Some thoughts on various parshas
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Beha'alotcha - Israel's Teenage Years
Israel learns to manage things with more independence in this parsha.
Save "Sheet 574465"
Nasso - Connections Between Tzaraat, Sotah, and the Nazir
Some connections between three ways of being excluded from the camp mentioned in Parashat Nasso
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Wordplay in Parshat Vayera
Some wordplay in Vayera - continuing my previous sheet
Save "Sheet 564153"
Some Wordplay: Bereshit, Noach, Lech Lecha
A in-process document cataloguing some of the cool wordplays I'm finding in Torah.
Avraham Kolenski575 ViewsMay 9, 2024Chumash,Shoresh,Wordplay,Pun
Save "Sheet 563761"
Bereshit - Mayim, SHAmayim, YAmim
Just some slightly more Kabbalistic thoughts than I usually write.
Avraham Kolenski1133 ViewsNovember 15, 2022Parashat Bereshit,Water
Save "Sheet 446371"
Nitzavim - Choosing Life
Some thoughts on ideas with which this parsha shines light on the nature of Torah
Avraham Kolenski976 ViewsOctober 3, 2022Parashat Nitzavim,Torah
Save "Sheet 435865"
Balaak - Active and Passive Power
Musings on different kinds of power as reflected in Parashat Balaak
Save "Sheet 424611"
V'etchanan- Sharing in Our Friends' Joy
Jealousy and coveting in the parsha
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