A set of source sheets examining aspects of the Jewish holidays.
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The Origin of Chanukah Customs
An explanation of the customs of Dreidels, gelt, presents, the story, latkes, sufganiyot, candles, and “Maoz Tzur”.
Save "Sheet 364186"
Chanukah: The Complicated Version
An examination of the twists and turns of the Maccabee story from Mattathias through Simon.
Save "Sheet 612210"
Hashiveinu: From Tisha B’Av to Torah Service
A basic overview of Tisha B'Av, with a focus on the Hashiveinu line at the end of Eicha. It also includes musical examples of Hashiveinu and Etz Chayim.
Save "Sheet 247237"
Why is Sukkot Called “Time of Our Joy”?
This sheet looks at reasons why Sukkot is called “Z’man Simchateinu”, “Time of Our Joy”.
Save "Sheet 263624"
Ice Cream for Breakfast: Dairy & Shavuot
Explanations for why we eat dairy on Shavuot, based on "Milk and Honey are Under Thy Tongue", but with texts in context and expanded.
Save "Sheet 236035"
What’s the Date of Shavuot?
This sheet looks at how Shavuot’s date was determined and how it got connected to the giving of the Torah
Save "Sheet 563280"
The Evolution of Yom Kippur
Looking at Yom Kippur in the Torah and Mishnah, and some academic comparisons to similar practices in the Ancient Near East.
Save "Sheet 581410"
How to Get Meaning from the Shofar
Not PublishedDavid Schwartz245 ViewsMay 17, 2024
Save "Sheet 565403"
Personally Connecting to Psalm 27
Questions and musical examples to deepen a personal connection to Psalm 27 and “Achat Sha’alti”
Save "Sheet 505950"