Gossip, Lashon Hara and Leprosy - The Leftist Mafia Court Destroys Israel and Elections

Regarding how to bring merit to the deceased soul, read

Chafetz Chaim on the Torah - Volume 1, pages 136-137

ישראל שהמיר או שהוא מחלל שבת בפרהסיא הרי הוא ככותי לכל דבר:

A Jew that apostatizes, or violates Sabbaths in public, he is considered a gentile in all aspects.

ישראל מומר או שהוא מחלל שבת בפרהסיא (יש אומרים אפילו רק באיסור דרבנן) הרי הוא כאינו יהודי וצריכין לשכור ממנו רשות.

An apostate or a person who publicly desecrates the Shabbos61This applies only when he knows that it is forbidden. If he does not know he probably is not considered an apostate. [Bi’ur Halachah 385: 3] 62If he refrains from doing it in the presence of a distinguished person, he does not fall into this category. [Eliyahu Rabbah, Mishnah Berurah] (according to some authorities, even if it is only a Rabbinic prohibition),63Shulchan Aruch 385: 3 (Rashi, Tosafos etc.). See Tiferes Yisrael that even if he handles muktzeh in public he is in this category. See Bi’ur Halachah who rules that even those poskim who say that ordinarily he is not considered an apostate if he violates rabbinic prohibitions of Shabbos, agree that regarding this Halachah, he is considered as one. [Mishnah Berurah] is considered as a non-Jew, and you must rent his premises from him.

Practically speaking, the prohibition of loshon hora applies whether one disparages the other person by speaking about him or by writing about him.

Additionally, there is no difference whether one speaks the loshon hora explicitly or merely hints it.[1] It is considered loshon hora regardless of how the information is conveyed (i.e. Facial expressions, body language, or any other means of insulting or belittling someone).

תני תנא קמיה דרב נחמן בר יצחק כל המלבין פני חבירו ברבים כאילו שופך דמים א"ל שפיר קא אמרת דחזינא ליה דאזיל סומקא ואתי חוורא אמר ליה אביי לרב דימי במערבא במאי זהירי א"ל באחוורי אפי דאמר רבי חנינא הכל יורדין לגיהנם חוץ משלשה
The Gemara relates that the tanna who recited mishnayot and baraitot in the study hall taught a baraita before Rav Naḥman bar Yitzḥak: Anyone who humiliates another in public, it is as though he were spilling blood. Rav Naḥman bar Yitzḥak said to him: You have spoken well, as we see that after the humiliated person blushes, the red leaves his face and pallor comes in its place, which is tantamount to spilling his blood. Abaye said to Rav Dimi: In the West, i.e., Eretz Yisrael, with regard to what mitzva are they particularly vigilant? Rav Dimi said to him: They are vigilant in refraining from humiliating others, as Rabbi Ḥanina says: Everyone descends to Gehenna except for three.
וְהַמַּלְבִּין פְּנֵי חֲבֵרוֹ בָרַבִּים. הַמִּתְבַּיֵּשׁ פָּנָיו מַאֲדִימוֹת תְּחִלָּה וְאַחַר כָּךְ מִתְלַבְּנוֹת, שֶׁהַנֶּפֶשׁ יֵשׁ לָהּ שְׁתֵּי תְּנוּעוֹת אַחַת לַחוּץ וְאַחַת לִפְנִים, וּכְשֶׁמְּבַיְּשִׁין אֶת הָאָדָם בִּתְחִלָּה הָרוּחַ מִתְנוֹעֵעַ לְצַד חוּץ כְּמִי שֶׁמִּתְמַלֵּא חֵמָה וּפָנָיו מַאֲדִימוֹת, וּכְשֶׁאֵינוֹ מוֹצֵא טַעֲנָה כֵּיצַד יָסִיר הַבֹּשֶׁת הַהוּא מֵעַל פָּנָיו, הוּא דּוֹאֵג בְּקִרְבּוֹ וְנִכְנַס הָרוּחַ לְצַד פָּנָיו מִפְּנֵי הַצַּעַר, וּפָנָיו מִתְכַּרְכְּמִים וּמִתְלַבְּנִים. וְזֶהוּ שֶׁאָמְרוּ (בבא מציעא נח:) בְּעִנְיַן הַהַלְבָּנָה, דְּאַזִּיל סוּמְקָא וְאָתִי חִיוְרָא:
"one who whitens (embarrasses) the face of another in public": The face of one who is embarrassed turns red first and then white, as the spirit [of a person] has two movements, one outwards and one inwards. And when one embarrasses a person, at first the breath moves outwards, like one who is full of anger and his face turns red. And when he does not find a solution how to get rid of this embarrassment from on his face, he worries inside himself and the breath goes inwards because of the pain, and his face turns yellow and [then] white. And this is what they said (Bava Metzia 58b) about the matter of whitening: "when the red leaves, the white comes."
והמלבין פני חברו ברבים. זהו תולדת הדברים שיהרג בהם ואל יעבור. והאבות הם שלשה ע"ז וגלוי עריות ושפיכות דמים. תולדת ע"ז עצי אשרה וכדאמרינן (פסחים כה.) בכל מתרפאין חוץ מעצי אשרה. ואע"פ שאין ע"ז עצמה אלא משמשיה יהרג ואל יעבור קודם שיהנה ממנה. תולדת גלוי עריות המסתכל או המדבר עם אשת איש שיהרג עליהם ואל יעבור. כההוא עובדא במסכת סנהדרין (דף ע"ה.) במי שהעלה ליבא טינא שאמרו שם תעמוד לפניו ערומה ימות ואל תעמוד לפניו ערומה. תספר עמו מאחרי הגדר ימות ואל תספר עמו מאחרי הגדר. ותולדת שפיכות דמים המלבין פני חברו ברבים שדמו בורח מפני הבשת וכדאמרינן (ב"מ נח:) חזינא לי' דאזיל סומקא ואתי חיורא ועל זה אין לו חלק לעולם הבא:
one who whitens (embarrasses) the face of another in public: This is a derivative of the things for which he should die and not transgress. And the sources (avot) [of the derivatives] are three: idolatry, [forbidden] sexual relations and the spilling of blood (murder). The derivative of idolatry is the wood [that comes from] a tree-god (ashera); and like we say (Pesachim 25a), "We may heal ourselves with anything, except for the wood of a tree-god." And even though it is not [necessarily] idolatry itself; but rather [even when] it is its auxiliary, he should die and not transgress rather than benefiting from it. And the derivative of sexual relations is one who stares at or converses with a married woman - that he should die and not transgress. [It is] like that case in Sanhedrin 75a about the one whose heart [became sick] with lust about whom they said, "That she stand before him naked - He should [rather] die; she will not stand before him naked! That she should speak with him from behind a fence - he should [rather] die; she will not speak with him from behind a fence.” And the derivative of spilling blood is "one who whitens the face of another in public" - since his blood flees from the embarrassment. [It is] as we say (Bava Metzia 58b), "We see that the red leaves and white comes [in its place]." And because of this, he has no share in the world to come.
נ״ב) ג׳ אף שעשו תשובה אין הקב״ה חפץ בהן, ואלו הן: הבא על אשת איש, והמתכבד בקלון חבירו, והמכנה שם לחבירו. וי״א אף המלבין פני חבירו ברבים (ב״מ נ״ח:).
המוכיח את חברו – לא ידבר לו קשות עד שיכלימנו, שנאמר: "ולא תשא עליו חטא". כך אמרו חכמים: יכול אתה מוכיחו ופניו משתנות? תלמוד לומר: "ולא תשא עליו חטא" – מכאן שאסור לאדם להכלים את ישראל, וכל שכן ברבים. ואף על פי שאין לוקין על לאו זה עון גדול הוא. וכך אמרו חכמים (סנהדרין קז א): המלבין פני חברו ברבים – אין לו חלק לעולם הבא. לפיכך צריך להזהר שלא יבייש פני אדם ברבים, בין גדול בין קטן, ולא יקרא לו בשם שהוא בוש ממנו אפילו כשהוא רגיל בו (בבא מציעא נח ב). ועל עון זה יורדין לגיהנם ואינם עולים (שם). במה דברים אמורים? בדברים שבין אדם לחברו. אבל בדברי שמים אם לא שב בסתר – מכלימין אותו בגלוי, ומפרסמים אותו ומחרפים אותו בפניו, ומבזין אותו ומקללין אותו עד שיחזור למוטב, כדרך שעשו כל הנביאים בישראל.
הַמּוֹכִיחַ אֶת חֲבֵרוֹ תְּחִלָּה לֹא יְדַבֵּר לוֹ קָשׁוֹת עַד שֶׁיַּכְלִימֶנּוּ שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (ויקרא יט יז) "וְלֹא תִשָּׂא עָלָיו חֵטְא". כָּךְ אָמְרוּ חֲכָמִים יָכוֹל אַתָּה מוֹכִיחוֹ וּפָנָיו מִשְׁתַּנּוֹת תַּלְמוּד לוֹמַר וְלֹא תִשָּׂא עָלָיו חֵטְא. מִכָּאן שֶׁאָסוּר לָאָדָם לְהַכְלִים אֶת יִשְׂרָאֵל וְכָל שֶׁכֵּן בָּרַבִּים. אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁהַמַּכְלִים אֶת חֲבֵרוֹ אֵינוֹ לוֹקֶה עָלָיו עָוֹן גָּדוֹל הוּא. כָּךְ אָמְרוּ חֲכָמִים (גמרא סנהדרין קז א) "הַמַּלְבִּין פְּנֵי חֲבֵרוֹ בָּרַבִּים אֵין לוֹ חֵלֶק לָעוֹלָם הַבָּא". לְפִיכָךְ צָרִיךְ אָדָם לְהִזָּהֵר שֶׁלֹּא לְבַיֵּשׁ חֲבֵרוֹ בָּרַבִּים בֵּין קָטָן בֵּין גָּדוֹל. וְלֹא יִקְרָא לוֹ בְּשֵׁם שֶׁהוּא בּוֹשׁ מִמֶּנּוּ. וְלֹא יְסַפֵּר לְפָנָיו דָּבָר שֶׁהוּא בּוֹשׁ מִמֶּנּוּ. בַּמֶּה דְּבָרִים אֲמוּרִים בִּדְבָרִים שֶׁבֵּין אָדָם לַחֲבֵרוֹ. אֲבָל בְּדִבְרֵי שָׁמַיִם אִם לֹא חָזַר בּוֹ בַּסֵּתֶר מַכְלִימִין אוֹתוֹ בָּרַבִּים וּמְפַרְסְמִים חֶטְאוֹ וּמְחָרְפִים אוֹתוֹ בְּפָנָיו וּמְבַזִּין וּמְקַלְּלִין אוֹתוֹ עַד שֶׁיַּחֲזֹר לַמּוּטָב כְּמוֹ שֶׁעָשׂוּ כָּל הַנְּבִיאִים בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל:
He who rebukes a friend, at the beginning, no hard words should be used against him to shame him, for it is said: "And thou shalt bear no sin upon him" (Lev. 19.17). Thus did the wise men say: "Understand it not by rebuking him thou mayest cause his countenance to change expression; for, it is said: 'And thou shalt bear no sin upon him'" (Ibid.; Arakin, 16b); herefrom we learn that it is forbidden to put an Israelite to shame, needless to say publicly. Although he who does put his fellow to shame is not flogged, it is a grievous sin. Even so did the wise men say: "He who publicly puts his fellow's countenance to shame has no share in the world to come" (Pirke Abot, 3.15). A man is, therefore obliged to guard himself against putting his fellow to shame publicly, regardless of whether he be young or old; not to call him by a name of which he feels ashamed, nor tell aught in his presence of which he is ashamed. However, all these refer to matters touching the relationship between man and man; but if it concern heavenly matters, if the sinner does not repent after being rebuked privately, he should be shamed publicly, and his sin should be proclaimed, and harsh words should be used in his presence, and he should be shamed and cursed till he repent and take up the good path, even as all of the prophets in Israel did with the wicked.8Baba Mezi’a 59a; Yoma, 86b. C. G.
כָּל אֶחָד וְאֶחָד מֵעֶשְׂרִים וְאַרְבָּעָה אֲנָשִׁים אֵלּוּ שֶׁמָּנִינוּ אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁהֵן מִיִּשְׂרָאֵל אֵין לָהֶם חֵלֶק לָעוֹלָם הַבָּא. וְיֵשׁ עֲבֵרוֹת קַלּוֹת מֵאֵלּוּ וְאַף עַל פִּי כֵן אָמְרוּ חֲכָמִים שֶׁהָרָגִיל בָּהֶן אֵין לָהֶם חֵלֶק לָעוֹלָם הַבָּא (וּכְדֵי) [וּכְדַאי] הֵן לְהִתְרַחֵק מֵהֶן וּלְהִזָּהֵר בָּהֶן. וְאֵלּוּ הֵן. הַמְכַנֶּה שֵׁם לַחֲבֵרוֹ. וְהַקּוֹרֵא לַחֲבֵרוֹ בְּכִנּוּיוֹ. וְהַמַּלְבִּין פְּנֵי חֲבֵרוֹ בָּרַבִּים. וְהַמִּתְכַּבֵּד בִּקְלוֹן חֲבֵרוֹ. וְהַמְבַזֶּה תַּלְמִידֵי חֲכָמִים. וְהַמְבַזֶּה רַבּוֹתָיו. וְהַמְבַזֶּה אֶת הַמּוֹעֲדוֹת. וְהַמְחַלֵּל אֶת הַקָּדָשִׁים. בַּמֶּה דְּבָרִים אֲמוּרִים שֶׁכָּל אֶחָד מֵאֵלּוּ אֵין לוֹ חֵלֶק לָעוֹלָם הַבָּא כְּשֶׁמֵּת בְּלֹא תְּשׁוּבָה אֲבָל אִם שָׁב מֵרִשְׁעוֹ וּמֵת וְהוּא בַּעַל תְּשׁוּבָה הֲרֵי זֶה מִבְּנֵי הָעוֹלָם הַבָּא שֶׁאֵין לְךָ דָּבָר שֶׁעוֹמֵד בִּפְנֵי הַתְּשׁוּבָה. אֲפִלּוּ כָּפַר בָּעִקָּר כָּל יָמָיו וּבָאַחֲרוֹנָה שָׁב יֵשׁ לוֹ חֵלֶק לָעוֹלָם הַבָּא שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (ישעיה נז יט) "שָׁלוֹם שָׁלוֹם לָרָחוֹק וְלַקָּרוֹב אָמַר ה' וּרְפָאתִיו". כָּל הָרְשָׁעִים וְהַמּוּמָרִים וְכַיּוֹצֵא בָּהֶן שֶׁחָזְרוּ בִּתְשׁוּבָה בֵּין בְּגָלוּי בֵּין בְּמַטְמוֹנִיּוֹת מְקַבְּלִין אוֹתָן שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (ירמיה ג יד) "שׁוּבוּ בָּנִים שׁוֹבָבִים". אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁעֲדַיִן שׁוֹבָב הוּא שֶׁהֲרֵי בַּסֵּתֶר שָׁב וְלֹא בְּגָלוּי מְקַבְּלִין אוֹתוֹ בִּתְשׁוּבָה:
Each and every one of the enumerated twenty-four different categories of persons, Israelites though they be, have no share in the World to Come. And, there are yet lesser transgressions than those referred to concerning which the sages, nevertheless, said, that he who makes a practice to violate them has no share in the World to Come, and that they are of sufficient importance to be kept at a distance, and to watch out against them. They are: he who gives an alias name to his friend; he who calls his friend by his aliases; he who shames his friend publicly; he who glorifies himself by disgracing his friend; he who insults scholars; he who insults his masters; he who despises holy times; he who profanes holy objects. That is saying, that none of these will have a share in the World to Come, if he dies without repentance; but if he repent from his wickedness and died in a state of repentance, he is, indeed, of the sons of the World to Come, as there is not a thing to stand in the way of repentance. Even if one who denied the existence of God all of his life but in the end repented, has a share in the World to Come, for it is said: "Peace, peace, to him that is far off, and to him that is near, saith the Lord; and I will heal him" (Is. 57.19). All of the wicked, and apostates and their like who turned in repentance, whether publicly or secretly, should be accepted back into the folds of Israel, even as it is said: "Return ye backsliding children" (Jer. 3.22)—though he still be backsliding, for, 10, he repented secretly and not publicly, yet is his repentence accepted.22Pirke Abot, 3.11; Sanhedrin, 99b; Baba Mezi’a, 58b; Megillah, 28a; Tosfot, Rosh ha-Shanah, 16b; Kiddushin, 38b; Abodah Zarah, 7a. C. G.
חֲוַר, חֲוַור ch. same 1) to be white, to shine. Targ. Joel I, 7. Targ. O. Gen. XLIX, 12 יְחִוְּרַן ed. Berl. (ed. Lsb. יַחְוְרָן, oth. ed. יְחַוְּ׳). Targ. Is. I, 18 (some ed. Pa.); a. e.—Keth. 61ᵇ top דחֲוַור אפיה that he looked pale. B. Kam. 69ᵃ כי היכי דנִיחֲוַור טפי that it may appear still more white (glistening from a distance). Naz. 39ᵃ, sq. חַוְורִין עיקבי נימהון the lower ends of dyed hair are white (which proves that the growth comes from beneath); a. fr. —2) (of eyes) to be bright, to look with gratification. Targ. Prov. XXIII, 33. Ib. XVII, 24 חָיְירָן Ms. (ed. חדיין, v. חדי). [Ib. IV, 25, emend. by Luzzatto Oheb Ger p. 108, v., however, אוֹר I ch.]—Kidd. 39ᵃ לא חַוְורִיתוּ you do not see clearly (the law is not clear to you).
Pa. - חַוֵּור 1) to whiten, wash, cleanse. Targ. II Sam. XIX, 25; a. fr.—B. Mets. 60ᵇ חַוְּורֵיה וכ׳, v. דְּקַן. Ḥull. 95ᵇ top מְחַוֵּור, v. חֲלַל II. [Y. Taan. IV, 69ᵇ bot. מרוח, read מְחַוֵּר or מִחְוַר to wash.]—Part. pass. מְחַוַּור, f. מְחַוְּוָרא blanched. Targ. Y. Ex. IV, 6. —2) to make evident, to prove. Gen. R. s. 27 דמְחַוֵּור וכ׳ which will prove it better; Yalk. Koh. 968.—מְחַוַּורְתָּא it is proven, obvious. Ḥull. 117ᵃ. Pes. 55ᵇ; a. fr.
Af. - אַחְוַור to make white. B. Kam. 85ᵇ ואַחְוְורֵיה לבשריה and it (the corrodent) made his skin look white (like a leper’s; Var. v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.). B. Mets. 58ᵇ באַחְוְורֵי אפי (they guard against) whitening faces (putting persons to shame); Yalk. Ex. 349.
חִיוָּר, חִיוַּר, חִיוְרָא, (חַוָּר, חַוָּור) m. (חֲוַר) 1) white. Targ. Gen. XXX, 35; a. fr.—B. Mets. 58ᵇ דאזיל … ואתי ח׳ the red color (of the face) disappears, and the white takes its place; a. fr.—Pl. חִיוְּרִין, חִוָּרִין, חִיוְּרֵי. Targ. Zech. VI, 3 (ed. Wil. חַוָּ׳); a. fr.—Ber. 28ᵃ, v. חַצְבָּא; a. fr.—Fem. חִיוָּרָא, חִיוָּו׳, חִיוַּרְתָּא. Targ. Y. Lev. XIII, 4 (ed. Berl. חַוְרָא); a. fr.—(As a noun) white skin, white spot &c. Targ. Y. Lev. XXII, 22.—Gitt. 68ᵃ ח׳ באוכמתא a white spot on a dark skin, v. אוּכָּם. Ib. 56ᵃ חיורתא (Ar. חִיוָּרִיתָא) white flour, v. גּוּשְׁקְרָא; a. fr.—Pl. חִוְּרָן, חַוְּ׳, חִיוְורַן, חִיוָּורָתָא, חִוָּו׳. Targ. Lev. XIII, 38, sq.—Ber. 28ᵃ לית לך ח׳ thou hast no gray hair (art too young for the office); v. דָּרָא I. Sabb. 110ᵃ top תליסר חמרי ח׳ thirteen white she-asses. Ḥull. 7ᵇ; Yoma 49ᵃ דח׳ (ריש) כרעייהו when their legs are white; a. fr. [Snh. 98ᵃ חיור גוני, v. הֲזָר.]—[Pes. 42ᵇ מיא דחיורי, v. חִיזְרָא II.] —2) leprous, leper, white-spotted (from disease), blanched. Targ. O. Ex. IV, 6 (Y. ed. Amst. מְהַוְּורָא, h. text מצרעת).—Gitt. 68ᵃ טעמא דח׳ the taste of a leprous (white-spotted) animal. Snh. 98ᵇ ח׳ דבי רבי שמו the name of the Messiah is ‘the leper of the house of Rabbi’; a. fr. [חמר חיור יין, v. חִיוַּרְיַיִן.]
לָבַן II (cmp. לָבָה) to glisten.
Pi. - לִבֵּן 1) to polish, brighten; to finish. Sabb. VII, 2 הגוזז … והמְלַבְּנוֹ he who clips wool and he who cleanses it (by washing, removing clods &c.); Y. ib. 10ᶜ top המלבנו ההן דמגפר וכ׳ under m’labben of the Mishnah is implied (any preparation for improving raw material, e. g.) he who pitches wood &c., v. אֶלִּיקָה. Ib. המיינטון חייב משום מְלַבֵּן he who cleanses amiant (v. אַמְיַינְטוֹן) comes under the law forbidding polishing (on the Sabbath). Tosef. Ber. VII (VI), 2; Ber. 58ᵃ; Y. ib. IX, 13ᶜ top גזז ול׳ וכ׳ he (Adam) clipped (wool) and cleansed &c. Ab. Zar. V, 12 את שדרכו … לְלַבֵּן באור יְלַבֵּן וכ׳ such utensils as are ordinarily cleansed by being put in the fire (metal spits &c.) he must cleanse by fire.—Gen. R. s. 70 (play on לָבָן, Gen. XXIX, 5) do you know Him שהוא עתיד ללַבֵּן וכ׳ who will cleanse your sins to make them appear like snow (Is. I, 18)?; a. fr.—Part. pass. מְלוּבָּן finished, polished, refined. Nidd. 31ᵃ (of an embryo) מל׳ ומזורז well-formed and of strong vitality; Snh. 70ᵇ; Num. R. s. 10.—Ib. מל׳ ברשע finished (refined) in wickedness, v. אפדכסיס; Gen. R. s. 60; Ruth R. to II, 1; Yalk. Gen. 109.—Esp. a) to glaze tiles; to heat tiles. Bets. IV, 7 (33ᵃ) אין מְלַבְּנִין את וכ׳ you must not heat (new) tiles (on Holy Days) for roasting on them; Y. ib. IV, end, 62ᵈ מאן דאמר מלבנין בבדוקים he who says that you may heat tiles &c., refers to such as have been tested (to be sound under fire).—b) (of metal utensils, v. supra) to glow. Ḥull. 8ᵃ ל׳ סכין וכ׳ if one made a knife glowing hot and cut with it; a. fr.—Part. pass. מְלוּבָּן, f. מְלוּבֶּנֶת. Y. Yeb. XVI, 15ᶜ bot.
Hithpa. - הִתְלַבֵּן,
Nithpa. - נִתְלַבֵּן 1) to grow white, glossy, be cleansed. Ex. R. s. 23 (play on שְׁלמ̇ה̇ a. שַׂלְמָה) מה השלמה הזאת מתלכלכת וחוזרת ומִתְלַבֶּנֶת as the garment gets soiled and is cleansed again &c.; (Yalk. Cant. 982 מתכבסת). Ib.; Cant. R. to I, 6 נ׳ גופו his tanned skin became white again, v. כִּרְכֵּם. —2) to be glowed, heated. Sabb. 27ᵇ והאונין … משיִתְלַבְּנוּ bundles of flax are considered finished after they are baked; Sifra Thazr., Neg., Par. 5, ch. XIII.
Hif. - הִלְבִּין 1) to grow white. Neg. I, 6 היו … והִלְבִּינוּ if the hair was black and turned white. Ib. IV, 4 עיקרן … וראשן מַלְבִּין if their roots are black and their tops white. Yoma VI, 8; a. fr. —2) to whiten, cleanse. Cant. R. to V, 11 להַלְבִּין כנף וכ׳ to make white one wing of a raven. Yoma. 39ᵇ the Temple is called Lebanon שמַלְבִּין וכ׳ because it cleanses the sins &c.—Keth. 59ᵇ הרוצה שיַלְבִּין את בתו he who desires to make his daughter white-complexioned (handsome); a. e.—Transf. (with פנים) to put to shame, expose. Ab. III, 11 המַלְבִּין פני וכ׳ he who exposes his fellowman to shame in public. B. Mets. 59ᵃ נוח לו לאדם שיפיל … ואל יַלְבִּין וכ׳ man should rather have himself thrown into a furnace than put his neighbor to shame. Yalk. Deut. 938 אני מלבין פניהם I should put them to shame; (Pirké d’R. El. ch. XLIV מגלה, v. גָּלָה). B. Mets. 58ᵇ כל המלבין … כאילו שופך דמים he who puts his neighbor to public shame is considered as if he shed blood; a. fr.—Y. Succ. V, 55ᶜ bot. (play on נ̇ב̇ל̇) שמל̇ב̇ין כמה מיני זמר it shames (excels) many a musical instrument.
סוּמַּק, סוּמְּקָא, סוּמְ׳ I m. (= סעמק, Saf. of עמק; cmp. עָמוֹק) [dark,] red. Targ. O. Lev. XIII, 30 (h. text צהב). Targ. O. Gen. XXV, 30 ed. Berl. (v. סִימּוּקָא). Targ. Y. Lev. XIII, 24 סוּמְקָא (ed. Amst. סוֹמְ׳) red spot; a. e.—Pes. 25ᵇ, a. e. מאי חזית דדמא דידך ס׳ טפי וכ׳ what reason hast thou to assume that thy blood is redder? may be thy neighbor’s blood is redder, i.e. you dare not save your life at the expense of your fellowman’s life. Sabb. 134ᵃ האי ינוקא דס׳ an infant that looks red. Gitt. 67ᵇ בישרא ס׳ red meat. B. Mets. 58ᵇ, v. חִיוָּר; a. fr.—Yeb. 64ᵇ יצחק סומקא surname of R. Isaac ben Joseph.—Pl. סוּמָּקִין, סוּמְּקִין, סוּמְּקֵי, סוּמְ׳. Targ. II Kings III, 22; a. e.—Y. Snh. I, 18ᶜ bot.; Y. R. Hash. II, 58ᵇ top (not סומוקן). Ḥull. 93ᵇ שורייקי ס׳ red veins. Sabb. 147ᵃ חיורי וס׳ white or red garments; a. fr.—Fem. סוּמְּקָא, סוּמְקְתָא. Targ. Y. Num. XIX, 2.—Ḥull. 46ᵇ, v. אֲהִינָא.
הכל ס"ד אלא אימא כל היורדין לגיהנם עולים חוץ משלשה שיורדין ואין עולין ואלו הן הבא על אשת איש והמלבין פני חבירו ברבים והמכנה שם רע לחבירו מכנה היינו מלבין אע"ג דדש ביה בשמיה
The Gemara asks: Does it enter your mind that everyone descends to Gehenna? Rather, say: Anyone who descends to Gehenna ultimately ascends, except for three who descend and do not ascend, and these are they: One who engages in intercourse with a married woman, as this transgression is a serious offense against both God and a person; and one who humiliates another in public; and one who calls another a derogatory name. The Gemara asks with regard to one who calls another a derogatory name: That is identical to one who shames him; why are they listed separately? The Gemara answers: Although the victim grew accustomed to being called that name in place of his name, and he is no longer humiliated by being called that name, since the intent was to insult him, the perpetrator’s punishment is severe.
וְהַמַּלְבִּין פְּנֵי חֲבֵרוֹ בָרַבִּים. הַמִּתְבַּיֵּשׁ פָּנָיו מַאֲדִימוֹת תְּחִלָּה וְאַחַר כָּךְ מִתְלַבְּנוֹת, שֶׁהַנֶּפֶשׁ יֵשׁ לָהּ שְׁתֵּי תְּנוּעוֹת אַחַת לַחוּץ וְאַחַת לִפְנִים, וּכְשֶׁמְּבַיְּשִׁין אֶת הָאָדָם בִּתְחִלָּה הָרוּחַ מִתְנוֹעֵעַ לְצַד חוּץ כְּמִי שֶׁמִּתְמַלֵּא חֵמָה וּפָנָיו מַאֲדִימוֹת, וּכְשֶׁאֵינוֹ מוֹצֵא טַעֲנָה כֵּיצַד יָסִיר הַבֹּשֶׁת הַהוּא מֵעַל פָּנָיו, הוּא דּוֹאֵג בְּקִרְבּוֹ וְנִכְנַס הָרוּחַ לְצַד פָּנָיו מִפְּנֵי הַצַּעַר, וּפָנָיו מִתְכַּרְכְּמִים וּמִתְלַבְּנִים. וְזֶהוּ שֶׁאָמְרוּ (בבא מציעא נח:) בְּעִנְיַן הַהַלְבָּנָה, דְּאַזִּיל סוּמְקָא וְאָתִי חִיוְרָא:
"one who whitens (embarrasses) the face of another in public": The face of one who is embarrassed turns red first and then white, as the spirit [of a person] has two movements, one outwards and one inwards. And when one embarrasses a person, at first the breath moves outwards, like one who is full of anger and his face turns red. And when he does not find a solution how to get rid of this embarrassment from on his face, he worries inside himself and the breath goes inwards because of the pain, and his face turns yellow and [then] white. And this is what they said (Bava Metzia 58b) about the matter of whitening: "when the red leaves, the white comes."
יזהר שלא לכנות שם רע לחבירו אע"פ שהוא רגיל באותו כנוי אם כוונתו לביישו אסור:
כני, כָּנָה , Pi. כִּנָּה, כִּינָּה (b. h., v. כֵּן I) 1) to qualify, define; to surname, to nickname; to modify an expression, circumscribe; to compare. B. Mets. 58ᵇ המְכַנֶּה שם רע וכ׳ he who calls his neighbor by a nickname. Shebu. 36ᵃ כַּנֵּה circumscribe (use the third person as euphemism). Sifré Num. 84, a. fr. כי׳ הכתוב the Bible modifies the expression (to avoid anthropomorphism, e.g. Zech. II, 12 עינו for עיני). Meg. IV, 9 המבנה בעריות he who modifies (symbolizes) in translating the laws of incest (e.g. Lev. XVIII, 7, ‘uncover not thy parents’ weakness or disgrace’). Yalk. Num. 771, v. פּוֹלְיָיטוֹן; a. fr. Part. pass. מְכוּנֶּה. Tanḥ. Ki Thissa 17 (ref. to באדם, Ps. LXVIII, 19) מכ׳ משה באדם (not לאדם) the name of Moses is here disguised by the substitute Adam.—[Yalk. Ps. 832 מכונה, v. כָּנַן.]
ד"א כי דבר ה' בזה זה המגלה פנים בתורה ואת מצותו הפר זה המפר ברית בשר הכרת תכרת הכרת בעולם הזה תכרת לעולם הבא מכאן אמר רבי אליעזר המודעי המחלל את הקדשים והמבזה את המועדות והמפר בריתו של אברהם אבינו והמגלה פנים בתורה שלא כהלכה והמלבין פני חבירו ברבים אף על פי שיש בידו תורה ומעשים טובים אין לו חלק לעולם הבא
Alternatively, one can explain: “Because he has despised the word of the Lord”; this is a reference to one who interprets the Torah inappropriately. “And has breached His commandment”; this is a reference to one who breaches the covenant of flesh, who refuses to circumcise his foreskin. “Shall be excised [hikkaret tikkaret]”; “hikkaret refers to being excised in this world, and tikkaret refers to being excised from the World-to-Come. From here Rabbi Elazar HaModa’i says: With regard to one who desecrates consecrated items, e.g., intentionally rendering them impure; and one who treats the intermediate days of the Festivals with contempt; and one who breaches the covenant of Abraham our forefather; and one who reveals aspects in the Torah that are not in accordance with halakha; and one who humiliates another in public, even if he has to his credit Torah study and good deeds, he has no share in the World-to-Come.
כָּל אֶחָד וְאֶחָד מֵעֶשְׂרִים וְאַרְבָּעָה אֲנָשִׁים אֵלּוּ שֶׁמָּנִינוּ אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁהֵן מִיִּשְׂרָאֵל אֵין לָהֶם חֵלֶק לָעוֹלָם הַבָּא. וְיֵשׁ עֲבֵרוֹת קַלּוֹת מֵאֵלּוּ וְאַף עַל פִּי כֵן אָמְרוּ חֲכָמִים שֶׁהָרָגִיל בָּהֶן אֵין לָהֶם חֵלֶק לָעוֹלָם הַבָּא (וּכְדֵי) [וּכְדַאי] הֵן לְהִתְרַחֵק מֵהֶן וּלְהִזָּהֵר בָּהֶן. וְאֵלּוּ הֵן. הַמְכַנֶּה שֵׁם לַחֲבֵרוֹ. וְהַקּוֹרֵא לַחֲבֵרוֹ בְּכִנּוּיוֹ. וְהַמַּלְבִּין פְּנֵי חֲבֵרוֹ בָּרַבִּים. וְהַמִּתְכַּבֵּד בִּקְלוֹן חֲבֵרוֹ. וְהַמְבַזֶּה תַּלְמִידֵי חֲכָמִים. וְהַמְבַזֶּה רַבּוֹתָיו. וְהַמְבַזֶּה אֶת הַמּוֹעֲדוֹת. וְהַמְחַלֵּל אֶת הַקָּדָשִׁים. בַּמֶּה דְּבָרִים אֲמוּרִים שֶׁכָּל אֶחָד מֵאֵלּוּ אֵין לוֹ חֵלֶק לָעוֹלָם הַבָּא כְּשֶׁמֵּת בְּלֹא תְּשׁוּבָה אֲבָל אִם שָׁב מֵרִשְׁעוֹ וּמֵת וְהוּא בַּעַל תְּשׁוּבָה הֲרֵי זֶה מִבְּנֵי הָעוֹלָם הַבָּא שֶׁאֵין לְךָ דָּבָר שֶׁעוֹמֵד בִּפְנֵי הַתְּשׁוּבָה. אֲפִלּוּ כָּפַר בָּעִקָּר כָּל יָמָיו וּבָאַחֲרוֹנָה שָׁב יֵשׁ לוֹ חֵלֶק לָעוֹלָם הַבָּא שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (ישעיה נז יט) "שָׁלוֹם שָׁלוֹם לָרָחוֹק וְלַקָּרוֹב אָמַר ה' וּרְפָאתִיו". כָּל הָרְשָׁעִים וְהַמּוּמָרִים וְכַיּוֹצֵא בָּהֶן שֶׁחָזְרוּ בִּתְשׁוּבָה בֵּין בְּגָלוּי בֵּין בְּמַטְמוֹנִיּוֹת מְקַבְּלִין אוֹתָן שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (ירמיה ג יד) "שׁוּבוּ בָּנִים שׁוֹבָבִים". אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁעֲדַיִן שׁוֹבָב הוּא שֶׁהֲרֵי בַּסֵּתֶר שָׁב וְלֹא בְּגָלוּי מְקַבְּלִין אוֹתוֹ בִּתְשׁוּבָה:
Each and every one of the enumerated twenty-four different categories of persons, Israelites though they be, have no share in the World to Come. And, there are yet lesser transgressions than those referred to concerning which the sages, nevertheless, said, that he who makes a practice to violate them has no share in the World to Come, and that they are of sufficient importance to be kept at a distance, and to watch out against them. They are: he who gives an alias name to his friend; he who calls his friend by his aliases; he who shames his friend publicly; he who glorifies himself by disgracing his friend; he who insults scholars; he who insults his masters; he who despises holy times; he who profanes holy objects. That is saying, that none of these will have a share in the World to Come, if he dies without repentance; but if he repent from his wickedness and died in a state of repentance, he is, indeed, of the sons of the World to Come, as there is not a thing to stand in the way of repentance. Even if one who denied the existence of God all of his life but in the end repented, has a share in the World to Come, for it is said: "Peace, peace, to him that is far off, and to him that is near, saith the Lord; and I will heal him" (Is. 57.19). All of the wicked, and apostates and their like who turned in repentance, whether publicly or secretly, should be accepted back into the folds of Israel, even as it is said: "Return ye backsliding children" (Jer. 3.22)—though he still be backsliding, for, 10, he repented secretly and not publicly, yet is his repentence accepted.22Pirke Abot, 3.11; Sanhedrin, 99b; Baba Mezi’a, 58b; Megillah, 28a; Tosfot, Rosh ha-Shanah, 16b; Kiddushin, 38b; Abodah Zarah, 7a. C. G.
שָׁכַח (b. h.; cmp. שכך) [to sink,] to forget, discard. Ber. 32ᵇ (ref. to Is. XLIX, 14) אדם … אתה עזבתני ושְׁכַחְתָּנִי if a man marries a woman after abandoning his first wife, he remembers the doings of his first wife, but thou hast abandoned me and also forgotten me. Ib. כלום אֶשְׁכַּח עולות וכ׳ will I ever forget the burnt-offerings of rams and the first born that thou didst offer &c.? Ib. שמא תִשְׁכַּח … סיני wilt thou forget what I did at Sinai? Peah V, 7 העומר ששְׁכָחוּהוּ … ולא ש׳ וכ׳ a sheaf which the laborers overlooked in collecting, but the employer had not overlooked. Ib. VII, 1 ושְׁכָחוֹ and he forgot it (left it on the tree). Ab. III, 8 כל השׁוֹכֵחַ וכ׳, v. מִשְׁנָה. Midd. II, 5 שָׁכַחְתִּי מה וכ׳ I forgot what purpose it served; Yoma 16ᵃ; a. v. fr.—Part. pass. שָׁכוּחַ; f. שְׁכוּחָה, a) (cmp. זָכוּר) forgetting. Y. Sabb. VI, 7ᵈ והיא ש׳ and she may forget herself, v. שַׁחֲצָנִית.—b) forgotten. B. Mets. 11ᵃ ש׳ מעיקרו a sheaf forgotten at the start (overlooked in collecting); זכור ולבסוף ש׳, v. זָכַר. Ber. l. c. (ref. to Is. l. c.) היינו עזובה היינו ש׳ is not abandoned the same as forgotten? (Ms. O. עֲזִיבָה … שְׁכִיחָה …).
Pi. - שִׁכֵּחַ 1) same. Y. Ber. V, 9ᵃ top לא במהרה הוא מְשַׁכֵּחַ will not easily forget it. Snh. 99ᵃ כל … ומְשַׁכְּחָהּ וכ׳ he who studied the Law and neglects it (fails to review it) is like a woman that gives birth and buries; a. e. —2) to cause forgetting. Ab. II, 2 שיגיעת … מְשַׁכַּחַת עון (or מַשְׁכַּחַת) the employment of the mind in both of them causes man to forget sin. Tosef. Sot. III, 12 אתם מְשַׁכְּחִין … אני אֲשַׁכֵּחַ וכ׳ you make the law of free trade forgotten among you, I will cause you to be forgotten in the world; Snh. 109ᵃ, a. e. באו ונְשַׁכֵּחַ וכ׳, v. רֶגֶל; a. fr.
Hif. - הִשְׁכִּיחַ same. Bets. 15ᵇ להַשְׁכִּיחוֹ, v. זָכַר. Ab. l. c., v. supra; a. e.
Nif. - נִשְׁכַּח,
Hithpa. - הִשְׁתַּכֵּחַ, , Nithpa. נִשְׁתַּכֵּחַ to be forgotten. Tem. 14ᵇ מוטב … ואל תִּשְׁתַּכֵּחַ וכ׳ (some ed. תִּשָּׁבֵחַ) it is better that a law be uprooted (disregarded) than that the Law be forgotten in Israel. Ib. 15ᵇ שלשה … נִשְׁתַּכְּחוּ וכ׳ three thousand traditional rules were forgotten during the days of mourning for Moses. Ib. 16ᵃ אף … נִשְׁתַּכְּחָה וכ׳ also the rule concerning a sin offering whose owner died (before it was brought) was forgotten during &c. Ib. שלא יִשְׁתַּכֵּחַ … מלבי that what I have learned be not forgotten out of my mind. Pes. 54ᵇ על המת שישתכח מן הלב that the dead should be forgotten out of mind; a. fr.
ולא עוד אלא בשעה שהם עוסקין בארבע מיתות ב"ד פוסקין ממשנתן ואומרים לי דוד הבא על אשת איש מיתתו במה אמרתי להם הבא על אשת איש מיתתו בחנק ויש לו חלק לעוה"ב אבל המלבין פני חבירו ברבים אין לו חלק לעולם הבא
David continued: Moreover, my enemies torment me to the extent that at the time when they are engaged in the public study of the halakhot of the four court-imposed death penalties they interrupt their study and say to me: David, concerning one who engages in intercourse with a married woman, his death is effected with what form of execution? And I said to them: Concerning one who engages in intercourse with a married woman before witnesses and with forewarning, his death is by strangulation, and he has a share in the World-to-Come. But one who humiliates another before the multitudes has no share in the World-to-Come. The transgression of those who humiliated David is clearly more severe than the transgression of David himself.
מפרסמין את החנפין מפני חילול השם שנאמר (יחזקאל ג, כ) ובשוב צדיק מצדקו ועשה עול ונתתי מכשול לפניו תשובת המוחלטין מעכבת הפורענות ואע"פ שנחתם עליו גזר דין של פורענות
Furthermore, they said: One exposes the hypocrites due to the desecration of God’s name, so others will not think that they are truly righteous and that their deeds bear imitating, as it is stated: “When a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, I will lay a stumbling block before him” (Ezekiel 3:20). That is, when people do not know that someone is wicked to the core, he causes other people to err and this desecrates the name of God when it is revealed. The repentance of utterly wicked people prevents suffering from coming upon them. And although the sentence of judgment has already been signed against them for suffering, their repentance prevents them from being punished.
מפרסמין את החנפין - שהן רשעים ומראין עצמן כצדיקים אם יש מכיר במעשיו מצוה לפרסמו מפני חילול השם שבני אדם למידין ממעשיו שסבורין עליו שהוא צדיק ועוד כשבא עליו פורענות בני אדם אומרים מה הועיל לו זכותו:
לכך אותם ההולכים בענווה בעניין המלבושים, ומדברים בנחת, ומנהיגים עצמם בחזקת חסידים וצדיקים למען יאמינו להם ויסמכו על דבריהם, ויחניפו למי שאין להחניף, ועושים רמאות בסתר, ואין חוששים לקיים המצוות רק ברבים, ולא כשהם ביחיד, וגונבים דעת הבריות – אלו הם מחללים השם ברוך הוא יותר מכל האדם, וגורמים שאין העולם מאמינים לטובים; והם נחשדים מבני אדם, שיאמרו: שמא אלו הם כאלו. והמכיר בהם חייב לפרסם ולהודיע לכל, כאשר אמרו רבותינו (יומא פו ב): מפרסמים את החנפים.
Therefore, those who are modest in their dress and speak gently and conduct themselves as pious and just in order that others should believe them and depend upon their works, and flatter those who should not be flattered, and make secret schemes and do not worry about fulfilling the commandments except when they are in the public eye and not when they are alone, and thus deceive the people — these are profaners of God, Blessed be He, more than all others — for they cause people to disbelieve the good teachers and prophets, for these latter are then suspected by people who say, "Perhaps these men are like those who deceived us." When anyone recognizes a false and lying prophet he should spread this abroad and let everyone know, as our Sages said: "We must publicly expose those who are flatterers" (Yoma 86b).
חָלַט II (b. h.; cmp. חָלַץ) [to surround, tie up (corresp. to b. h. צמת),] 1) to make final. Part. pass. חָלוּט, f. חֲלוּטָה permanently sold, irredeemable. Arakh. IX, 4 הגיע … היה ח׳ וכו׳ (Talm. ed. 31ᵃ היתה ח׳, read: חלוטה) when the last day … had passed and it (the house) was not redeemed, it was his forever …, for we read לצמיתות (Lev. XXV, 30); (Tosef. ib. V, 10 צמת). Arakh. l. c. בראשונה … שיהא ח׳ לו formerly the purchaser used to hide himself on the last day … in order that it might become his irredeemably; Sifra B’har ch. V, Par. 4 שתהא חלוטה לו. Arakh. 31ᵇ למי ח׳ to which (of the two buyers) did it belong finally?; a. fr.—V. חֲלוּטִין. —2) to pass final judgment on a leper after probationary enclosure (Lev. XIII). Zeb. 102ᵃ אני מסגירה ואני חוֹלְטָהּ וכ׳ I will lock her up, declare her a leper and discharge her.
Hif. - הֶחֱלִיט 1) to pass final judgment, to make valid; to adjudicate. Y. Dem. VII, beg. 26ᵃ צריך להַחֲלִיט וכ׳ he must make the consecrating conditions valid by speech. Y. Keth. X, 33ᵈ bot. אי זה … להַחֲלִיט מַחֲלִיטִין which of them the court chooses to declare valid, it may &c. Gen. R. s. 61 שלא תַחֲלִיט להם וכ׳ lest thou surrender the country to them (through bad argument); Yalk. ib. 110 (insert להם). Y. Ab. Zar. I, 39ᵇ top גסות … היא הֶחֱלִיטָתוֹ his haughtiness made Jerob. a confirmed sinner; a. e. —2) to declare a person a leper. Y. M. Kat. I, 80ᶜ bot. מטמא ומַחֲלִיט declares him unclean and this a decided leper; ורבנן … ומַחֲלִיטִין and the Rabbis say, he must be examined as if it were a new case, but at all events they declare &c.—Part. pass. מוּחֲלָט, f. מוּחֲלֶטֶת 1) irrevocable, confirmed. Yoma 86ᵇ תשובת המוּחֲלָטִין the repentance of the confirmed sinners.—2) the declared leper, opp. to מוּסְגָּר. Meg. I, 7. Yeb. 103ᵇ. Tosef. Naz. VI, 1 מ׳ בספק one declared a leper from doubt; Y. ib. VIII, end, 57ᵇ; a. fr.
חָלַט II (b. h.; cmp. חָלַץ) [to surround, tie up (corresp. to b. h. צמת),] 1) to make final. Part. pass. חָלוּט, f. חֲלוּטָה permanently sold, irredeemable. Arakh. IX, 4 הגיע … היה ח׳ וכו׳ (Talm. ed. 31ᵃ היתה ח׳, read: חלוטה) when the last day … had passed and it (the house) was not redeemed, it was his forever …, for we read לצמיתות (Lev. XXV, 30); (Tosef. ib. V, 10 צמת). Arakh. l. c. בראשונה … שיהא ח׳ לו formerly the purchaser used to hide himself on the last day … in order that it might become his irredeemably; Sifra B’har ch. V, Par. 4 שתהא חלוטה לו. Arakh. 31ᵇ למי ח׳ to which (of the two buyers) did it belong finally?; a. fr.—V. חֲלוּטִין. —2) to pass final judgment on a leper after probationary enclosure (Lev. XIII). Zeb. 102ᵃ אני מסגירה ואני חוֹלְטָהּ וכ׳ I will lock her up, declare her a leper and discharge her.
Hif. - הֶחֱלִיט 1) to pass final judgment, to make valid; to adjudicate. Y. Dem. VII, beg. 26ᵃ צריך להַחֲלִיט וכ׳ he must make the consecrating conditions valid by speech. Y. Keth. X, 33ᵈ bot. אי זה … להַחֲלִיט מַחֲלִיטִין which of them the court chooses to declare valid, it may &c. Gen. R. s. 61 שלא תַחֲלִיט להם וכ׳ lest thou surrender the country to them (through bad argument); Yalk. ib. 110 (insert להם). Y. Ab. Zar. I, 39ᵇ top גסות … היא הֶחֱלִיטָתוֹ his haughtiness made Jerob. a confirmed sinner; a. e. —2) to declare a person a leper. Y. M. Kat. I, 80ᶜ bot. מטמא ומַחֲלִיט declares him unclean and this a decided leper; ורבנן … ומַחֲלִיטִין and the Rabbis say, he must be examined as if it were a new case, but at all events they declare &c.—Part. pass. מוּחֲלָט, f. מוּחֲלֶטֶת 1) irrevocable, confirmed. Yoma 86ᵇ תשובת המוּחֲלָטִין the repentance of the confirmed sinners.—2) the declared leper, opp. to מוּסְגָּר. Meg. I, 7. Yeb. 103ᵇ. Tosef. Naz. VI, 1 מ׳ בספק one declared a leper from doubt; Y. ib. VIII, end, 57ᵇ; a. fr.
חָנֵף m. (b. h.; preced. wds.) hypocrite, flatterer; faithless, arbitrary, fickle. Esth. R. to I, 1 (ref. to Job XXXIV, 30) בשעה שהמלך ח׳ וכ׳ when a king is arbitrary and rules tyrannically &c. Ib. שהיה ח׳ וכ׳ for he (Ahasverus) was arbitrary, for he put to death &c.—Pl. חֲנֵפִים, חֲנֵפִין, חֲנֵי׳. Tosef. Yoma V (IV), 12; Yoma 86ᵇ מפרסמין את החנ׳ וכ׳ you may expose the hypocrites to prevent defamation of the divine Name. Koh. R. to IV, 1 חֲנֵיפֵי תורה pretenders of scholarship. Sot. 42ᵃ; Treat. Der. Er. ch. II. Ib. חֲנֵפוֹת (masc., v. מָסוֹר); a. e.
פִּרְסֵם, פִּירְ׳ (enlargement of פָּרַס) to spread, divulge, publish; to uncover, expose. Yoma 86ᵇ מְפַרְסְמִין, v. חָנֵף. Sot. 9ᵃ היא עשתה … פִּירְסְמָהּ בגלוי she acted in secret, the Lord exposes her in public. Y. Meg. I, 70ᵇ top רבי היה מְפַרְסֵם עצמו וכ׳ Rabbi used to make himself conspicuous (act ostentatiously) on two days in the year (as a protest against certain ritual restrictions). Num. R. s. 21 כשם שהקב"ה … לפַרְסְמָן וכ׳ as the Lord busies himself with the praise of the righteous in order to make them known in the world, so &c. Ib. פנחס פִּירְסְמוֹ לשבח וכ׳ he published Phineas for praise, and Zimri for blame. Ib. ופי׳ את בתו בקלון and exposed his daughter for prostitution. Tanḥ. Ki Thissa 16 מה כלה … ואינה מְפַרְסֶמֶת עצמה וכ׳ as the bride is retired in her father’s house and does not unveil herself (show herself in public) until she is about to enter the bridal chamber …: so must a scholar be retired, and be revealed (renowned) by his good deeds; Ex. R. s. 41; a. fr.—Part. pass. מְפוּרְסָם; f. מְפוּרְסֶמֶת; pl. מְפוּרְסָמִים, מְפוּרְסָמִין; מְפוּרְסָמוֹת. Ib. Lev. R. s. 32 בזמן שאינו מפ׳ when he is not generally known (as a bastard). Yalk. Ex. 391 מפ׳ במעשיו … שהיא מפ׳ well-known by his deeds, as the bride is unveiled (on her wedding day), v. supra; a. fr.—Gen. R. s. 36 יצא חם … וכלב מפ׳ בתשמישו Ham came out of the ark black, and the dog disgraced by the mean way of his copulation; Y. Taan. I, end, 64ᵈ מְפוּרְצָם (Snh. 108ᵇ כלב נקשר).
Hithpa. - הִתְפַּרְסֵם,
Nithpa. - נִתְפַּרְסֵם to be published, made known, exposed. Lev. R. l. c. (ref. to Lev. VI, 18) במקום … כדי שלא יִתְפַּרְסְמוּ החטאים ‘in the place where the burnt offering is killed shall the sin offering be killed’, … in order that the sinners be not exposed to shame. Ib. אבל אם נ׳ but if he is known (as a bastard); a. e.
רב אשי אוקי אשלשה מלכים אמר למחר נפתח בחברין אתא מנשה איתחזי ליה בחלמיה אמר חברך וחבירי דאבוך קרית לן
One day Rav Ashi ended his lecture just before reaching the matter of the three kings. He said to his students: Tomorrow we will begin the lecture with our colleagues the three kings, who, although they were sinners, were Torah scholars like us. Manasseh, king of Judea, came and appeared to him in his dream. Manasseh said to him angrily: You called us your colleague and the colleagues of your father? How dare you characterize yourself as our equal?
מהיכא בעית למישרא המוציא אמר ליה לא ידענא א"ל מהיכא דבעית למישרא המוציא לא גמירת וחברך קרית לן א"ל אגמריה לי ולמחר דרישנא ליה משמך בפירקא א"ל מהיכא דקרים בישולא
Manasseh said to him: I will ask you, from where are you required to begin cutting a loaf of bread when reciting the blessing: Who brings forth bread from the earth? Rav Ashi said to him: I do not know. Manasseh said to him: Even this, from where you are required to begin cutting a loaf of bread when reciting the blessing: Who brings forth bread from the earth, you did not learn, and yet you call us your colleague? Rav Ashi said to Manasseh: Teach me this halakha and tomorrow I will lecture and cite it in your name during my public lecture delivered on the Festival. Manasseh said to him: One cuts the loaf from where it crusts as a result of baking.
אֵין הַבּוֹצֵעַ רַשַּׁאי לִבְצֹעַ עַד שֶׁיָּבִיאוּ מֶלַח אוֹ לִפְתָּן לִפְנֵי כָּל אֶחָד וְאֶחָד אֶלָּא אִם כֵּן נִתְכַּוְּנוּ לֶאֱכל פַּת חֲרֵבָה. וְאֵינוֹ בּוֹצֵעַ לֹא פְּרוּסָה קְטַנָּה מִפְּנֵי שֶׁהוּא נִרְאֶה כְּצַר עַיִן וְלֹא פְּרוּסָה גְּדוֹלָה יוֹתֵר מִכְּבֵיצָה מִפְּנֵי שֶׁנִּרְאֶה כִּרְעַבְתָּן. וּבְשַׁבָּת יֵשׁ לוֹ לִבְצֹעַ פְּרוּסָה גְּדוֹלָה. וְאֵינוֹ בּוֹצֵעַ אֶלָּא מִמָּקוֹם שֶׁנִּתְבַּשֵּׁל יָפֶה יָפֶה:
The one who cuts the bread may not do so till salt or a relish has been placed before every one at the table—unless they propose to eat dry bread. He is not to cut a small size because this would make him seem parsimonious, nor a slice larger than the size of an egg for then he would seem ravenous. On Sabbath a large slice is cut. The bread is to be cut only at the part where it has been thoroughly baked.
א"ל מאחר דחכימתו כולי האי מאי טעמא קא פלחיתו לעבודת כוכבים א"ל אי הות התם הות נקיטנא בשיפולי גלימא ורהטת אבתראי למחר אמר להו לרבנן נפתח ברבוותא
Rav Ashi said to him: Since you were so wise, what is the reason you engaged in idol worship? Manasseh said to him: Had you been there at that time, you would have taken and lifted the hem of your cloak and run after me due to the fierce desire to engage in idol worship and due to the fact that it was a common faith. The next day Rav Ashi said to the Sages as a prelude to his lecture: We will begin with the treatment of our teachers, those kings who were greater than us in Torah knowledge but whose sins caused them to lose their share in the World-to-Come.
גְּלִים, גְּלִימָא I m. (גְלַם 1) wrapper, cloak. Targ. O. Gen. XXV, 25 ed. כִּגְלִים (ed. Berl. כָּכְלָן, v. כִּילַן, Var. כִּגְלָם). Targ. II Esth. VIII, 15.—Sabb. 77ᵇ it is called g’lima, שנעשה בו כגוֹלֶם ed. (Ms. M. שנעשית כגו׳) because one looks in it like a shapeless (armless) body (Ms. M. it is rolled up like a lump). Snh. 102ᵇ שיפולי ג׳ trail of the cloak; a. fr.—Pl. גְּלִימֵי. Ib. 110ᵃ
פְּלַח ch. same 1) to till, work. Targ. Ex. XX, 9 (Y. ed. Vien. Pa.). Targ. Prov. X, 5 (h. text אגר). Targ. Gen. IV, 12; a. fr.—3) to serve (man or deity); to worship. Ib. XIV, 4. Ib. XVII, 1 (h. text התהלך); a. fr.—Y. Ab. Zar. I, 39ᶜ top לפָלְחִין בה, v. preced. Ib. נשי דפלחין כפלחין the wives of those who worship (on the Roman festivals) are to be treated like those who worship. Ib. כפלחין היא (not כפלחון), v. שָׁמְרַיִין. Bab. Ab. Zar. 11ᵃ פָּלְחֵי בה לע"א they worship the idol on it (the anniversary of death). Ib. 22ᵇ אם איתא דפַלְחֵיה וכ׳ if he had worshipped it, he would not sell it. Snh. 102ᵇ מ"כ פַּלְחִיתוּ לע"א why do you worship idols? Gitt. 57ᵇ פְּלַח לע"א worship (bow down) to &c.!; a. fr.—4) פ׳ ב־ [to work with,] to compel to serve or work, to subject. Targ. Lev. XXV, 39. Targ. O. ib. 43. Targ. O. Gen. XV, 14; a. fr.—5) to split, distribute. Ab. Zar. 18ᵃ bot. פלגא פְלַח ופלגא וכ׳ one half distribute (as bribe), and one half be thine.
Pa. - פַּלַּח same, to dig, till, work. Targ. Y. Ex. XX, 9 (v. supra). Targ. Ps. CXLI, 7. Targ. Is. XXXII, 17; a. e.
Af. - אַפְלַח to make work, to subject, rule. Targ. O. Ex. I, 13. Targ. I Kings V, 4; a. fr.
Ithpa. - אִתְפַּלַּח,
Ithpe. - אִתְפְּלַח 1) to be worked, tilled; (with ב) to be worked with. Targ. Deut. XXI, 3. Targ. O. ib. 4. Targ. Ez. XXXVI, 9; a. e. —2) to break through, be born. Targ. Job XXXIX, 3.
רַבָּה I m. = רַבָּא 1) large, great; senior. בִּדְרַ׳ מיניה, v. קִים.—אַדְּרַ׳, v. אַדְּרַבָּא.—Y. Shebi. VII, end. 37ᶜ ודמיא היא כל ר׳ is this case altogether the same?; Y. Orl. I, 61ᵇ bot. ורמיה היא לכל רביה (corr. acc.).—דְּרַבָּה, v. רוּבָּה II.—Midr. Till. to Ps. XVII (ref. to רב, II Sam. XXIV, 16) ר׳ הוא משכונא גבך ed. Bub. (oth. ed. ר׳ היא משכונתך, corr. acc.) the pledge thou hast taken (with the death of Abishai) is large enough. Ber. 19ᵇ גברא ר׳ אמר וכ׳ a great man (scholar) has said something, laugh not at it; Gitt. 55ᵇ; Nidd. 50ᵇ. Sabb. 59ᵇ גברא ר׳ וכ׳ (some ed. רבא), v. אָרֵיכָא; Keth. 103ᵇ. Yeb. 21ᵇ הא … מגברא ר׳ וכ׳ I have heard this from a great scholar. Ib. אבא ר׳ grandfather. Gen. R. s. 1, beg. ר׳ הושעיה ר׳ R. Ḥ. senior (contrad. to זעירא). Y. Yeb. IV, 6ᵃ ר׳ חייא ר׳ R. Ḥ. senior; a. v. fr.—מדרש ר׳ (pl. רַבּוֹת), v. מִדְרָשׁ. —2) teacher. Y. l. c. 6ᵇ top הידינו ר׳ ר׳ דמתניתא ר׳ דאולפנא what teacher do you mean? a teacher of the Mishnah (a Tannai), or a teacher of tradition? Lev. R. s. 22 ואיפשר כן ר׳ שאל וכ׳ can that be? did the teacher ask his pupil? B. Mets. 101ᵃ כגון דא צריכה ר׳ a thing like this requires a teacher (to say it)!; a. fr.—Pl. רַבְוָותָא. Snh. 102ᵇ נפתח בר׳ (Ms. F. ברברבתא) let us open our meeting with (speaking of our) teachers (opp. to חברין).—Fem. רַבְּתָא, q. v.; רַבָּתִי. Yeb. 21ᵇ אימא ר׳ grandmother.—אבל ר׳ (מסכת), v. אֵבֶל.
רַבָּה I m. = רַבָּא 1) large, great; senior. בִּדְרַ׳ מיניה, v. קִים.—אַדְּרַ׳, v. אַדְּרַבָּא.—Y. Shebi. VII, end. 37ᶜ ודמיא היא כל ר׳ is this case altogether the same?; Y. Orl. I, 61ᵇ bot. ורמיה היא לכל רביה (corr. acc.).—דְּרַבָּה, v. רוּבָּה II.—Midr. Till. to Ps. XVII (ref. to רב, II Sam. XXIV, 16) ר׳ הוא משכונא גבך ed. Bub. (oth. ed. ר׳ היא משכונתך, corr. acc.) the pledge thou hast taken (with the death of Abishai) is large enough. Ber. 19ᵇ גברא ר׳ אמר וכ׳ a great man (scholar) has said something, laugh not at it; Gitt. 55ᵇ; Nidd. 50ᵇ. Sabb. 59ᵇ גברא ר׳ וכ׳ (some ed. רבא), v. אָרֵיכָא; Keth. 103ᵇ. Yeb. 21ᵇ הא … מגברא ר׳ וכ׳ I have heard this from a great scholar. Ib. אבא ר׳ grandfather. Gen. R. s. 1, beg. ר׳ הושעיה ר׳ R. Ḥ. senior (contrad. to זעירא). Y. Yeb. IV, 6ᵃ ר׳ חייא ר׳ R. Ḥ. senior; a. v. fr.—מדרש ר׳ (pl. רַבּוֹת), v. מִדְרָשׁ. —2) teacher. Y. l. c. 6ᵇ top הידינו ר׳ ר׳ דמתניתא ר׳ דאולפנא what teacher do you mean? a teacher of the Mishnah (a Tannai), or a teacher of tradition? Lev. R. s. 22 ואיפשר כן ר׳ שאל וכ׳ can that be? did the teacher ask his pupil? B. Mets. 101ᵃ כגון דא צריכה ר׳ a thing like this requires a teacher (to say it)!; a. fr.—Pl. רַבְוָותָא. Snh. 102ᵇ נפתח בר׳ (Ms. F. ברברבתא) let us open our meeting with (speaking of our) teachers (opp. to חברין).—Fem. רַבְּתָא, q. v.; רַבָּתִי. Yeb. 21ᵇ אימא ר׳ grandmother.—אבל ר׳ (מסכת), v. אֵבֶל.
שִׁיפּוּלָא, שִׁפּ׳ ch. same 1) extremity, bottom, train. Targ. Cant. I, 4 בש׳ דטורא at the foot of the mountain.—Pl. שִׁיפּוּלִין, שִׁיפּוּלֵי, שִׁפּ׳. Targ. O. Ex. XIX, 17 (ed. Vien. שִׁפֹּו׳; h. text תחתית). Targ. Y. Num. V, 17 (O. יסודי; h. text קרקע). Targ. Lam. I, 9. Targ. Ex. XXVIII, 33 (O. ed. Vien. שִׁיפֹּו׳); a. fr.—Snh. 102ᵇ הוה נקיטת בש׳ גלימא וכ׳ Ms. M. (ed. הות נקיטנא, read נקיט; Rashi הות נקיט ש׳ ג׳; Ar. only שיפולא, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 3) thou wouldst have taken up the trail of thy cloak and run after me. —2) the seat of a tree in the ground. B. Bath. 37ᵇ; Arakh. 14ᵇ, v. שִׁיפּוּדָא. —3) moving downwards (sailing with the wind). B. Bath. 73ᵇ, v. שֵׁיצָא.
וַיֵּ֨ט מֹשֶׁ֣ה אֶת־יָדוֹ֮ עַל־הַיָּם֒ וַיּ֣וֹלֶךְ יְהוָ֣ה ׀ אֶת־הַ֠יָּם בְּר֨וּחַ קָדִ֤ים עַזָּה֙ כָּל־הַלַּ֔יְלָה וַיָּ֥שֶׂם אֶת־הַיָּ֖ם לֶחָרָבָ֑ה וַיִּבָּקְע֖וּ הַמָּֽיִם׃
And Moses stretched his hand over the sea, and the L-rd drove the sea with a strong east wind [(the strongest of the winds)] all the night, and He made the sea into dry land, and the waters [of all the world] were split.
ויט משה את ידו על הים ויולך ה' את הים ברוח קדים וגו' היה הרצון לפניו יתברך לבקע הים ברוח קדים מיבשת שיראה כאלו הרוח היא המחרבת ים, כענין שכתוב (הושע יג טו) יבא קדים רוח ה' ויבוש מקורו וייחרב מעיינו, השגיא למצרים ויאבדם, כי בעבור זה חשבו אולי הרוח שם הים לחרבה, ולא יד ה' עשתה זאת בעבור ישראל, אע''פ שאין הרוח בוקעת הים לגזרים לא שמו לבם גם לזאת, ובאו אחריהם מרוב תאותם להרע להם, וזה טעם וחזקתי את לב פרעה ויבאו אחריהם, שחזק לבם לאמר ארדוף אויבי ואשיגם בים, ואין מידי מציל, ולא זכרו עתה כי ה' נלחם להם במצרים:
אמר רבי אבא אע"פ כן מת בנו בצמא שנאמר (תהלים נ, ג) וסביביו נשערה מאד מלמד שהקדוש ברוך הוא מדקדק עם סביביו כחוט השערה ר' חנינא אמר מהכא (תהלים פט, ח) אל נערץ בסוד קדושים רבה ונורא על כל סביביו:
Rabbi Abba said: Even so, the son of Neḥunya the well digger died of thirst, and the merit of his father, who attended to the water supply, did not protect him, as is stated: “And around Him it storms [nisara] mightily” (Psalms 50:3), which teaches that the Holy One, Blessed be He, is exacting with His surroundings, i.e., the righteous who are close to Him, up to a hairsbreadth [sa’ara], so that even slight deviations can elicit severe punishment. Rabbi Ḥanina said: This idea is derived from here: “A God dreaded in the great council of the holy ones, and feared by all that are about Him” (Psalms 89:8). This indicates that God is most feared by those that are nearest to Him, i.e., the righteous, because He is more exacting of them.
אבל השואלים לא מחכמה שאלו, דע כי היא הנותנת כי ביצחק שהוא מדת הדין המדוקדק זה גורם למעלה העתידה שנהיה בני עליון. ומתחילה צריך שתדע מה שכתבתי בפרשת בראשית (תו"א ד"ה ובזה יתבאר מאמרם) בענין (פס"ר מ, ג) מתחלה עלה במחשבה לברוא העולם במדת הדין, ראה כו', וכתבתי שם בארוכה ח"ו לא נתבטלה המחשבה הראשונה כי (עי' במדבר כג, יט) לא בן אדם ויתנחם, רק נשאר לבני עליה שלרוב מעלתם הקב"ה מדקדק עמהם במדת הדין כחוט השערה (יבמות קכא, ב), ואז הם בני עליון ממש. רק ראיתי בני עליה והנם מועטים (סוכה מה, ב), ורוב המון עם שאין מעלתם גדולה כ"כ, אצלם שיתף הקב"ה מדת הדין עם מדת הרחמים. ולעתיד שיחדש הקב"ה הבריאה להיות כאדם הראשון קודם שחטא, ואז כולם יהיו בני עליון, ואי אפשר לבוא לזה אלא אחר הדין המדוקדק. וזהו ענין הזדככות הגליות והצרות בכלל אומה ישראלית. ועוד ידקדק הקב"ה כחוט השערה במדת הדין המדוקדק, ואח"כ יהיה הכל קדוש וטהור ומזוכך. נמצא מדת הדין הוא בעצם רחמים גדולים:
Those who ask this question do not really display much wisdom. The very quality that enabled Isaac to be judged by the attribute of Justice is what secures Israel's eventual lofty status, its joining the ranks of בני עליון, superior beings. First we must examine the meaning of the מדרשים, Bereshit Rabbah 12,15 et al., which report G–d as having wanted to create a universe that would be administered solely by the attribute of Justice. These Midrashim report that when G–d realized that such a universe could not endure for long, He co-opted the attribute of Mercy. I have dealt with this problem at length on page 14 of this volume, where I also explained that one must not conceive of G–d as having "changed His mind," having abandoned a previous plan, seeing לא בן אדם ויתנחם, "He is not human that He should have regrets" (Numbers 23,9). All that happened to G–d's original plan is that instead of the yardstick of the attribute of Justice being applied universally, it is applied only to בני עליה, the truly righteous. To them G–d applies the most stringent yardstick. It is the application to them of the undiluted attribute of Justice which stamps them as superior creatures, בני עליה. They are but few in numbers. G–d applies a mixture of the attributes of Justice and Mercy to the vast majority of people. In the future under discussion, however, when everybody will qualify as a member of that formerly select group, everybody will be judged by the undiluted attribute of Justice and will prevail even under such scrutiny. It is impossible for people nowadays to qualify for such a status until after their bodies, i.e. the raw-material their bodies are made of, have undergone a process of refinement such as the experience of exile and other afflictions. The more of such suffering the Jewish people experiences, the greater the evidence that G–d has decided to become very exacting with us in order to prepare us for that idyllic state. When viewed under this perspective, we understand that the application of the attribute of Justice is really an expression of the greatest love, חסד, of G–d for the Jewish people.
דִּקְדֵּק (Pilp. of דוק or דקק) 1) to crush, grind; v. Nithpa.—Part. pass. מְדוּקְדָּק broken, humiliated, afflicted. Ex. R. s. 31 מדו׳ בעניות afflicted with poverty. Gen. R. s. 100 עני מדו׳ a very poor man. —2) to even a woof by beating. Tosef. Sabb. VIII (IX), 2; Sabb. 75ᵇ; 97ᵇ (v. Rashi a. l.). —3) to examine minutely, search, investigate (charity cases); to trace genealogical records (corresp. to בָּדַק); in gen. to be very strict in religious observances; (with עם) to deal strictly with (esp. used of divine retribution). Y. Peah VIII, 21ᵃ מְדַקְדְּקִין בכסות וכ׳ you must make inquiries if one asks for clothes, but you must not &c., if food is asked for; Lev. R. s. 34 (B. Bath. 9ᵃ בודקין).—Y. Kidd. IV, 65ᵈ אין מד׳ אחריה you must not trace its past records. Y. B. Bath. IV, end, 14ᵈ it is the custom in sales להיות מְדַקְדְּקִין to be strict, opp. בעין יפה liberal. Ex. R. s. 31 מד׳ עמהם he is stinting (illiberal) towards the poor. Y. Succ. I, 52ᵇ top לא די׳ בה he paid no particular attention to its preparation. Ḥull. 4ᵃ הרבה מד׳ בה יותר וכ׳ they are very strict in the observance, even more so than &c.; Tosef. Pes. I (II), 15.—Yeb. 121ᵇ (ref. to Ps. L, 3) הקב"ה מד׳ עם וכ׳ the Lord deals with those around Him (the good) strictly, to a hair’s breadth; Y. Shek. V, 48ᵈ. Lev. R. s. 27; a. fr.—Tanḥ. Mishp. 11 למה אתה תְדַקְדֵּק בהכאתה why art thou so severe in punishing her?
Nithpa. - נִדַּקְדֵּק (= נִתְדַּ׳) to be crushed, powdered. Ohol. II, 7.
ואמר רבה בר חיננא סבא משמיה דרב כל השנה כולה אדם מתפלל האל הקדוש מלך אוהב צדקה ומשפט חוץ מעשרה ימים שבין ראש השנה ויום הכפורים שמתפלל המלך הקדוש והמלך המשפט
And, with regard to the formulation of the blessings, Rabba bar Ḥinnana Sava said in the name of Rav: Throughout the year a person prays and concludes the third blessing of the Amida prayer with: The holy God, and concludes the blessing regarding the restoration of justice to Israel with: King who loves righteousness and justice, with the exception of the ten days between Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur, the Ten Days of Atonement. These days are comprised of Rosh HaShana, Yom Kippur, and the seven days in between, when one emphasizes God’s sovereignty, and so when he prays he concludes these blessings with: The holy King and: The King of justice, i.e., the King who reveals Himself through justice.
המלך הקדוש - לפי שבימים הללו הוא מראה מלכותו לשפוט את העולם:
The Holy King - since during these days He shows his kingship to judge the world
כָּל הַשָּׁנָה כֻּלָּהּ חוֹתֵם בִּבְרָכָה שְׁלִישִׁית הָאֵל הַקָּדוֹשׁ וּבְבִרְכַּת עַשְׁתֵּי עֶשְׂרֵה מֶלֶךְ אוֹהֵב צְדָקָה וּמִשְׁפָּט וּבַעֲשֶׂרֶת הַיָּמִים שֶׁמֵּרֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה עַד מוֹצָאֵי יוֹם הַכִּפּוּרִים חוֹתֵם בַּשְּׁלִישִׁית הַמֶּלֶךְ הַקָּדוֹשׁ וּבְעַשְׁתֵּי עֶשְׂרֵה הַמֶּלֶךְ הַמִּשְׁפָּט:
The third blessing ends, throughout the year, with the words, "the holy God," and the eleventh blessing, with the words, "King who loveth righteousness and justice." But in the ten days, from the New Year to the close of the day of Atonement, the third blessing ends with the words, "the holy King" and the eleventh, with the words, "The King of Justice."
חתימת ברכת השיבה. ובו סעיף אחד:
השיבה שופטנו חותם בה מלך אוהב צדקה ומשפט ומר"ה ועד יום הכפורים חותם המלך המשפט: הגה מיהו אם אמר מלך אוהב צדקה ומשפט אין צריך לחזור ולא אמרו שיחזור אלא במקום שכל השנה אומרים האל אוהב צדקה ומשפט [הר"י ספ"ק דברכות וטור והגהות ומנהגים] וע"ל סי' תקפ"ב:
שְׁלִיחַ צִבּוּר מְבָרֵךְ לְעוֹלָם בְּרָכָה שְׁלִישִׁית בְּנֹסַח זֶה. נַקְדִּישְׁךָ וְנַמְלִיכְךָ וּנְשַׁלֵּשׁ לְךָ קְדֻשָּׁה מְשֻׁלֶּשֶׁת כַּדָּבָר הָאָמוּר עַל יַד נְבִיאֶךָ וְקָרָא זֶה אֶל זֶה וְאָמַר קָדוֹשׁ קָדוֹשׁ קָדוֹשׁ יְיָ׳‎ צְבָאוֹת מְלֹא כָל הָאָרֶץ כְּבוֹדוֹ. כְּבוֹדוֹ וְגָדְלוֹ מָלֵא עוֹלָם וּמְשָׁרְתָיו שׁוֹאֲלִים אַיֵּה מְקוֹם כְּבוֹדוֹ לְהַעֲרִיצוֹ לְעֻמָּתָם מְשַׁבְּחִים וְאוֹמְרִים בָּרוּךְ כְּבוֹד יְיָ׳‎ מִמְּקוֹמוֹ. מִמְּקוֹמְךָ מַלְכֵּנוּ תּוֹפִיעַ וְתִמְלוֹךְ עָלֵינוּ כִּי מְחַכִּים אֲנַחְנוּ לָךְ מָתַי תִּמְלוֹךְ בְּצִיּוֹן בְּחַיֵּינוּ וּבְיָמֵינוּ תִּשְׁכֹּן תִּתְגַּדַּל וְתִתְקַדַּשׁ בְּתוֹךְ יְרוּשָׁלַיִם עִירְךָ לְדוֹר וָדוֹר לְנֵצַח נְצָחִים וְעֵינֵינוּ תִרְאֶינָה בְּמַלְכוּת עֻזֶּךָ כַּדָּבָר הָאָמוּר בְּדִבְרֵי קָדְשֶׁךָ עַל יְדֵי דָּוִד מְשִׁיחַ צִדְקֶךָ יִמְלוֹךְ יְיָ׳‎ לְעוֹלָם אֱלֹהַיִךְ צִיּוֹן לְדוֹר וָדוֹר הַלְלוּיָהּ. לְדוֹר וָדוֹר נַגִּיד גָּדְלֶךָ וּלְנֵצַח נְצָחִים קְדֻשָּׁתְךָ נַקְדִּישׁ וְשִׁבְחֲךָ אֱלֹהֵינוּ מִפִּינוּ לֹא יָמוּשׁ כִּי אֵל מֶלֶךְ גָּדוֹל וְקָדוֹשׁ אָתָּה בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְיָ׳‎ הָאֵל הַקָּדוֹשׁ. בְּעֵת שֶׁשְּׁלִיחַ צִבּוּר אוֹמֵר בִּבְרָכָה זוֹ וְקָרָא זֶה אֶל זֶה כָּל הָעָם עוֹנִין קָדוֹשׁ קָדוֹשׁ קָדוֹשׁ וְכוּ׳‎. וּכְשֶׁהוּא אוֹמֵר אַיֵּה מְקוֹם כְּבוֹדוֹ כָּל הָעָם עוֹנִין מְשַׁבְּחִים וְאוֹמְרִים בָּרוּךְ כוּ׳‎. וּכְשֶׁהוּא אוֹמֵר בְּחַיֵּינוּ וּבְיָמֵינוּ כָּל הָעָם עוֹנִין אָמֵן. וּכְשֶׁהוּא אוֹמֵר עַל יְדֵי דָּוִד מְשִׁיחַ צִדְקֶךָ כָּל הָעָם אוֹמְרִים יִמְלוֹךְ יְיָ׳‎ לְעוֹלָם. וְכָל אֵלּוּ הַדְּבָרִים שֶׁעוֹנִין הַצִּבּוּר הוּא קוֹרֵא עִמָּהֶן. וְלֹא יַגְבִּיהַּ קוֹלוֹ בְּעֵת שֶׁהֵן עוֹנִין עִמּוֹ. וְאֶחָד הַיָּחִיד וְאֶחָד הַשַּׁ״ץ בַּעֲשָׂרָה יָמִים שֶׁמֵּרֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה עַד יוֹם הַכִּפּוּרִים אוֹמֵר בְּסוֹף בְּרָכָה זוֹ כָּאָמוּר וַיִּגְבַּהּ יְ״יָ צְבָאוֹת בַּמִּשְׁפָּט וְהָאֵל הַקָּדוֹשׁ נִקְדַּשׁ בִּצְדָקָה בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְ״יָ הַמֶּלֶךְ הַקָּדוֹשׁ.
The agent of the community always blesses the third blessing according to this formula. We sanctify you and we declare you King and three times daily we declare Your holiness as it says by the hand of Your prophet, "And they turned one to the other and said, 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is filled with His Glory (Isaiah 6)." His Glory and His Greatness fill the world and His servants ask, 'where is the place of His Glory?' To revere him, those facing praise and say, "Blessed is the glory of God from His place (Ezekiel 3)." From Your place, our King, appear and rule over us because we wait for You. When will You rule in Zion? In our lives and in our day may you dwell, be sanctified and be exalted in the midst of Jerusalem, Your city, from generation to generation forever. May our eyes see the kingdom of your strength, as it is said in Your holy writings by the hand of David your righteous anointed one, "The Lord will reign forever, Your God O Zion, from generation to generation, Halleluyah(Psalm 146)!" From generation to generation we will declare Your greatness and from eternity to eternity proclaim Your holiness; Your praise, our God, shall not cease from our lips because You, God, are a great and holy King. Blessed are You, Lord, the holy God. At the time when the communal agent says within this blessing, "And one turned to the other," all the people respond, " Holy, holy, holy, etc." And when he says, "Where is the place of Your glory?" All of the people respond, "They praise and say, blessed, etc." And when he says, "In our lives and in our days," all the people respond, "Amen." And when he says, " By the hand of David, Your righteous anointed one," all the people respond, "The Lord will reign forever." And all of these, the words that the congregation responds, he recites with them and does not raise his voice at the time that they respond with him, one for the individual and one for the communal agent. During the ten days from Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur, one says at the end of this blessing, as it is said, the Lord of Hosts is exalted by justice and the holy God is sanctified through righteousness. Blessed are you, Lord, the Holy King.
כָּל הַשָּׁנָה, אוֹמְרִים בַּתְּפִלָּה, הָאֵל הַקָּדוֹשׁ, מֶלֶךְ אוֹהֵב צְדָקָה וּמִשְׁפָּט, חוּץ מִן רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה עַד לְאַחַר יוֹם הַכִּפּוּרִים, שֶׁצְּרִיכִין לוֹמַר, הַמֶּלֶךְ הַקָּדוֹש, הַמֶלֶךְ הַמִֹּשְפָט. לְפִי שֶׁבְּיָמִים הָאֵלּוּ הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא מַרְאֶה מַלְכוּתוֹ לִשְׁפֹּט אֶת הָעוֹלָם. אִם טָעָה וְאָמַר הָאֵל הַקָּדוֹשׁ, אוֹ שֶׁהוּא מְסֻפָּק אִם אָמַר הָאֵל הַקָּדוֹשׁ אוֹ הַמֶּלֶךְ הַקָּדוֹש, אִם נִזְכַּר תּוֹךְ כְּדֵי דִּבּוּר, אוֹמֵר הַמֶּלֶךְ הַקָּדוֹשׁ, וְאֵינוֹ צָרִיךְ לַחֲזוֹר לְרֹאשׁ, וְכֵן הַדִּין בְּהַמֶּלֶךְ הַמִּשְׁפָּט. אֲבָל אִם לֹא נִזְכַּר עַד לְאַחַר כְּדֵי דִּבּוּר, אֲזַי בְּהַמֶּלֶךְ הַקָּדוֹשׁ צָרִיךְ לַחֲזֹר לְרֹאשׁ הַתְּפִלָּה, (אֲפִלּוּ מִסְּפֵקָא), מִפְּנֵי שֶֹׁשָׁלֹשׁ הַבְּרָכוֹת הָרִאשׁוֹנוֹת נֶחְשָׁבוֹת כְּאֶחָת (כְּמוֹ שֶׁכָּתוּב בְּסִימָן יט סָעִיף ב). וַאֲפִלּוּ שְּׁלִיחַ הַצִבּוּר בַּחֲזָרַת הַתְּפִלָּה צָרִיךְ לַחֲזוֹר לָרֹאֹשׁ, וּצְרִיכִין לוֹמַר קְדֻשָּׁה שֵׁנִית. אֲבָל בְּהַמֶּלֶךְ הַמִּשְׁפָּט, אֲפִלּוּ יָחִיד, אֵינוֹ צָרִיךְ לַחֲזוֹר אֲפִלּוּ לְאוֹתָהּ בְּרָכָה, כֵּיוַן שֶׁהִזְכִּיר תֵּבַת מֶלֶךְ בִּבְרָכָה זֹאת. בְּכָל הַשָּׁנָה אִם טָעָה וְאָמַר, הַמֶּלֶךְ הַקָּדוֹשׁ, הַמֶּלֶךְ הַמִּשְׁפָּט, אֵינוֹ צָרִיךְ לַחֲזוֹר (קיח תקפב).
All through the year you say in the Shemoneh Esrei, hakeil hakadosh [the Almighty, the Holy One], and melech oheiv tzedakah umishpat [King Lover of righteousness and justice] except from Rosh Hashanah until after Yom Kippur, when you must say instead Hamelech hakadosh (the King, the Holy One) and Hamelech hamishpat (the King of Justice), because on these days the Holy One blessed is He manifests His dominion by judging the world. If, by mistake, you said Hakeil hakadosh, or if you are in doubt whether you said Hakeil hakadosh or Hamelech hakadosh; if you become aware of the error within the time needed to utter a short greeting, [Shalom Alecha Rebbe] you should say Hamelech hakadosh2This is so only if you did not yet begin the next berachah, but if you began the next berachah, even if it is still within toch kedei dibur, you must start from the beginning of Shemoneh Esrei. (Mishnah Berurah 582:7) and you need not start again from the beginning. The same law applies to Hamelech hamishpat. But, if you only became aware of it after the time needed for a short greeting, then, at Hamelech hakadosh you must repeat Shemoneh Esrei from the beginning, (even if in doubt),3However, if you are certain that you intended to say Hamelech hakadosh, and then much later you became doubtful if you actually said it or not, you need not repeat the Shemoneh Esrei. If, however, the doubt came into mind immediately after you completed Shemoneh Esrei, you must repeat the Shemoneh Esrei. (Ibid 114:38) If on Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur there is a doubt if you said Hamelech hakadosh, you need not repeat the Amidah, since you can assume that you said it as part of the special prayers of Yom Tov. (Ibid 582:4) because the first three berachos are considered as one (as is written in Chapter 19:2). Even the Chazzan during the repetition of the Shemoneh Esrei, must repeat from the beginning [if he did not say Hamelech hakadosh], and the kedusha must be said again. But at Hamelech hamishpat, even an individual need not repeat, even that berachah, since he mentioned the word melech "King" in that berachah. During the entire year, if you said, by mistake, Hamelech hakadosh or Hamelech hamishpat, you need not repeat the Shemoneh Esrei.
צָרִיךְ שֶׁלֹּא יַפְסִיק יוֹתֵר מִכְּדֵי דִבּוּר בֵּין הַבְּרָכָה לַאֲכִילָה. וַאֲפִלּוּ בִּשְׁעַת לְעִיסָה, אָסוּר לְהַפְסִיק עַד שֶׁיִּבְלַע, (דְּהָא עַל הַלְּעִיסָה אֵינוֹ צָרִיךְ בְּרָכָה כְּדִלְקַמָּן סָעִיף ז'). וְאִם הִפְסִיק בְּדִבּוּר בֵּין הַבְּרָכָה לַאֲכִילָה שֶׁלֹּא מֵעִנְיַן הָאֲכִילָה, צָרִיךְ לַחֲזוֹר וּלְבָרֵךְ. אֲבָל אִם שָׁהָה בִּשְׁתִיקָה, אֵינוֹ צָרִיךְ לַחֲזוֹר וּלְבָרֵךְ. וּשְׁהִיָּה שֶׁהִיא לְצֹרֶךְ הָאֲכִילָה, לֹא חָשִׁיב הֶפְסֵק כְּלָל. וְלָכֵן כְּשֶׁרוֹצֶה לֶאֱכוֹל פְּרִי גָּדוֹל וְלַחְתֹּךְ מִמֶּנּוּ חֲתִיכוֹת, יְבָרֵךְ כְּשֶׁהַפְּרִי שָׁלֵם, מִשּׁוּם דְּמִצְוָה לְבָרֵךְ עַל הַשָּׁלֵם, וְהַשְּׁהִיָה לֹא הֲוֵי הֶפְסֵק, מִשּׁוּם שֶׁהוּא לְצֹרֶךְ הָאֲכִילָה. אַךְ כְּשֶׁרוֹצֶה לֶאֱכֹל אֵיזֶה פְּרִי וְאֵין לוֹ יוֹתֵר, וְיֵשׁ לָחוּשׁ שֶׁמָּא פְּרִי זֶה מְתֻלָּע שֶׁאֵינוֹ רָאוּי לַאֲכִילָה, יִפְתְּחֶנּוּ וְיִבְדְּקֶנוּ קֹדֶם הַבְּרָכָה (ר"ב ר"ו).
You must not pause longer than it would take to utter [a short greeting]5“(וּמוֹרִי) שָׁלוֹם עָלֶיךָּ רַבִּי”—“Peace to you, my Rabbi (and teacher).” This time interval applies only when pausing in silence—speaking constitutes an interruption even if only one word is uttered. (Mishnah Berurah 206:12) between the berachah [over the food] and eating it. Even while chewing, you may not pause until you swallow it. (For chewing [or tasting] do not require a berachah, see par. 7.) Now, if after the berachah but before eating, you interrupted by saying, something that was unrelated to the meal, then you must repeat the berachah. However, if you paused silently, then you need not repeat the berachah. Any delay which is necessary for the purpose of the meal, is not considered an interruption. Therefore, if you wish to eat [a portion of] a large fruit [which you must] cut up into small pieces, then you should recite the berachah while the fruit is [still] whole, for it is considered an [enhancement of] a mitzvah to say a berachah over something that is whole; and the pause [caused by cutting up the fruit] is not considered an interruption, because [this cutting] is necessary in order to eat [the fruit]. On the other hand, if you wish to eat a fruit, [and this is the only one available], and you have none other, and there is reason to suspect that this fruit contains worms which would make it unfit to be eaten, then you must open it and examine it before reciting the berachah.