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Envisioning the "Four Sons" - in Yerushalmi P'sahim and Haggada Illustrations
A favorite Haggada sequence at many family Seders is the "Four Sons." This passage is not found in the Talmud Bavli. Where does it come from and what is its function? We will begin this study by examining Haggada illustrations of the Four from various periods and cultures. These illustrations depict these characters in a variety of ways. We will see that the Four Sons fulfills a crucial educational function on Pesach which promotes the survival of a knowledgeable and committed Jewish community.
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Belonging - שייכות
M² IEJE600 ViewsMay 23, 2019
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Values Embedded in the Tension Between the Wise and the "Wicked" Sons
Rethinking the wise and "wicked" children as two approaches to Judaism; we are challenged to find a balance between them. This text study was created for a workshop on new approaches to post b'nai mitzvah education, but that part (at the end) can be dropped.
Israela Aron449 ViewsApril 10, 20194 Children,Passover,Michael Rosenak
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Passover and the Four Children: How do we respond today? How should we?
This is a Passover source sheet to analyze different types of students in our schools and how we may respond to and engage them in our communities.
Wendy Pein2445 ViewsMarch 8, 2018Passover,Education,Pirkei Avot
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The Evil Child
Nelly Altenburger1895 ViewsApril 22, 2016
Save "Sheet 33093"
Seder: Inclusion and Exclusion
Robert Tabak2946 ViewsApril 5, 2016
Save "Sheet 31666"