This group contains the source sheets for most of the shiurim from the 2020 Virtual YCT Rabbinical School Yemei Iyun on Bible and Jewish Thought held annually in memory of Riva Koschitsky z"l. (Please note that some of the shiurim did not have source sheets as they only used the text of the Tanakh). YCT Rabbinical School is proud to hold these community gatherings of high level Torah study and thanks Tamar and Eric Goldstein for their generous support of the program. We are delighted to partner with our premier co-sponsor, Sefaria in this effort. We also thank our co-sponsors: Center for Modern Torah Leadership, Drisha Institute for Jewish Education, Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals, 929 Tanach Program, National Bible Contest, Torah in Motion, Yeshivat Maaleh Gilboa, Yeshivat Maharat and Ohr Torah Stone for their support of this program.
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Teshuva and Theories of Change
Sara Wolkenfeld662 ViewsAugust 24, 2020
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Sacrificing Yishmael and Yitzchak Two Akedot and a COVID Moment on the Days of Awe
Sacrificing Yishmael and Yitzchak: Two Akedot and a COVID Moment on the Days of Awe
Judy Klitsner334 ViewsAugust 2, 2020
Save "Sheet 254456"