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Parashat Pinhas: Halakhah
Learn about the customs and laws for the three weeks between the 17th of Tamuz and the 9th of Av
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Parashat Pinhas: Halakhah
How do you decide what to do first when you have a whole list of things to do?
Save "Sheet 569394"
Parashat Shoftim: Halakhah
Learn about the categories of mitzvot de-oryta (from the Torah) and mitzvot de-rabbanan (from our rabbis)
Save "Sheet 427142"
Parashat Shoftim: Halakhah
Explore the mitzvah of bal tash'hit, forbidding destructiveness.
Save "Sheet 575366"
Parashat Ki Teitzei: Halakhah
If your house has a flat roof, the Torah tells us that it should have a wall or fence around it, called a מַעֲקֶה (ma’akeh)
Save "Sheet 507788"
Parashat Re'eh: Halakhah
How can you tell if a bird is kosher, and why doesn't the Torah tell us which birds are kosher?
Save "Sheet 579926"
Parashat Re'eh: Halakhah
Why does the prohibition on "boiling a kid in its mother's milk" appear three times? What can we learn from that repetition?
Save "Sheet 579935"
Parashat Re'eh: Halakhah
Hazal say tzedakah is so important that it’s equal to all the mitzvot combined!
Save "Sheet 575165"
Parashat Re'eh: Commentary
What does it mean to pour out blood like you pour out water?
Save "Sheet 575175"
Parashat Ha'azinu: Halakhah
The idea of saying blessings over mitzvot comes from the Rabbis, but there is one mitzvah that the Torah tells us needs a berakhah before it, and that’s the mitzvah of learning Torah!
Save "Sheet 434299"
Parashat Vayeilekh: Halakhah
Learn about the 613th mitzvah in the Torah, the commandment for each and every person to write a sefer Torah (Torah scroll).
Save "Sheet 576256"
Parashat Vayeilekh: Halakhah
Learn more about welcoming kids into shul (synagogue)
Save "Sheet 431046"
Parashat Va'ethanan: Halakhah
Are the mitzvot about not coveting or desiring things that don't belong to you about what you think or feel, or are they about something else altogether?
Save "Sheet 576173"
Parashat Va'ethanan: Halakhah
Learn some of the rules about how to say hema
Save "Sheet 571631"
Parashat Devarim: Halakhah
How does the mishnah understand the mitzvah of creating a fair system of courts?
Save "Sheet 421511"
Parashat Devarim: Halakhah
How do we remember the destruction of the Temple without being overwhelmed with sadness?
Save "Sheet 505342"
Parashot Mattot-Masei: Halakhah
If a pot is used to cook non-kosher food, then the pot may not be kosher anymore. But can you make it kosher again?
Save "Sheet 420974"