Parsha Shiurim given by Maharat Intern Sofia Freudenstein at ASBI for the 5783 year
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ASBI Parsha Class #30: Makkot 24b and Parshat BaMidbar
ASBI Parsha Class #30: Makkot 24b and Parshat BaMidbar
Sofia Freudenstein535 ViewsMay 11, 2023BaMidbar
Save "Sheet 486417"
ASBI Parsha Class #29 - Bava Metzia 58b-59b and Parshat Behar-Bechukotai
ASBI Class #29 - Bava Metzia 58b-59b and Parshat Behar-Bechukotai
Sofia Freudenstein678 ViewsMay 9, 2023Behar
Save "Sheet 485780"
ASBI Parsha Class #28 - Megillah 24b and Parshat Emor
ASBI Parsha Class #28 - Megillah 24b and Parshat Emor
Sofia Freudenstein599 ViewsMay 2, 2023Emor
Save "Sheet 484223"
ASBI Parsha Class #23: Chagigah 16b and Parshat VaYikra
What is the significance of "nachat ruach l'nashim"? We will explore this in the context of korbanot in Parshat VaYikra!
Sofia Freudenstein538 ViewsMarch 17, 2023Parashat Vayikra
Save "Sheet 474681"
ASBI Parsha Class #20: Megillah 12a and Parshat Teztaveh
Parshat Tetzaveh, Purim, and Cultural Appropriation
Sofia Freudenstein579 ViewsFebruary 22, 2023Tetzaveh
Save "Sheet 469217"
ASBI Parsha Class #17: Shabbat 10a and Parshat Yitro
What's the connection between judging and witnessing?
Sofia Freudenstein536 ViewsFebruary 7, 2023Parashat Yitro,Witnesses
Save "Sheet 465517"
(ASBI Parsha Class #11: Megillah 16b and Parshat VaYigash)
What do the multiple necks of Benjamin represent? And what about when the representation distracts us from what's in front of us?
Sofia Freudenstein582 ViewsJanuary 1, 2023Joseph and Benjamin,Vayigash
Save "Sheet 456362"
(ASBI Parsha Class #10: Chullin 91a and Parshat Miketz)
What was Yosef preparing for his brothers' arrival? And what's the hidden message behind it?
Sofia Freudenstein633 ViewsJanuary 1, 2023Gid Hanashe,Miketz
Save "Sheet 456441"
(ASBI Parsha Class #9: Shabbat 49b and Parshat VaYeishev)
Why is the story of the encounter of Joseph and Potiphar's wife used as proof for how many melakhot of Shabbat there are in the Gemara? Let's explore together!
Save "Sheet 456342"
ASBI Parsha Class #7: Nedarim 50a and Parshat VaYetze
Comparing Jacob and Rachel with Rabbi Akiva and Rachel. For an actual chart of this and not an assortment of texts, feel free to email me at [email protected]
Save "Sheet 448504"
(ASBI Parsha Class #6: Sotah 11a and Parshat Toldot)
The connection between Yakov stealing the birthright, and Egyptians drowning in the Sea
Sofia Freudenstein576 ViewsNovember 22, 2022Toldot
Save "Sheet 448056"