים, הכי רלוונטיים, הכי מרגשים, ולהנגיש אותם לקורא הישראלי המודרני.

דפי לימוד לליל שבועות

חוק לישראל הוא מערך לימוד יומי הכולל קריאת פסוקי תורה, נביאים, וכתובים, לימוד פרק משנה, וקטעים מהגמרא, מספר הלכה ומספר הזוהר. סדר הלימוד מבוסס על מה שנהג האר"י (רבי יצחק לוריא, אבי שיטת ״קבלת האר״י״ שחי במאה ה-16 בצפת) לומר בחזרתו מתפילת שחרית, כמתואר בספר “פרי עץ חיים” של הרב חיים ויטאל. סדר הפסוקים וקטעי המשנה והגמרא כפי שנהוג היום הודפס לראשונה על ידי רבי יצחק בן ברוך, ולסדר זה הוסיף החיד"א (רב חיים יוסף דוד אזולאי) קטעי הלכה ומוסר באמצע המאה ה-18.

דפי מקורות לסמינר "יהודים, נכרים ומה שביניהם: זהות ופרשנות בספרות היהודית בעת העתיקה", ד"ר יואל קרצ'מר-רזיאל, התכנית לתואר שני בתרבות עם ישראל, המכללה האקדמית אחוה, תשפ"ה.

קבוצה זו תשמש ליצירת מאגר פעילויות בתחום תרבות יהודית ישראלית, לשימוש מורים ותלמידים.

לימוד שבועי ביסודות החסידות סביב הספר דגל מחנה אפרים שהועבר בישיבת הר עציון תשפ"ג

עטוף בהילת קודש, הדור בעטרת סוד, יושב ספר הזוהר במדף הקבלה בארון הספרים היהודי.
באסופה זו מכונסים שלושה דפי לימוד להיכרות ראשונית ומזמינה עם הספר. כל דף מציע טעימה ממרחב אחר בזוהר.

קבוצת כיתת ט'4 תלמידי בית הספר על שם יוסף חיים ברנר קיבוץ גבעת ברנר

A collection of Mareh Mekomos from R Berkovitzs' Klallei Horaah series

רק 200 מטרים מפרידים בין קברו של רבי יהודה הנשיא- עורך המשנה ומראשי חכמי תורה שבעל פה, לבין קברו של אלכסנדר זייד – אבי השמירה העברית ומחדש רעיית הצאן העברית, אבל 200 המטרים האלו מסמלים מתח של מלחמת תרבות בין עולם הספר לבין עולם האדמה.
מטרת אסופות דפי הלימוד האלו היא ליצור 'שלום' בין עולם הרוח לבין עולם האדמה, לחבר בין "שמים" ל"ארץ" לבנות "סולם" מוצב ארצה אבל שראשו מגיע השמימה.
לאחר שבעים שנות קוממיות הגיע הזמן לחבר בין ספרא לסיפא, ולבנות גשרים בין מקורות יהודים למקורות ישראלים, בין הטבע הארץ ישראלי לבין ארון הספרים היהודי

מקורות יהודיים של התפתחות אישית מבוארים בידי מתי וכסלר מייסד מכללת כוונה

המקורות כשלעצמם ללא הסברים ופירוש [באסופה 'ללמוד להתעורר לעשות', מופיעים הסברים מוגמרים ערוכים בידי צוות]

אמנים יהודיים, נוצרים ומוסלמים התיחסו ומתיחסים לסיפורי המקרא ומביעים את פרשנותם לפרטי הסיפורים הללו.

מדרשת הוא אתר אינטרנט שהוקם על ידי ארגוני בתי המדרש הישראלים בשנת 2008.
מנחות ומנחים מבתי המדרש הפלורליסטיים בישראל (וגם אחרים) העלו לאתר דפי לימוד בית מדרשיים, הכוללים מקורות מגוונים מארון הספרים היהודי, שאלות לדיון והנחיות למנחים. דפי הלימוד פתוחים ונגישים לכל המעוניין, ונעשה מאמץ מיוחד להתאים את התכנים גם ללומדות וללומדים מתחילים.
באתר התקבצו אלפי דפי לימוד מגוונים מאוד, שהפכו לחלק מכלי העבודה האפשריים של מנחים ומורים ויצרו יחד מפגש שוויוני של דעות, גישות ופרשנויות, מאגר עשיר של קולות שמתוכו אפשר לבחור את הקולות המתאימים לכל אדם בכל מקום.
כיום 'מדרשת' הוא חלק מאתר ספריא, והמאגר הייחודי שלו ממשיך ללוות את עולם בתי המדרש בישראל.
We at Midreshet believe that through the study of ancient and contemporary sources of Jewish wisdom in innovative and challenging ways, individuals can examine, define and express their identities – personal, communal, Jewish and Israeli. This process can lead to the reconcilement of conflicted attitudes and the establishment of a personal relationship with text, tradition and culture. Through active participation, everyone becomes an interpreter, student and teacher

אסופה של תפילות ליום העצמאות ויום ירושלים
דפי לימוד להולכים בשביל ישראל ובשבילי ארצינו
חיבור בין השטח לבין מקורות יהודיים וישראלים

מסע חי היא תוכנית ייחודית, המבקשת ליצור מנהג חדש דרך מסע של לימוד, עשייה חברתית וחגיגה.
מסע חי – תוכנית ישראלית שנולדה בארה”ב בשם חי מצוה פרי חזונו של סקוט שי, איש פיננסים ומנהיג קהילתי מניו יורק אשר ביקש ליצור מנהג חדש על פיו כל שמונה עשרה שנים מגיל הבר\בת מצוה נחדש את שנת המצווה בחיינו.
מסע חי מזמין אתכם נשים וגברים להעניק לעצמכם פסק זמן. לשנה בה אתם מעניקים לעצמכם
זמן אישי – לעצור, להביט פנימה , לרענן את המחשבה את העשייה ולהנות ממפגש עמיתים. הצטרפו למסע שהוא תמהיל מרתק של ארבעה יסודות חווייתיים מרכזיים:

קובץ של טקסטים מתוך דרשותיו ושיעוריו של הרב עובדיה יוסף לטובת כלל הציבור. האסופה נוצרה מתוך החשיבות ללמוד על פסיקותיו ומשנתו המגיעים מתוך מקום של חוכמה ורגישות גדולה בהתאם לזמן, למקום ולציבור בארץ ישראל.

"מתן על הפרק" היא תוכנית של המכון התורני לנשים מת"ן ללימוד מקוון של נביאים וכתובים. מטרת התוכנית לשוב ולהתמקד בתנ"ך, והיא יוצרת מסגרת לימודית עצמאית, שיטתית ומסודרת. בכל שבוע לומדים שני פרקים מהתנ"ך וכך לומדים את התנ"ך כולו בשש שנים.

מחלקת הנוער של מכון המקדש.
עוסקים בהחדרת תודעת מקדש לעם.
בקבוצה נמצאים דפי מקורות בנושא מקדש, רעיוני והלכתי.
מוזמנים בכיף להצטרף.
תשלחו הודעה ל: [email protected] ונצרף אותכם.
הלימוד מוקדש לעילוי נשמת דניאל בן ליליאן כנאפו. תיהיה נשמתו צרורה בצרור בחיים.

תלקיט מלא למורים עבור פרויקט כתיבת עבודת חקר עם ספריא

אסופת הדפים ששמה "עזרה" מטרתה לעזור למשתמשי ספריא לנווט באתר בהצלחה

פירוש עכשווי למשנתה של מסכת תענית, המציע עיון בפרקיה, ובוחן כיצד מושגי התפילה, בצורת, תענית וברכה, טווים את משמעותה.

פירוש הפני משה הוא ביאור על התלמוד ירושלמי מהגאון רבי משה מרגלית אשר חי בערך בין השנים הת''ע-התק''מ. הוא חיבר גם כן את ה''מראה הפנים'' והוא שאלות וקושיות על התלמוד ירושלמי.
ברוך השם אנו באמצע עריכה של העין משפט בצורה מדויקת
של מינמום טעויות באופן שכל מראה מקום נפתח במלאו ומודגש הענין המדויק שקשור לסוגיה
והעיקר דנים ומציינים לכל המפרשים מדנים בהשמטות הרב"ם והשו"ע במקום שלא פסקו להלכה ענין מסוים
אשמח שכל מי שיש לו הצעה או הערה מכל סוג אשמח לשמוע וכן מי שמוצא טעויות בין במהדורות הישנות ובין במהדורות החדשות (ויש למכביר לצערי במהדורות הכי חדשות ודו"ק)
שיפנה אלי או במייל [email protected] או בפקס 077-444-8865
העבודה היא על כל ששה סידרי משנה כולל המסכתות שיש עליהם גמרות

לכבוד חג השבועות בחרנו כמה מאותם מקורות שמבטאים את הרוח של ספריא. ביקשנו מאנשי רוח, אמנות ודעת להאיר ולחדש את הזוית שלהם לגבי אותם המקורות.

פרקי אבות: בתמונות.
'פרקי אבות' הינם מסכת במשנה, הידועה גם בשם 'מסכת אבות', העוסקת בהוראת מוסר ומידות טובות. בניגוד לשאר מסכתות המשנה, העוסקות בעיקרן בעניינים משפטיים, מסכת אבות מכילה אוסף עשיר של חוכמת חז"ל, שהועבר מדור לדור. פרקי אבות: בתמונות, מחבר תמונה ומספר שאלות מעוררות מחשבה לכל משנה במסכת. הלומדים נחשפים לחוכמת מסכת אבות ולאקטואליות שלה לסוגיות מורכבות בימינו, ובוחנים מקורות אלו מנקודת מבטו של הצלם רב המוניטין, ציון עוזרי. דפי מקורות אלו זמינים גם בשפות אנגלית, ספרדית, פורטוגזית וצרפתית

דברי תורה על פרשת השבוע

'שאלה' היא שו"ת הלכתי אינטרנטי של מדרשת מתן. משיבות ההלכה נותנות מענה בע"פ ובכתב בקרב קהילותיהן, בבית המדרש ובקהילה הוירטואלית. באתר ספריא תוכלו למצוא תשובות מפורטות לשאלות בכלל תחומי ההלכה יחד עם כל המקורות הנלווים.

לוח השנה העברי כולל מחזור בן שש שנות מעשה ולאחריהן שנה של "שבת הארץ"- שנת שמיטה, "השבת של השנים".
מחזור זה מציג בפנינו דגם ייחודי של חברה המחוברת לאדמתה ומחויבת לכלל חלקיה שאחת לשבעה שנים זונחת את המירוץ לטובת ערבות הדדית. מתוך רצון ששנת השמיטה תהייה שנה של חיבור ותיקון לעם ולארץ "שמיטה ישראלית" מבקשת להביא ערכים של ערבות, קהילתיות ואחריות חברתית-סביבתית לציבוריות הישראלית.
בשנה האחרונה ידעה החברה בישראל טלטלות ציבוריות, חברתיות, כלכליות, בריאותיות ובטחוניות ויותר מתמיד השמיטה דורשת מאיתנו תיקון, ריפוי ואחווה.
זהו מקבץ דפי לימוד ומערכי שיעור לקראת שנת השמיטה.

ספר "הזוהר", שהופיע בנסיבות מסתוריות בימי הביניים, הפך מאז בהדרגה לספר הספרים של הקבלה, ולנציג המובהק ביותר של תורת הסוד היהודית בארון הספרים היהודי. עולמו הנסתר והצפון של ה"זוהר" מבקש לגעת במסתרי הבריאה, בסודות האלוהות, במכמני האדם – ולהציג השקפות חדשות כמעט בתחומים רבים של המחשבה (והדמיון).
באסופה זו של "בית אביחי" עשרה מפגשי לימוד עם ד"ר אבישי בר אשר בהם נצלול אל המסתורין של ספר הזוהר; נתוודע אט-אט לתכונותיו של הספר, נקרא בו יחד ונרכוש כלים ראשוניים להסרת השכבות שעוטפות את הסודות. העיון יתמקד בזוהר על פרשת משפטים ("סבא דמשפטים"), שנמסרת מפיו של זקן אלמוני ומלומד ועוסקת בדרכי הסרת המסווה מעל המסתורין שבתורה; על הכרת סודות האלוהות; ועל גילוי סתרי הנפש וגורל הנשמה.
ד"ר אבישי בר אשר מרצה בחוג למחשבת ישראל באוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים. מחקריו עוסקים בפרקים שונים בתולדותיה של ספרות הסוד היהודית.

אסופת טקסטים, הגיגים ומחשבות לעשרת ימי תודה

לימוד מונחה בדפי מקורות עבור תיקון ליל שבועות. הלימוד נכתב על ידי מגוון של אנשי רוח ורבנים

הסידור מבוסס על המקרא. אוסף מתעדכן של תפלות המקרא עצמו.