Be'er Mayim Chaim on Chafetz Chaim
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan’s footnotes to his work the Chafetz Chaim, with sources and elaborations on the main body of text.
Bedek HaBayit on Torat HaBayit HaArokh
13th-century critical commentary of Ra’ah on Rashba’s manual on kashrut, niddah, and mikvah immersion
Brit Moshe
20th-century exhaustive commentary on the Semag (Sefer Mitzvot Gadol) by Rabbi Moshe Aaron Weisz.
Brit Olam on Sefer Chasidim
18th-century commentary of the Chida on the foundational work of medieval German pietists.
Sefer Hamitzvot of Rasag
20th-century extensive analytic commentary by Rabbi Yerucham Fishel Perlow on Rav Saadia Gaon’s liturgical poem listing the 613 commandments.
Ein Yosef on Sefer HaMitzvot
20th-century commentary by Rabbi Yosef Farber, published posthumously based on classes he delivered in his yeshiva in Lithuania.
Haamek Sheilah on Sheiltot d'Rav Achai Gaon
19th-century analytic commentary by the Netziv, groundbreaking in its systematic treatment of a geonic work.
Haggahot Chadashot on Sefer Mitzvot Katan
18th-century commentary by Rabbi Yehoshua Tzeitlish of Shklov elucidating the text of the Semak and analyzing it against the backdrop of earlier sources.
Haggahot Rabbeinu Peretz on Sefer Mitzvot Katan
13th-century glosses on the Semak by the author's student, the French Tosafist Rabbeinu Peretz of Corbeil.
Haggahot of Radal on Sefer HaParnas
19th-century glosses on the beginning of a medieval collection of the Maharam of Rothenburg’s rulings and traditions by R. David Luria
Lishkat HaSofer
19th-century additions by Rabbi Shlomo Ganzried to his Keset HaSofer, including analytic discussions and noting other legal positions.
Mishmeret HaBayit on Torat HaBayit HaAroch
13th-century response of the Rashba to Bedek HaBayit, the Re’ah’s critique of the Rashba’s Torat HaBayit.
Netiv Chesed on Ahavat Chesed
19th-century commentary of the Chafetz Chaim to his Ahavat Chesed, on acts of loving-kindness.
Perush Kadmon on Sefer Chasidim
First known commentary on the foundational work of medieval German pietists, printed together with it since the 18th century.
Sheilat Shalom on Sheiltot d'Rav Achai Gaon
18th-century commentary by Rabbi Yeshaya Berlin analyzing the text of the Sheiltot in light of talmudic passages and earlier commentators.
Toafot Re'em
19th-century commentary on Sefer Yereim added by R. Abraham Abba Schiff when he published the first complete edition of the work
Zohar HaRakia
15th-century commentary on the Azharot of Solomon ibn Gabirol, summarizing methods of enumerating the 613 commandments.
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