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Parashat Pinhas: Midrash
Who was Serah, the only woman mentioned by name in the census?
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Parashat Pinhas: Midrash
Moshe asks God to make sure that Benei Yisrael have a good leader after he dies. But why does Moshe describe God as “the Lord of the spirits of all people?” What does רוּחֹת (ruhot, spirits) mean here?
Save "Sheet 569406"
Parashat Pinhas: Midrash
Why does the Torah go back six generations—all the way to Yosef—when telling us about the benot Tzelofhad? What could it be trying to teach us?
Save "Sheet 575523"
Parashat Pinhas: Midrash
Explore a midrash that says that Pinhas was actually the same person as Eliyahu Ha-Navi, the Prophet Elijah!
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Parashat Shoftim: Midrash
When Benei Yisrael go into battle, the officers will announce that people who are afraid and weak of heart can skip the fighting. What could be going on here?
Save "Sheet 427140"
Shavuot: Midrash
What is Torah like? How is it like water? How is it like oil?
Save "Sheet 566605"
Parashat Ki Teitzei: Midrash
If you find someone else’s lost animal, there’s a mitzvah to return it. Learn an amazing story about this mitzvah!
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Parashat Ki Teitzei: Midrash
Learn about an amazing mitzvah that you can do and get a blessing from God by forgetting to do something!
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Parashat Ki Teitzei: Midrash
After a criminal has been executed, the Torah says the body has to be buried that day, because it's a curse to God to let them hang. What does that mean?
Save "Sheet 580131"
Parashat Ki Teitzei: Midrash
There are a whole lot of mitzvot in our parashah. Are they just smushed together randomly? Or can we learn something from the order in which we find them?
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Parashat Shoftim: Midrash
Our parashah contains the mitzvah to offer peace even when Benei Yisrael would be at war with a city. What can we learn from this?
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Parashat Shoftim: Midrash
The Torah says that a judge who's having a hard time making a decision should seek a higher authority "who is at the time". What can we learn from those words?
Save "Sheet 580122"
Parashat Shoftim: Midrash
What does appointing judges and a system of court have to do with not planting trees that are an idol?
Save "Sheet 575509"
Parashat Eikev: Midrash
Why does God love the ger (a person from another nation who chooses to live among Benei Yisrael) and give them extra support?
Save "Sheet 579558"
Parashat Eikev: Midrash
How can a paragraph start with "Ve-atah (and now), Israel, what does God your Lord ask of you?" What is that "and" connecting and referring to?
Save "Sheet 574349"
Parashat Ha'azinu: Midrash
If we don’t act like God’s children (by not following the mitzvot), are we still considered God’s children?
Save "Sheet 576536"
Parashat Ha'azinu: Midrash
In Ha’azinu, Benei Yisrael are told to consult their ancestors. What can be learned from that?
Save "Sheet 434297"
Parashat Vayeilekh: Midrash
Moshe is going to die soon, so God tells him: "Your days are coming close to dying." Isn't the way God talks about this seem a little strange?
Save "Sheet 576251"
Parashat Vayeilekh: Midrash
What does Moshe mean when he says “I am 120 years old. I can no longer go and come”?
Save "Sheet 431044"
Parashat Nitzavim: Midrash
Let’s look closer at one important phrase in our parashah: לֹא בַשָּׁמַיִם הִוא (it’s not in heaven). What can we learn from these words?
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