Source Sheets on the Five Scrolls by Rabbi David M. Rosenberg
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Megillot III x Jonah 4 Jonah's Conversation with God
Jonah is upset by God's mercy and argues with God about that. God has the last word. What do we learn from their argument?
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Megillot III ix Jonah 3 Jonah Prophesies to Nineveh
In Jonah chapter 3, the prophet finally accepts God's commission to prophesy to the people of Nineveh. Immediately, they all--king, nobles, commoners, and even animals--repent. God relents from carrying out Jonah's prophesy of doom.
Save "Sheet 564151"
Megillot III viii Jonah 2 - A Prayer from the Belly of the Fish
From the belly of the fish, Jonah prays. Then the fish vomits him onto dry land. What is the nature of Jonah's prayer? What does it contain? What does it omit? How does it compare to other prayers in Tanach--and especially in Psalms/Tehillim? What does it have to do with the narrative in chapters 1, 3, and 4?
Save "Sheet 562550"
Megillot III vii Jonah 1 Intro to Jonah - Fleeing the Word of God
The first of four classes on the book of Jonah, each addressing one of the four chapters of the book.
Save "Sheet 558811"
Megillot III Kohelet vi Youth, Old Age, & Epilogues
The final passages of Kohelet include a description of decay concluding with a judgement of הבל הבלים / all is vanity/mere breath/vapor. That is followed by two epilogues which describe the work of Kohelet and place the book of Kohelet into the context of other Jewish teachings of God and man.
Save "Sheet 557034"
Megillot III Kohelet v The City & Wisdom
Chapters 9 and 10 of Kohelet reflect on the role of Wisdom in sustaining the City (government, the state).
Save "Sheet 555177"
Megillot III Kohelet iv Findings about God and Humanity
In chapters 5 and 7 of Ecclesiastes, Kohelet reflects on piety, the end of things, human foibles, and his search for wisdom among people.
Save "Sheet 553995"
Megillot III - Kohelet iii God is in Control - Polarities
Kohelet 3:1-4:3 explore God's control of the world and of human experience. This selection includes the famous poem sometimes called 'A Time for Everything' and popularized in Pete Seeger's song "Turn! Turn! Turn!"
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Megillot III - Kohelet ii 1:12-2:26 Experience of the King
A royal biography - the experience of a king illuminates the search for wisdom. What does Kohelet learn as a king?
Save "Sheet 550616"
Megillot III - Kohelet & Jonah: Limits to Understanding Class 1 Intro to Kohelet - Wisdom & Vanity
This opening class on Kohelet/Ecclesiastes + Jonah introduces the book of Kohelet, particularly as an example of Wisdom Literature in Tanach, and explores the book's opening passage.
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Megillot II. Class 10. Song of Songs 5
The last portion of Song of Songs - 7:12-8:14 - presents a montage of poetic fragments about love. The "Song" ends in the middle of an episode in the relationship of the lovers. In fact, it began, similarly, in the middle of an episode. The love never ends.
Save "Sheet 530731"
Megillot II. Class 9. Song of Songs 4
A discussion of Chapters 6 and 7 of Song of Songs.
Save "Sheet 529062"
Megillot II. Class 8. Song of Songs 3
Chapters 4 and 5 of Song of Songs present more complex similes and a dialogue between the Maiden and the Daughters of Jerusalem
Save "Sheet 527224"
Megillot II. Class 7. Song of Songs 2
In this class, we will explore chapters 2 and 3 of Song of Songs.
Save "Sheet 526047"
Megillot II. Songs of Mourning & Love. Class 6. Song of Songs 1
Introduction to the Song of Songs. The unique challenges and possibilities of interpretation posed by this collection of love poems.
Save "Sheet 524428"
Megillot II. Class 4. Lamentations 4
Chapter 4 of Lamentations/Eicha paints a detailed and harrowing account of the suffering of Jerusalem during and following the Babylonian siege.
Save "Sheet 520926"
Megillot II. Class 3. Lamentations 3. Everyman
In Chapter 3 of Lamentations/Eicha, the "I" is Everyman who expresses the pain and darkness of suffering and maintains a hopeful attitude despite all.
Save "Sheet 519238"
Megillot II. Class 2. Lamentations 2. "The Lord has acted like a foe" (2:5)
Chapter 2 of Lamentations/Eicha focuses on God's role in the destruction of Jerusalem and expresses deep anger at God.
Save "Sheet 517324"