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Meet the New Sefaria Developer Portal
Explore our interactive API reference, essential documentation, and more resources for working with Sefaria data.
Sefaria Communications12018 ViewsFebruary 23, 2024Technology
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Continuing the Legacy of Rabbi Sacks Through a New Historic Collaboration
Koren Jerusalem, The Rabbi Sacks Legacy, and Sefaria are working together to bring the work of Rabbi Sacks to more learners around the globe.
Sefaria Communications3692 ViewsSeptember 10, 2023Rabbi Sacks
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How We Approach Expanding the Sefaria Library
As the library grows, we want to take a moment to reflect on our values as an organization and offer insight into how we approach building our collection.
Sefaria Communications2264 ViewsOctober 14, 2022Blog,Sefaria News
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Literal, Readable, or Explanatory: Insights From Modern Translators of Jewish Texts
Go behind the scenes of the translation process to discover the considerations and challenges that come up when working with ancient texts.
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Sefaria in the News: September-October 2024
In an ever-evolving world, Sefaria's team is always thinking about new ways to bring the Jewish canon into the digital world. Over the past couple of months, we've been honored to have our team's ideas and innovations featured in major publications and podcasts.
Sefaria Communications427 ViewsOctober 10, 2024Sefaria News
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October 7, 2024: Sources for Grief and Comfort
Sources for grief and comfort on Oct 7, 2024.
Sefaria Communications5429 ViewsOctober 2, 2024Grief
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For Times of Distress: Prayers for Israel, Israeli Soldiers, and Those in Captivity
A message from Team Sefaria and resources from the library.
Sefaria Communications60063 ViewsOctober 11, 2023War,Israel,Blog
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The Global Community Torah: FAQs
Frequently asked questions about the Global Community Torah (
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A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Sefaria Topics Pages
Get a behind-the-scenes look at the complexities of creating Sefaria's Topic pages.
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New on Sefaria: Rabbi Steinsaltz's Complete Commentaries on Tanakh and Mishneh Torah
Explore the texts as part of the Jack Nash and Ludwig Bravmann Collection on Sefaria.
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New on Sefaria: Modern Russian Biblical Translation
The newly added edition includes all five books of Torah, several books of Prophets, and the scrolls of Ruth and Esther.
Sefaria Communications1667 ViewsFebruary 22, 2024Translation,Torah Study
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Sefaria Adds Works of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks’s to Digital Library
All Sacks’s works published by Koren Jerusalem will be accessible in the Jewish library; collection is supported by William Davidson Foundation.
Sefaria Communications1009 ViewsApril 1, 2024Blog
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10 Wild Talmud Stories (and How to Explore Them on Sefaria)
Stories that will surprise and entertain — now with key commentaries in newly-translated English.
Sefaria Communications5524 ViewsNovember 30, 2023Talmud,Commentaries
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New Text Roundup: Summer/Fall 2023
Discover the latest titles to join the Sefaria library.
Sefaria Communications1878 ViewsOctober 20, 2023Text
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The Sefaria Scoop - June 2021
Welcome to the third issue of the Sefaria Scoop, a digest newsletter from Sefaria to catch you up on recent news, additions to our library, and technology updates.
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Introducing: The Revised JPS Translation of Prophets
Sefaria and The Jewish Publication Society have partnered to release a new Prophets (Nevi'im) translation, the first major update since their iconic 1985 translation.
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New on Sefaria: Bereshit Rabbah in English
Explore verse-by-verse interpretations of Genesis in the latest release as part of Sefaria's Midrash Rabbah translation project.
Sefaria Communications1895 ViewsOctober 19, 2023Midrash,Torah Study
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What Do Jewish Texts Tell Us About Translation?
Jewish text indicate that translation has been going on for millennia — and for as long as Jews have translated their texts, they've also discussed if, when, and how to do so. See what some core texts of the canon can tell us about this ongoing conversation.
Sefaria Communications2741 ViewsMay 2, 2023Translation,Torah Study
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New Text Roundup: January to June 2023
A complete list of new texts and translations added to the Sefaria library.
Sefaria Communications3332 ViewsJuly 6, 2023Sefaria News
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