A collection of sources to celebrate Pride Month
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The Tzaddik of Ludomir: A Transgendered Chassid
Not PublishedCameron Wheeler921 ViewsMay 31, 2021
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Rabbis and 6 genders - Pride Torah III
6 genders overview, Sarah as aylonit
Nelly Altenburger1648 ViewsMay 26, 2022LGBTQ
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Rabbis, Gays and Lesbians - Pride Torah II
Rabbis and homosexuality
Nelly Altenburger1745 ViewsMay 27, 2022
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Soul and Body ~ Pride Torah I
Going from the creation of Adam HaRishon to a survey of Kabbalistic ideas about bodies and souls - the search for Torah that encompasses love and respect for all, moving towards empathy regarding expressions of gender and sexuality in our days
Nelly Altenburger1227 ViewsMay 26, 2022
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Living an authentic life: rabbis and transgender ~ Pride Torah IV
Summary of positions of the Tzitz Eliezer regarding post-facto reassignment surgery
Nelly Altenburger1635 ViewsMay 29, 2022LGBTQ
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Transgender Jews might not be news ~ Pride Torah V
Two old cases of transgender Jews
Nelly Altenburger1599 ViewsMay 29, 2022LGBTQ
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Is Purim a Queer Holiday?
Not PublishedZachary Bernstein-Rothberg951 ViewsMarch 10, 2019
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Noam Pride Shabbat
Selection of some of the earliest sources I could find speaking to the LGBT+ experience
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What is Actually Banned? A Study of שכב in TaNaKH ​​​​​​​
Every time the word is used to be mean sex in TaNaKH, which is evidence for my reading of Lev. 18:22 and 20:13 to be banning any sex a man could have with a man that would be banned if one of them were a woman.
Alex Friedman7299 ViewsJune 3, 2021LGBTQ,Homosexuality
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Berel-Beyle בערל-ביילע
Primary source document
Cameron Wheeler10853 ViewsMay 27, 2020Transgender,History,New York,LGBTQ
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Open Beit Midrash - Bikkurim Week 2
Part 2 of 6 in a series on Mishnah Mesachet Bikkurim and thematically related texts. These source sheets were originally created to be learned in chavruta (with a study partner) without an instructor or class.
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