'לגור בדירת פאר, לחשוב שאתה מיליונר'
הדף מאת: אסף פילה / הלל ישראל
דף לימוד רביעי בסדרה: 'לעבודה ולמלאכה' העוסק בעושר. מהו עושר? איזה עושר עדיף, זה שבא בעמל כפיים או זה שבא כמתנה? נדון באגדה העוסקת בשאלה זו ונסיים במחלוקת בין חכמים בעניין זה.
דוד חלפון, מתוך: אשליות
לגור בדירת פאר
לחשוב שאתה מיליונר
להתעורר אחר הצהרים
ליד נערה או שתיים

לא לעבוד לעולם
לא לשרת שום אדם
רק הראש בעננים
מטפס שם במרומים
© כל הזכויות שמורות למחבר ולאקו"ם
החלום לעשות את המכה...
חלפון כותב בשירו: 'לא לעבוד לעולם לא לשרת שום אדם',
האם התגשמות "החלום האמריקאי" הוא להשתחרר מכל עול של עבודה ומלאכה?
מהי תכלית הפרנסה? לשם מה אני עובד קשה?
איזהו עשיר?
איזה עשיר? כל שיש לו נחת רוח בעשרו, דברי רבי מאיר. רבי טרפון אומר: כל שיש לו מאה כרמים ומאה שדות, ומאה עבדים שעובדין בהן. רבי עקיבא אומר: כל שיש לו אשה נאה במעשים. רבי יוסי אומר: כל שיש לו בית הכסא סמוך לשולחנו.
And, teruma does not have the possibility of pidyon: redemption, as, once it is sanctified, it may not be redeemed and rendered non-sacred. And it is prohibited to zarim: non-priests may not eat it. These stringencies do not apply to consecrated items. The Gemara answers: Nevertheless, those stringencies that apply to consecrated items are more numerous than those that apply to teruma. Therefore, it is appropriate to be more stringent with consecrated items and exclude impure teruma from the prohibition against deriving benefit when burning it. And if you wish, say instead a different reason, without counting the number of stringencies: Consecrated items are more stringent because one who eats them while ritually impure is punishable by karet, while in the case of teruma the punishment is death at the hand of Heaven. In this regard, the Torah is more stringent vis-à-vis consecrated items than it is vis-à-vis teruma. Rav Naḥman bar Yitzḥak said that there is a different proof that one is permitted to benefit from teruma while it is burning. As the verse said: “The first fruits of your grain, of your wine, and of your oil, and the first of the fleece of your sheep shall you give him” (Deuteronomy 18:4). The Sages derived from this verse: Give the priest teruma that is ritually pure, that is fit for him to consume, and do not give the priest teruma that is suitable only for his fire, to be burned. By inference, ritually impure teruma is suitable for his fire, i.e., a priest may derive benefit from it. We learned in the mishna that Rabbi Yishmael says that kindling a lamp on Shabbat with tar is prohibited. The Gemara asks: What is the reason for this? Rava said: Because its odor is bad the Sages issued a decree prohibiting the use of tar, lest one forsake the light and leave. Abaye said to him: And let him leave. What obligation is there to sit next to the light? Rava said to him: Because I say that kindling Shabbat lights is an obligation, and one is required to eat specifically by that light in deference to Shabbat. As Rav Naḥman bar Rav Zavda said, and others say that it was Rav Naḥman bar Rava who said that Rav said: Kindling the Shabbat lamps is an obligation, whereas washing one’s hands and feet with hot water in the evening prior to Shabbat is merely optional. And I say: Washing is not merely optional; it is a mitzva even though it is not an obligation. The Gemara asks: What mitzva is there? The Gemara explains that Rav Yehuda said that Rav said: This was the custom of Rabbi Yehuda bar Elai: On Shabbat eve, they would bring him a bowl full of hot water and he would use it to wash his face, hands, and feet, and he would wrap himself, and sit in linen cloaks with ritual fringes, and he was like an angel of the Lord of hosts. He did all this in deference to Shabbat. And the Gemara relates that his students, who also sat wrapped in linen cloaks, would conceal the corners of their garments from him so that he would not see that they did not have ritual fringes on their garments. He said to them: My sons, did I not teach you with regard to the obligation to attach ritual fringes to a linen cloak: Beit Shammai exempt the linen sheet because at least part of the ritual fringes is always made from wool, and there is a Torah prohibition against a mixture of wool and linen that applies even to ritual fringes? And Beit Hillel obligate linen sheets in the mitzva of ritual fringes, as they hold that the positive mitzva of ritual fringes overrides the prohibition of mixing wool and linen. The halakha is in accordance with the opinion of Beit Hillel, and therefore the sheets require ritual fringes. And the students held: Although it is permitted by Torah law to attach ritual fringes to a linen garment, the Sages issued a decree that one may not do so due to garments worn at night. The Sages were concerned lest a person wear this cloak at night. Since one is not obligated in the mitzva of ritual fringes at night, he would be wearing the prohibited mixture of wool and linen at a time when he is not fulfilling the mitzva of ritual fringes. Therefore, attaching ritual fringes made of wool to a linen garment is prohibited, even to a garment worn during the day. Since bathing as preparation for enjoyment of Shabbat was discussed, the Gemara cites the homiletic interpretation of the verse describing those heading into exile: “And my soul is removed far off from peace, I forgot prosperity” (Lamentations 3:17). What is: And my soul is removed far off from peace? Rabbi Abbahu said: That is the lack of opportunity to engage in kindling the Shabbat lights, which a refugee is unable to do. I forgot prosperity, Rabbi Yirmeya said: That is the lack of opportunity to bathe in the bathhouse. Rabbi Yoḥanan said: That is the lack of opportunity to engage in washing one’s hands and feet in hot water. Rabbi Yitzḥak Nappaḥa said: Prosperity is a pleasant bed and the pleasant bedclothes that are on it, which are not available in exile. Rabbi Abba said: That is a made bed, and a wife adorned, i.e., worthy of and suitable (Rashba) for Torah scholars. Incidental to the discussion of prosperity, the Gemara mentions that on a similar topic, the Sages taught: Who is wealthy? Anyone who gets pleasure from his wealth, that is the statement of Rabbi Meir. The letters mem (Meir), tet (Tarfon), kuf (Akiva), samekh (Yosei) are a mnemonic for the tannaim who expressed opinions on this matter. Rabbi Tarfon says: A wealthy person is anyone who has one hundred vineyards, and one hundred fields, and one hundred slaves working in them. Rabbi Akiva says: Anyone who has a wife whose actions are pleasant. Rabbi Yosei says: Anyone who has a bathroom close to his table. It was taught in a baraita that Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar says: One may not light on Shabbat with sap from balsam trees [tzori]. The Gemara asks: What is the reason for this? Rabba said: Since its pleasant smell diffuses, the Sages were concerned lest one forget and come to take some sap from it on Shabbat. That is tantamount to extinguishing the lamp, as removing oil from a burning lamp curtails the amount of time that it will burn. Abaye said to him:
מהו עושר לפי חכמים? בציטוט לעיל יש ארבע הגדרות לעושר, נסחו אותן במילים שלכם. עם איזו הגדרה אתם מזדהים? הסבירו.
הדריינוס שחיק עצמות היה עולה לא"י,
ראה זקן אחד נוטע נטיעות,
אמר לו, זקן זקן אילו השכמת לא החשכת,
אילו יגעת בילדותך לא יגעת בזקנותך.
אמר לו, בחייך אדוני השכמתי והחשכתי,
ומה שרצוי לאדוני הוא עושה.
אמר לו, בחייך זקן אם עושות נטיעות אלה ביומך אתה מטעים לי מהם.
זכה אותו זקן ועשו אותן נטיעות ביומו,
ומלא סלו תאנים והלך לו לפניו.
ואמר לו מי אתה,
אמר לו, אותו זקן שעברת אצלי ואמרת לי אם עושות נטיעות אלו ביומך אתה מטעים לי מהם.
אמר לו, פנו אותן ממנו ומלאו אותו דינרים,
נעשה לו כן,
הלך וסיפר לבני ביתו.
Rabbi Yehudah ben Shimon began, "'After the Lord your God shall you walk' (Deuteronomy 12:5). But is it possible for a man of flesh and blood to walk after the Holy One, blessed be He, the One about Whom it is written (Psalms 77:20), 'Your way is in the sea and Your path is in many waters?' And you say, 'After the Lord shall you walk?' 'And to Him shall you cling.' But is it possible for flesh and blood to go up to the Heavens and to cling to the Divine Presence, about Whom it is written (Deuteronomy 4:24), 'As the Lord, your God, is a consuming Fire,' and it is written (Daniel 7:9), 'His throne is sparks of fire,' and it is written (Daniel 7:10), 'A river of fire pulses and goes out before Him.' And you say, 'And to Him shall you cling?' But rather, the Holy One, blessed be He, from the very beginning of the creation of the world, only occupied Himself with plantation first. Hence it is written (Genesis 2:8), 'And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden.' You also, when you enter into the land, only occupy yourselves with plantation first. Hence it is written, 'When you shall come to the land.'"
הקטע המצוטט הוא חלקו הראשון של המדרש:
מה אדריאנוס מבקש לומר לזקן בלשונו הציורית?
על פי אדריאנוס, מהי תכלית העבודה?
האם יש תכלית לעבודה שתוצאותיה אינן ניכרות בפועל? שאי אפשר ליהנות ממנה?
השכנה של הזקן...
שמעה שכנתו,
הלכה ואמרה לבעלה: בן החושך בן החושך,
שמעת שהמלך הזה אוהב תאנים,
א"ל מניין את מודעת לי,
א"ל שזה הזקן שכננו מילא סלו תאנים ומילא אותו דינרים,
השכים בלילה,
ומילא מרעיל וטען על החמור והלך ועמד לו לפניו,
אמרו לו מי אתה,
אמר להם שמעתי מלך זה אוהב תאנים,
אמר להם המלך לכו והעמידוהו בשער פלטין כל שמזדמן ועובר יהיה משליך לו בפניו,
נעשה לו כן,
הלך וסיפר לבני ביתו,
אמרו לו: לך ותודה לבוראך שהיו תאנים ולא אתרוגים,
שהיו בשלים ולא היו פגים.
Rabbi Yehudah ben Shimon began, "'After the Lord your God shall you walk' (Deuteronomy 12:5). But is it possible for a man of flesh and blood to walk after the Holy One, blessed be He, the One about Whom it is written (Psalms 77:20), 'Your way is in the sea and Your path is in many waters?' And you say, 'After the Lord shall you walk?' 'And to Him shall you cling.' But is it possible for flesh and blood to go up to the Heavens and to cling to the Divine Presence, about Whom it is written (Deuteronomy 4:24), 'As the Lord, your God, is a consuming Fire,' and it is written (Daniel 7:9), 'His throne is sparks of fire,' and it is written (Daniel 7:10), 'A river of fire pulses and goes out before Him.' And you say, 'And to Him shall you cling?' But rather, the Holy One, blessed be He, from the very beginning of the creation of the world, only occupied Himself with plantation first. Hence it is written (Genesis 2:8), 'And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden.' You also, when you enter into the land, only occupy yourselves with plantation first. Hence it is written, 'When you shall come to the land.'"
על פי המשכו של המדרש:
מה ההבדלים בין הזקן לשכן?
מדוע לדעתכם אדריאנוס התנהג באופן שונה לשכן?
איזה תפקיד משחקת האישה? השוו לדברי רבי עקיבא בתחילת דף המקורות ('איזה עשיר?').
להתחבר לצד הנשי שלך זה טוב או רע?
ת"ר מעשה באחד שמתה אשתו והניחה בן לינק ולא היה לו שכר מניקה ליתן ונעשה לו נס ונפתחו לו דדין כשני דדי אשה והניק את בנו.
אמר רב יוסף: בא וראה כמה גדול אדם זה שנעשה לו נס כזה.
א"ל אביי: אדרבה כמה גרוע אדם זה שנשתנו לו סדרי בראשית.
אמר רב יהודה: בא וראה כמה קשים מזונותיו של אדם שנשתנו עליו סדרי בראשית.
The Gemara cites a related baraita in which the Sages taught: There was an incident where one man’s wife died, and she left him a son to nurse, and he did not have money to pay the wages of a wet-nurse. And a miracle was performed on his behalf, and he developed breasts like the two breasts of a woman, and he nursed his son. Rav Yosef said: Come and see how great this person is that a miracle of that magnitude was performed on his behalf. Abaye said to him: On the contrary, how dishonorable is this person that the order of creation was altered on his behalf. A miracle was indeed performed on his behalf; however, it was performed in a demeaning and unpleasant manner. Rav Yehuda added and said: Come and see how difficult it is to provide for a person’s sustenance. It is so difficult that the order of creation had to be altered on his behalf, which was apparently easier than providing him a source of financial support. Rav Naḥman said: Know that it is so, as miracles are often performed on a person’s behalf; however, it has not yet happened that food was miraculously created in a person’s home.
איזה עושר טוב יותר, זה שעמלת בעבורו או זה שנעשה לך בנס?
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אשליות, מילים: דוד חלפון, לחן וביצוע: נסים סרוסי, מתוך אתר YouTube
דף מספר 4 בסדרה לעבודה ולמלאכה, דפים נוספים בסדרה:
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