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Parashat Pinhas: Haftarah
Learn about God appointing Yirmiyahu as a prophet
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Parashat Shoftim: Haftarah
This week we read the fourth haftarah of comfort, and this keep getting more and more uplifting!
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Parashat Shelah: Haftarah
Learn about the spies that Yehoshua sent, one generation after the original cast of spies went to the Land of Canaan.
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Parashat Re'eh: Haftarah
We continue this week with #3 of the seven-part series of comforting haftarot for the weeks after Tisha B’Av. This one features the prophet Yeshayahu promising a wonderful future for the Jewish people.
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Parashat Devarim: Haftarah
Shabbat this week is called Shabbat Hazon, named after the first word in our haftarah. Hazon means “vision.” Our haftarah includes a grim vision of destruction from the prophet Yeshayahu.
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Parashat Eikev: Haftarah
Learn about this week's haftarah, the second of seven haftarot of comfort that begin after the sadness of Tisha B'Av.
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Parashat Mattot- Masei: Haftarah
Our haftarah is the second in the three sad haftarot that we read in the weeks leading up to Tisha B’Av. This week, we hear from the prophet Yirmiyahu who delivered his message in the final years before the destruction of the first temple.
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Parashat Naso: Haftarah
How is this week's haftarah about the birth of Samson (Shimshon) relates to the parashah?
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Parashat Balak: Haftarah
Learn about what is most important to God in this week's haftarah, and explore some ideas about what it might mean to "walk modestly with God."
Hadar Institute141 ViewsJune 18, 2024Judges,Haftarah,Devash,Modesty
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Parashat Hukkat: Haftarah
Learn about the story of Yiftah who saves Benei Yisrael from Benei Ammon and how it relates to this week's parashah.
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Parashat Va'ethanan: Haftarah
We just completed three difficult weeks of mourning for the Beit Ha-Mikdash, and after Tisha B'Av, it’s time to feel hopeful again, and that’s what the haftarah is all about, comfort.
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Parashat Korah: Haftarah
Learn about the Shaul becoming the first king of the Jewish People in this week's haftarah. What does it have to do with Korah?
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Parashat Metzora: Haftarah
Learn more about Shabbat Parah and how the special maftir and haftarah relate to Passover.
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Parashat Bemidbar: Haftarah
How is this week's haftarah related to the parashah?
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Parashat Shemini: Haftarah
How is this week's haftarah related to the parashah?
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Parashat Emor: Haftarah
The haftarah for Emor is a vision from the prophet Yehezkel. He talks about a future Beit Mikdash and the rules for the kohanim who will work there. Some of the descriptions are very similar to the rules for kohanim that appear in our parashah.
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Parashat Aharei Mot: Haftarah
In our haftarah, the prophet Yehezkel informs the Jewish people that they deserve to be sent out of their land because they have been committing some serious sins. A number of these are sins that the Torah forbids in our parashah.
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Parashat Kedoshim: Haftarah
Our parashah describes God separating the Jewish people for holiness. Learn about how this connects to the haftarah
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Parashat Vayikra: Haftarah
Learn about the connection between Amalek and the haftarah for Shabbat Zachor
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Parashat Tzav: Haftarah
Learn more about Shabbat Parah and how the special maftir and haftarah relate to Passover.
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