Texts to Bring you Joy in Adar
After a long wait, Purim is finally around the corner. Sefaria has been making the most of the leap year by using the extra month of Adar to prepare new texts and resources that will enhance your Purim learning and celebration. Check out the Purim collections, new texts, learning opportunities, and even a built-in gragger.
  • The Sefaria library now includes a complete English translation of Esther Rabbah, an exciting early midrash that interprets the book of Esther verse-by-verse and expands on the Esther narrative with additional stories. We hope you're enjoying our guided learning series that spotlights some great passages to learn and teach in the lead up to the holiday!
  • Don't forget our huge selection of Megillah commentaries, including complete English translations of Rashi, Ibn Ezra, and Malbim.