A set of source sheets examining aspects of the Jewish holidays.
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The Story of Matzah
Not PublishedDavid Schwartz9 ViewsApril 16, 2024
Save "Sheet 559390"
Should We Eat Machine-Made Matzah?
An examination of the controversy over machine-made matzah, styled as a trial, with primary and secondary sources provided.
Save "Sheet 479462"
Al Hanisim
A sheet about the Chanukah prayer “Al Hanisim”, along with 5 explanations for why we celebrate for 8 days and light lights. Musical samples are included.
Save "Sheet 281722"
Esther: An 8-Act Story
Looking at the Purim story from Esther's perspective, along with some videos.
Save "Sheet 498105"
Grog and Groggers: The Origin of Purim Customs
The origins of Hamantaschen, Groggers, Costumes, Shpiels, “Chag Purim”, Drinking, Seudah, Megillah, Matanot LeEvyonim, and Mishloach Manot
Save "Sheet 385812"
The Origin of Chanukah Customs
An explanation of the customs of Dreidels, gelt, presents, the story, latkes, sufganiyot, candles, and “Maoz Tzur”.
Save "Sheet 364186"
Apples and Honey in the Bible
An examination of every instance of apples or honey in the Bible plus how the custom developed (and music!)
Save "Sheet 506086"
Hashiveinu: From Tisha B’Av to Torah Service
A basic overview of Tisha B'Av, with a focus on the Hashiveinu line at the end of Eicha. It also includes musical examples of Hashiveinu and Etz Chayim.
Save "Sheet 247237"