A Time for Reflection
As the 17th of Tammuz approaches, the Jewish community recalls the destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem and other tragedies that occurred during this season. Sefaria’s resources provide an opportunity for reflection on communal sadness and moving forward without forgetting the past.
With many Jewish communities beginning to return to synagogues after months of absence and a tumultuous year, we are poised to explore the themes of Tisha B’Av with new perspectives. Whether you are teaching in person or online, you can use Sefaria’s sheets to spark a conversation or inspire more learning.
  • How do we relate to the physical spaces of our religious experiences, in light of the destruction of the temple? Explore this question with images and text in “Sanctuary: Picturing Sacred Space
  • How do we mourn and find a way to move forward after difficult times?Mourning and Moving Forward” discusses the traditions of communal mourning and how these might guide us in our current experiences of grief.
  • What do the texts of our tradition have to teach us about the negative effects of hatred? Browse Sefaria’s Topics page on “baseless hatred” provides a wealth of resources for how to move towards a more loving society.
As always, Sefaria has you covered with the core texts of the Tisha B’Av experience: The Book of Eicha, Lamentations, and the Kinnot, traditional liturgical poems for the day.
If you are looking to delve more deeply into the messages of the Three Weeks, join in our #SefariaReadingChallenge with a reading list curated to help you prepare for this heavy holiday
May our learning bring us consolation and comfort.