A vibrant modern orthodox synagogue in Providence, RI excited to partner and create expanded opportunity for energized and empowered learning as both a spiritual practice in its own rite and a means for co-creating a better future.
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Not PublishedBarry Dolinger22 ViewsJune 23, 2021
Save "Sheet 331606"
How Early May I Start the Seder? Zoom?
How Early Can I Start the Seder?
Barry Dolinger447 ViewsMarch 30, 2020
Save "Sheet 227658"
L'shem Matzot Mitzvah - Shabbes Hagadol 5780
The Lessons of Shmura Matzo
Not PublishedBarry Dolinger37 ViewsApril 2, 2020Halacha,Matzo,Pesach
Save "Sheet 228563"
Back to the Basics - Berachot, Prayer, and Synagogue
Introduction to Berakhot and Prayer
Barry Dolinger280 ViewsMarch 4, 2020
Save "Sheet 222605"
Rabbi Akiva and the Ghost from Gehinnom: Vicarious Repentance and the Surprising Origins of the Mourner's Kaddish שבת שובה - תר''פ
Mainstream rabbinic notions suggest that one can only repent for oneself and that this can only occur while one is still alive. The origins of the mourner's kaddish, however, suggest a different direction of both vicarious and posthumous repentance.
Save "Sheet 193881"
Tikkun Boker Shavout 5779 - You Are What You Eat, and Other Hasidic Ideas for a Transformational Shavout
Hasidic pieces to prompt discussion of relevant and timely issues for Shavout
Barry Dolinger389 ViewsMay 29, 2019
Save "Sheet 176049"
Tuesday Night Talmud 5/28/2019
Tuesday Night Talmud - Discussion of Tefillat Haderech and Extenuating Circumstances (Berachot 29b-30a)
Barry Dolinger165 ViewsMay 28, 2019
Save "Sheet 175902"
Shabbat Hagadol 5779 Encouraging Questions - Toward Creating a Welcoming Environment for Inquiry
Questions Encouraged - Creating an Atmosphere that Encourages Inquiry
Barry Dolinger541 ViewsApril 9, 2019Pesach,Shabbat Hagadol
Save "Sheet 168474"
Tuesday Night Talmud 3/12/2019
Barry Dolinger379 ViewsMarch 12, 2019
Save "Sheet 163257"
Tuesday Night Talmud - 2/5/2019
Berachot 28b - Discussion of the foundation of the amidah
Barry Dolinger527 ViewsFebruary 4, 2019
Save "Sheet 155279"
Tuesday Night Talmud - 1/29/2019
Source Sheet for Tuesday Night Talmud on January 29, 2019
Barry Dolinger290 ViewsJanuary 21, 2019
Save "Sheet 152775"