מה אתה רוצה לעשות כשתהיה גדול?
הדף מאת: אסף פילה / הלל ישראל
דף לימוד ראשון בסדרה: 'לעבודה ולמלאכה'. הלימוד נפתח בשאלת חיוב ההורים להקנות לבנם משלח-יד, ועובר לדון באופיין של מלאכות שונות ובהשלכות שלהן על הסדר החברתי ועל הבדלי מעמדות.
חיוב רכישת משלח יד
האב חייב בבנו למולו, ולפדותו, וללמדו תורה, ולהשיאו אשה, וללמדו אומנות, ויש אומרים אף להשיטו במים.
רבי יהודה אומר כל שאינו מלמד את בנו אומנות, מלמדו ליסטות.
The Gemara comments: According to this interpretation, we learn in this mishna that which the Sages taught in a baraita: A father is obligated with regard to his son to circumcise him, and to redeem him if he is a firstborn son who must be redeemed by payment to a priest, and to teach him Torah, and to marry him to a woman, and to teach him a trade. And some say: A father is also obligated to teach his son to swim. Rabbi Yehuda says: Any father who does not teach his son a trade teaches him banditry [listut]. The Gemara expresses surprise at this statement: Can it enter your mind that he actually teaches him banditry? Rather, the baraita means that it is as though he teaches him banditry. Since the son has no profession with which to support himself, he is likely to turn to theft for a livelihood. This baraita accords with Rav Yehuda’s interpretation of the mishna.
מה המכנה המשותף לכל החיובים של האב כלפי בנו?
מה חשוב יותר ללמד את הבן לפי רבי יהודה - משלח יד או תורה?
מלאכות שלא כדאי לעסוק בהן...
אבא גוריין איש צדיין אומר משום אבא גוריא: לא ילמד אדם את בנו חַמָּר [נוהג בחמור], גַּמָּל [נוהג בגמל], קַדָר, סַפָּן, רועה וחנוָנִי, שאומנותן אומנות ליסטים. רבי יהודה אומר משמו: החַמָּרִין רובן רשעים, והגַמָּלִין רובן כשרין, הסַפָּנִין רובן חסידים, טוב שברופאים לגיהנֹם, והכשר שבטבחים שותפו של עמלק.
גמ'. תנו רבנן: כל שעסקיו עם הנשים - סורו רע, כגון הצורפים, והסריקים [=צובעי בגדי נשים], והנקורות [=מנקי ריחיים], והרוכלין, והגרדיים [=אורגים], והספָּרים, והכובסים, והגָּרָע [מקיזי דם לרפואה], והבַּלָן [=מחמם מרחצאות], והבורסקי [=מעבד עורות] - אין מעמידים מהם לא מלך ולא כהן גדול. מאי טעמא? [=מה הטעם?] לא משום דפסילי, אלא משום דזיל אומנותיהו.
תנו רבנן, עשרה דברים נאמרו בגָרָע: מהלך על צידו, ורוחו גסה, ונתלה ויושב, ועינו צרה, ועינו רעה, אוכל הרבה, ומוציא קימעא, וחשוד על העריות ועל הגזל ועל שפיכות דמים.

  • המסכת האחרונה בסדר נשים, ועוסקת בדיני ההתקשרות בין האיש לאשתו. הפרק הרביעי: 'עשרה יוחסין' רווי באגדתות ועוסק בשאלות סוציאליזציה כגון: האם בן תורה ללא ייחוס משפחתי גדול מבעל ייחוס אך לא בן תורה? מהו היחס בין תורה לעבודה ולמלאכה? ועוד
  • המסכת האחרונה בסדר נשים, ועוסקת בדיני ההתקשרות בין האיש לאשתו. הפרק הרביעי: 'עשרה יוחסין' רווי באגדתות ועוסק בשאלות סוציאליזציה כגון: האם בן תורה ללא ייחוס משפחתי גדול מבעל ייחוס אך לא בן תורה? מהו היחס בין תורה לעבודה ולמלאכה? ועוד.
Abba Guryan of Tzadyan says in the name of Abba Gurya: A person may not teach his son the trades of a donkey driver, a camel driver, a pot maker, a sailor, a shepherd, or a storekeeper. The reason for all these is the same, as their trades are the trades of robbers; all of these professions involve a measure of dishonesty and are likely to lead to robbery. Rabbi Yehuda says in Abba Gurya’s name: Most donkey drivers are wicked, since they engage in deceit, and most camel drivers, who traverse dangerous places such as deserts, are of fit character, as they pray to God to protect them on their journeys. Most sailors are pious, since the great danger of the seas instills in them the fear of Heaven. The best of doctors is to Gehenna, and even the fittest of butchers is a partner of Amalek. Rabbi Nehorai says: I set aside all the trades in the world, and I teach my son only Torah, as a person partakes of its reward in this world and the principal reward remains for him in the World-to-Come, which is not true of other professions, whose rewards are only in this world. Furthermore, if a person comes to be ill, or old, or undergoes suffering, and is unable to be involved in his trade, behold, he dies in hunger. But with regard to the Torah it is not so, since one can study it under all circumstances. Rather, it preserves him from all evil and sin in his youth, and provides him with a future and hope in his old age. The mishna explains: With regard to his youth, what does it say about a Torah scholar? “But they that wait for the Lord shall renew their strength” (Isaiah 40:31). With regard to his old age, what does it say? “They shall still bring forth fruit in old age” (Psalms 92:15), and it likewise states with regard to Abraham our forefather: “And Abraham was old, well stricken in age; and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things” (Genesis 24:1). We found that Abraham our forefather fulfilled the entire Torah before it was given, as it is stated: “Because that Abraham listened to My voice, and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws” (Genesis 26:5), which indicates that Abraham observed all the mitzvot of his own accord and was rewarded in his old age as a result. GEMARA: The Sages taught: With regard to anyone who has professional dealings primarily with women, his practice and company are bad, and it is best to keep away from him. This category includes, for example, the smiths, and the carders, and the fixers of hand mills of women, and the peddlers of jewelry and perfume to women, and the weavers [gardiyyim], and the barbers, and the launderers, and the bloodletter, and the bathhouse attendant [ballan], and the tanner [burseki]. One may not appoint from among those who have these professions neither a king nor a High Priest. What is the reason for this? It is not because they are disqualified, since there is nothing wrong with these jobs, but because their trades are demeaning, and they would not be respected when appointed to a position of authority. The Sages taught: Ten things were stated with regard to a bloodletter: He walks on his side, i.e., in a haughty manner; and his spirit is arrogant; and he leans and sits, i.e., he does not sit down like others do but leans on an object in a conceited fashion; and he is stingy; and he is envious; and he eats much and discharges only a little; and he is suspected of engaging in intercourse with those with whom relations are forbidden, and of stealing, and of bloodshed in the course of his work.
שיבעה אין להם חלק לעולם הבא, ואלו הן: לבלר [פקיד], וסופר, וטוב שברופאין ודיין לעירו וקוסם, חזן וטבח.

  • אבות דרבי נתן - מסכת קטנה שלא נכנסה לתלמוד, ככל הנראה מתקופת התנאים. זהו מעין פירוש לנוסח מוקדם של פרקי אבות, שמשמר מימרות ופירושים שאינם מופיעים במשנה. המסכת מיוחסת לר' נתן הבבלי שחי לפני ר' יהודה הנשיא, עורך המשנה.
These seven have no share in the World to Come: the scribe, the schoolteacher, the best doctors, the city judge, the magician, the sexton, and the butcher.
מהם המאפיינים והתכונות שיש במשלחי היד הנזכרים אשר חז"ל מזהירים מפניהם?
האם יש משלחי יד שהם שליליים מטבעם? משלחי יד שהעוסקים בהם רעים מטבעם?
מדוע חז"ל מזהירים מפני עיסוקים רבים אך לא אוסרים אותם?
חלומה של אם יהודיה...
דאמר ליה רב לרב כהנא, פְּשוֹט נבלתא בשוק וטול אגרא, ולא תימא כהנא אנא, גברא רבא אנא, וסניא בי מלתא.
תרגום: אמר לו רב לרב כהנא: פשוֹט נבלה בשוק וקח שכר, ולא תאמר כהן אני, אדם חשוב אני, ואין זה לכבודי.
are found on the paths [gazyata] near the city, as horses belonging to the demons flee along those paths, and the demons come to lead them away. Generally, however, demons do not enter inhabited places. And Rav said to Rav Asi: Do not live in a city where horses do not neigh and where dogs do not bark, as the these animals provide security and protection. And do not live in a city where the mayor is a doctor, as he will be too busy working to govern properly. And do not marry two women, as they will likely join forces against you. And if you do marry two, marry a third as well. If two of your wives plot against you, the third will inform you of their plans. Rav said to Rav Kahana: It is better for one to turn over a carcass than to turn over his word, i.e., to break his promise. Rav further said: Skin a carcass in the market and take payment, but do not say: I am a priest, or: I am a great man, and this matter disgusts me. It is preferable for one to work, even in menial labor, than to be dependent on others. Rav also advised Rav Kahana: If you ascend to the roof, carry your food with you. One should always carry his sustenance with him, even if he goes only on a short trip. If one hundred pumpkins in the city cost a zuz, place them carefully under the corners of your clothes. Treat food respectfully even if it is inexpensive. Rav said to Ḥiyya, his son: Do not get into the habit of drinking medications, lest you develop an addiction. And do not leap over a ditch, as you might hurt yourself in the process. And do not pull out a tooth, but try to heal it if possible. And do not provoke a snake in your house to try to kill it or chase it away. And do not provoke a gentile, as this too is dangerous. Similarly, the Sages taught: There are three beings one should not provoke: A small gentile, and a small snake, and a small Torah scholar. What is the reason? Because their authority stands behind their ears. They will eventually grow up, assume power, each in his own way, and avenge those who have harassed them. Rav said to Ayvu, his son: I struggled to teach you halakha but my efforts did not succeed, as you did not become a great scholar. Come and I will teach you about mundane matters: Sell your merchandise while the dust from the road is still on your feet. As soon you return from your travels, sell your wares, lest the prices fall in the meantime. Furthermore, it is possible that anything you sell might later cause you to regret the sale, except for wine, which you can sell without regret. Since wine might go bad and be entirely lost, its sale is always advisable. Rav further advised his son: Open your purse to accept payment, and only then open your sack to deliver the goods, to ensure you will receive payment for your merchandise. It is better to earn a kav from the ground than a kor from the roof. A kor is one hundred and eighty times larger than a kav. This proverb means that it is preferable to earn a small amount from a local, safe transaction than to attempt to earn more through a distant, risky venture. Rav continued: If there are dates in your storeroom, run to the brewery to sell them. If you wait, there is a good chance the dates will go bad. The Gemara asks: And how many dates should one keep for himself? Rava said: Up to three se’a. Rav Pappa said: If I were not a beer manufacturer I would not have become wealthy. Some say that it was Rav Ḥisda who said: If I were not a beer manufacturer I would not have become wealthy. The Gemara asks: What is the meaning of the word sudana, the Aramaic term for a brewer? Rav Ḥisda said: A pleasant secret [sod na’e] and acts of loving kindness, as brewing is a good way to make money and also enables one to perform good deeds. The Gemara continues to offer advice about mundane matters. Rav Pappa said: Anything you acquire with a document by means of which ownership is transferred, i.e., a bill of acquisition or obligation, requires collection, despite the fact that you are the legal owner. Any sale on credit is uncertain whether or not it will come to fruition. And even if it does come to fruition, the money is bad. These funds are difficult to collect, and they are generally not paid on time. Rabbi Yoḥanan said three matters, citing the people of Jerusalem: When you go to war do not go out first, but go out last. The reason is so that if your side is defeated and you need to flee for your life, you will enter the refuge of the city first. And it is better to make your Shabbat like an ordinary weekday and do not be beholden to other beings. And exert yourself to join together with one upon whom the hour smiles. Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi said three matters, citing the people of Jerusalem: Do not indulge in a shameful act in public, because of the incident that occurred involving David and Bathsheba (see II Samuel 11–12). If your daughter has grown up, it is better to free your Canaanite slave and give him to her than to leave her to find a husband on her own. And be careful with your wife with regard to her first son-in-law, as she is especially fond of him. What is the reason for this warning? Rav Ḥisda said: Due to the possibility of licentiousness. Rav Kahana said: Due to the fact that she might give him all your money and leave you impoverished. The Gemara comments: Since either of these could happen, it is best to be prudent. Rabbi Yoḥanan said: Three people are among those who inherit the World-to-Come: One who lives in Eretz Yisrael; one who raises his sons to engage in Torah study; and one who recites havdala over wine at the conclusion of Shabbat. The Gemara asks: What is the special importance of that mitzva, to recite havdala over wine? The Gemara answers: This is referring to an individual with only a small amount of wine, who nevertheless leaves some of his kiddush wine for havdala. Rabbi Yoḥanan further said: The Holy One, Blessed be He, proclaims about the goodness of three kinds of people every day, as exceptional and noteworthy individuals: About a bachelor who lives in a city and does not sin with women; about a poor person who returns a lost object to its owners despite his poverty; and about a wealthy person who tithes his produce in private, without publicizing his behavior. The Gemara reports: Rav Safra was a bachelor living in a city.
דרש בר קפרא: לעולם ילמד אדם את בנו אומנות נקיה וקלה. מאי היא? אמר רב יהודה:
מחטא דתלמיותא [=תופר].
Bar Kappara taught: A person should always teach his son a clean and easy trade. The Gemara asks: What is such a profession? Rav Yehuda said: Needlework for embroidery is a clean and easy trade.
רבי אומר: אין לך אומנות שעוברת מן העולם, אשרי מי שרואה את הוריו באומנות מעולה, אוי לו למי שרואה את הוריו באומנות פגומה.
אי אפשר לעולם בלא בַּסָּם [= עושה בשמים] ובלא בורסקי [=מעבד עורות]. אשרי מי שאומנותו בַּסָּם, ואוי לו מי שאומנותו בורסקי.
It is taught in the Tosefta (5:12): Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi says: There is no trade that disappears from the world, since all occupations are needed, but fortunate is he who sees his parents in an elevated trade; woe is he who sees his parents in a lowly trade and follows them into their trade. Similarly, it is impossible for the world to continue without a perfumer and without a tanner. Fortunate is he whose trade is as a perfumer, and woe is he whose trade is as a tanner, who works with materials that have a foul smell. Likewise, it is impossible for the world to exist without males and without females, yet fortunate is he whose children are males, and woe is he whose children are females.
קראו בעיון את המקורות:
האם כל עבודה מכבדת את בעליה?
האם יש לחייב מי שירדו מנכסיהם לעבוד במשלח יד בעל סטטוס חברתי נמוך?
האם זה רצוי כי ראשי הציבור יעסקו במשלחי יד בעלי סטטוס חברתי נמוך?
מהן ההשלכות על הסדר החברתי?
מה ההבדל בין אומנות/ עבודה/ מלאכה?
מהי אומנות נקייה וקלה? האם אתם מזדהים עם אמירתו של בר קפרא?
איך ניתן להסביר את הניגוד בדבריו של רבי (=רבי יהודה הנשיא)?
דף מספר 1 בסדרה לעבודה ולמלאכה, דפים נוספים בסדרה:
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