The Drama of Torah: A Day of Learning Featuring Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, celebrated the English launch of 929 with speakers from Sefaria, Drisha, and The Bronfman Center. Here is a complied list of the source sheets that accompanied their sessions.
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Homer and the Hebrew Bible: Dramas of Divergent Scales by: Aaron Koller
The source material used in Rabbi Aaron Kollers's session at the Drama of Torah: A Day of Learning Event. This sheets compares the stories in the Bible with those of Homer's to draw interesting parallels in the use of dramatic language and rhetoric devices.
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The First King’s Last Night: Saul and The Witch of Ein-Dor by: Rabbi Joe Wolfson
The source material used in Rabbi Joe Wolfson's session at the Drama of Torah: A Day of Learning Event. A little known Biblical story and one of the strangest: Saul, on the eve of battle consults a pagan necromancer to raise the prophet Samuel from the dead to find out his fate. Combining midrash, medieval commentaries, and Israeli poetry, this lecture looks at the life of the first King of Israel from the perspective of his last night alive.
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Adam and Chanukkah by: Devora Steinmetz
The source material used in Devora Steinmetz's session at the Drama of Torah: A Day of Learning Event. This sheet examines the theory of Adam originally instituting a winter solstice holiday, and its connections to Channukah.
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