Our Supporters התומכים שלנו

We gratefully acknowledge the following donors whose generosity and leadership are making Sefaria possible. אנו מכירים תודה לתורמים הבאים, שבזכות נדיבותם והנהגתם ספריא ממשיכה לפעול

Founder’s Circle מעגל המייסדים

Jim Joseph Foundation

William Davidson Foundation

Partners שותפים

Koschitzky Family

Maimonides Fund

Innovators יזמים

Raanan and Nicole Agus

AVI CHAI Foundation

Aryeh B. and Elana Bourkoff

Aviv Foundation

Belsky Family

Gary and Lois Claar

The Covenant Foundation

The Crown Family

David and Tracey Frankel

Sally Gottesman

Hilary and Mo Koyfman

Koum Family Foundation

Linda and Leib Koyfman

Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah

Joshua Kushner

The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation

The Natan Fund

Righteous Persons Foundation

Rubinstein, Koschitzky, and Pertman families

The Russell Berrie Foundation

The Paul E. Singer Foundation (via the Jewish Community Response and Impact Fund)

Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies

Jorian Polis Schutz


Builders בונים

The Applebaum Foundation

The Beker Foundation

David Berg Foundation

Bronfman Alumni Venture Fund

Joyce and Fred Claar

Rachel & Joshua Crane

Alisa and Dan Doctoroff

Jacob and Suzanne Doft

Ari and Rebecca Elias-Bachrach

Joshua and Dinah Foer

Simone Friedman/EJF Philanthropies

The Friend Family Philanthropic Fund

Leelah and Joseph Gitler

The Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation

Tamar and Eric Goldstein

Granowitz Family Foundation

Terri and Andrew Herenstein

Jonathan Herlands and Rachel Neumark Herlands

Virginia Bayer and Rabbi Robert Hirt

The Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Family Foundation

Kassan Family

Samuel and Vicki Katz Philanthropic Fund

Tina and Akiva Katz

Linda and Ilan Kaufthal

The Klipper Fund

Kolatch Family Foundation

Mitchell and Karen Kuflik

Edy and Jacob Kupietzky and Family

Marc Kushner

Seryl and Charles Kushner Family Foundation

Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah

Dr. Lester and Nancy Lockspeiser

Samuel and Debra Moed

Jennifer and David Millstone

James and Nicky Rothschild

Joshua and Julia Ruch

Targum Shlishi and Raquel and Aryeh Rubin

Ilan and Dana Rubinstein

Schimmel Family

Joseph C. and Nina Shenker

Doug and Fabienne Silverman

Slingshot Fund

The Kurt and Rose Stanger Charitable Trust

Jeff Swartz

Lizzie and Jonathan Tisch

Tsadik Foundation

Kevin Ulrich

Walder Foundation

Harlan Waksal, M.D.

Bernard, Irwin & Lila Weinstein Foundation

Tova and Howard Weiser

We are also thankful to the following individuals and organizations for their generosity: אנו מודים לארגונים וליחידים הבאים על נדיבותם:

The Academy of the Hebrew Language האקדמיה ללשון העברית

The National Library of Israel הספריה הלאומית של ישראל

Mark Cohen, Pearl Cohen

Ruby Ventures

Trinity Ventures

Google Apps for Work


JetBrains / PyCharm


Contact יצירת קשר

To learn more about becoming a lead supporter,
please contact Samantha Shokin, Grant Writer and Development Associate at [email protected].
אם ברצונכם לבחון את האפשרות להיות תומכים מובילים,
אנא צרו קשר עם סמנתה שוקין, רכזת פיתוח וכתיבת מענקים במייל [email protected].

Donations to Sefaria are tax deductible as allowed by law. תרומות לספריא פטורות ממס כפי שקבוע בחוק.