Source sheets on Sefer Shemos
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Terumah - Gifts and Obligations
The Symbolism and Meaning of the Mishkan. Connecting the Realms, and Microcosm of Mankind.
Save "Sheet 1808"
Ki Tisa -Your Money Or Your Life
A deeper understanding of how money can atone and be used for building places of spiritual power.
Save "Sheet 1964"
Beshalach - Long Shortcuts
Reason for Jews avoiding the land of the Philistines, and implications for redemption and their stature
Save "Sheet 1589"
Distinction in what Hashem told Moshe and what Moshe told Jews
Distinction in what G-d told Moshe, and Moshe told Jews -regarding leaving Egypt and going into Israel
Save "Sheet 536512"
Va'era - וארא A Plague On Your House
An overview explaining the detail and pattern within the plagues, and lessons derived from it.
Save "Sheet 371969"
Sefer Shemos ס' שמות "Names & Numbers" The value in a Name & meaning of Numbers (Master to 371092)
Understanding the Shemos/name of the Sefer and the transition from 12 tribes, 70 people , culminating as a nation of 600,000 .
Save "Sheet 371451"
Sefer Shemos ס' שמות "Names & Numbers" The value in a Name & meaning of Numbers
Understanding the Shemos/name of the Sefer and the transition from 12 tribes, 70 people , culminating as a nation of 600,000 .
Save "Sheet 371092"
sources on hardening heart and telling moshe
Not PublishedAaron Kagan161 ViewsJanuary 4, 2022
Save "Sheet 373654"
Teztaveh / תצוה Light the Incense
Understanding the concatenation of the Inner Altar at the end of the Parsha, and the prelude of the oil at the beginning.
Save "Sheet 382775"
Compendium of Opinions for -I'm Gonna Harden Your Heart
A summary of opinions regarding the 10 plagues. Why was Pharaohs' heart hardened, how can he be punished if he has no free will, and the lessons derived. A synopsis for the class -I'm Gonna Harden Your Heart.
Aaron Kagan361 ViewsJanuary 5, 2022
Save "Sheet 373898"
Va'era - וארא A Plague On Your House master to 371969
An overview explaining the detail and pattern within the plagues, and lessons derived from it.
Save "Sheet 372696"
Yisro - The Value of Free Advice
Aaron Kagan2486 ViewsJanuary 17, 2016Parsha
Save "Sheet 24931"