The Rabbinical Assembly is the international association of Conservative/Masorti rabbis. We aim to kindle the passion of the Jewish People in the service of God, Torah and Klal Yisrael, to strengthen the Conservative/Masorti movement, and to support the Conservative/Masorti rabbi. Our nearly 1,700 members serve as congregational rabbis, educators, military and hospital chaplains, professors, and officers of communal service organizations throughout the world.
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3 Weeks, 2 Fasts: 17 Tammuz to 9 Av
Overview of the fast of 17th of Tammuz and the beginning of the 3 week period.
Not PublishedRabbi Meir Goldstein9 ViewsJuly 22, 202417 Tammuz and 3 Weeks
Save "Sheet 579574"
Making a Source Sheet on the New Editor
Try out Sefaria's new editor with these step-by-step instructions.
Sefaria Education8212 ViewsMarch 22, 2022How To,Tutorial,Sefaria
Save "Sheet 393695"
Tea and Talmud Pesachim ch 10
This is a long source sheet for a Talmud class I teach at our shul. We've been studying Pesachim chapter 10 and I started using Sefaria for this class during the pandemic and at that point we were on page 108a.
Adam Stein3780 ViewsMay 20, 2021Adult Ed,Pesachim
Save "Sheet 325175"
Korah—Giving and Taking
Not PublishedRabbi Edward Bernstein17 ViewsJuly 2, 2024
Save "Sheet 576363"
More Than Words: How We "Embody" Prayer:
Having Kavanah in prayer is a combination of understanding, reflection, imagination and Embodying our prayers. In this study I explore Orech Chaim 95 in various sources which instruct us in ways to use our body to create Kavanah. Some of the conclusions are surprising!!
Save "Sheet 575948"
But what if they repented? (Shelah Lecha)
Not PublishedRabbi Edward Bernstein10 ViewsJune 25, 2024
Save "Sheet 575240"
Inspiring Rain: Behukotai 5782
In order to make rains fall, we must act together--sometimes by showing our pain to connect to others feeling the same pain.
Rabbi Jenni Greenspan410 ViewsMay 25, 2022Vulnerability,Leadership
Save "Sheet 408447"
Kashrut Look-Alikes
Rabbi Miriam Spitzer89 ViewsApril 5, 2024
Save "Sheet 556823"
Im B' h ukotai
Created as a notes for a sermon/bmitzvah charge for parashat B'Hukotai.
Save "Sheet 568079"
The Golem
Essential Talmudic and Midrashic Golem Sources
Save "Sheet 477291"
The Bride of Golem
An overview of primary sources focusing on: Golem women and Golem sex.
Save "Sheet 483345"
Priestly Garments and Atonement
One of the symbolic values of the priestly clothing, according to Talmud Arakhin 16a, is the connection between Priestly garments and atonement.
Save "Sheet 550905"
Do Not Cook a Calf In Its Mother's Milk
Commentary on לֹֽא־תְבַשֵּׁ֥ל גְּדִ֖י בַּחֲלֵ֥ב אִמּֽוֹ׃. What questions do those 5 words raise? Study session about what different commentators asked and answered.
Save "Sheet 543272"
Who, Me? A Lesson on Jewish Leadership
Texts from Exodus, Isaiah, and Jeremaiah on Leadership
Rabbi Steven Schwarzman217 ViewsFebruary 8, 2024
Save "Sheet 543492"