Now in its fourth decade, the Aaron and Blanche Schreiber Torah Tours of CJF shares the Torah knowledge and enthusiasm of Yeshiva University and Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) students and alumni with Jewish communities throughout the world. During the holiday celebrations of Simchat Torah and Shavuot, teams of four to six young men and women visit communities across the United States, Canada and Europe to teach Torah classes, lead singing and dancing, meet with synagogue youth and create a fun and spirited yom tov experience.
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B'not Tzelafchad, Our Jewish Mesora (tradition) and Inheritance
Not PublishedAviva Shooman1503 ViewsSeptember 20, 2018Women
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"As Israel Left Egypt" A Close Reading of Psalm 114
Jews leave Egypt with a lyrical song referring to all types of inanimate objects reacting. What's up with that?
Gabi Weinberg3449 ViewsMarch 18, 2018Pesach,Egypt,Exodus,Hallel,Passover
Save "Sheet 104616"