006 HaMafkid - Captive's field 38b


שבוי שנשבה

רב אמר אין מורידין קרוב לנכסיו

שמואל אמר מורידין קרוב לנכסיו

The Gemara notes that it was stated that there is an amoraic dispute with regard to one who was taken captive. Rav says: The court does not authorize a relative to descend and manage the property of a captive. Shmuel says: The court authorizes a relative to descend and manage the property of a captive.

בששמעו בו שמת, כולי עלמא לא פליגי דמורידין.

The Gemara limits the scope of the dispute: In a case where they heard that the captive died, everyone agrees that the court authorizes a relative to descend and manage the property of a captive. The relative is the prospective heir and will tend to the land as if it were his own. If the captive returns, he will compensate the relative for his expenditures.

בששמעו בו שמת כולי עלמא לא פליגי דמורידין - דאם יבאו הבעלים קודם שיאכל זה הפירות יטול זה כשאר אריסין ויחזיר השאר ואם יבאו עדים שמת ירש הכל:

בששמעו בו שמת כ"ע ל"פ דמורידין - אין לפרש בששמעו בב' עדים דא"כ פשיטא דמורידין אלא ששמעו היינו בקול ועד אחד אע"ג דשמעו בו שמת דבפ' ב' דייני גזירות (כתובות דף קז.) גבי אין פוסקין מזונות לאשת איש משמע סוגיא דהתם דהוי בעדות גמורה:

כי פליגי,

בשלא שמעו בו שמת.

רב אמר אין מורידין

דלמא מפסיד להו.

ושמואל אמר מורידין

כיון דאמר מר שיימינן להו כאריס לא מפסיד להו.

When they disagree, it is in a case where they did not hear that the captive died and presumably he will return. Rav says: The court does not authorize a relative to descend and manage the property of a captive, lest he devalue the property. Since presumably the owner of the property is alive, the relative assumes that he will eventually be required to return the property to the owner. Therefore, he does not tend to the land as if it were his own but will farm the land to increase its short-term yield, at the expense of its long-term condition. And Shmuel says: The court authorizes a relative to descend and manage the property of a captive. Since the Master said: In any case where one works a field that is not his, we appraise his work as if he were a sharecropper, the relative will not devalue the property. It is in his best interest to tend to the land to ensure that he will receive his payment.

שמות כג:כא-כג

כא כָּל-אַלְמָנָה וְיָתוֹם, לֹא תְעַנּוּן. כב אִם-עַנֵּה תְעַנֶּה, אֹתוֹ--כִּי אִם-צָעֹק יִצְעַק אֵלַי, שָׁמֹעַ אֶשְׁמַע צַעֲקָתוֹ. כג וְחָרָה אַפִּי, וְהָרַגְתִּי אֶתְכֶם בֶּחָרֶב; וְהָיוּ נְשֵׁיכֶם אַלְמָנוֹת, וּבְנֵיכֶם יְתֹמִים.


רבי אליעזר אומר ממשמע שנאמר (שמות כב, כג) "וחרה אפי והרגתי אתכם."

יודע אני שנשותיהם אלמנות ובניהם יתומים.

אלא מה תלמוד לומר "והיו נשיכם" וכו'?

The Gemara raises an objection from a baraita. Rabbi Eliezer says: By inference, from that which is stated: “My wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you” (Exodus 22:23), I know that their wives shall be widows and their children orphans. Rather, what is the meaning when the verse states: “And your wives shall be widows and your children orphans” (Exodus 22:23)? Why is this clause in the verse necessary?

מלמד שנשותיהם מבקשות לינשא ואין מניחין אותן

ובניהן רוצים לירד לנכסי אביהן ואין מניחין אותן

אמר רבא לירד ולמכור תנן

The verse teaches an additional punishment, that the men will be killed with no witnesses. Their wives will seek to marry, and the courts will not allow them to do so without witnesses to their husbands’ deaths. And their children will wish to descend to their father’s property, to inherit it, and the courts will not allow them to do so. Apparently, the court does not authorize a relative to descend and manage the property of a captive. Rava said: We learned in the baraita that the courts do not allow them to descend and to sell the land, but the court does authorize a relative to descend and manage the land.

אלא מלמד שנשיהם מבקשות לינשא כו' - שילכו בשבי ולא ידעו בניהם אם חיים אם מתים ויהיו נשיהם אלמנות לעולם שאין ב"ד מניחין אותן לינשא ובניהם כיתומים שלא ירשו נכסיהם ושתי קללות הן אחת של חרב ואחת של שבי שמע מינה "אין מורידין:"

הוה עובדא בנהרדעא ופשטה רב ששת מהא מתניתין

א"ל רב עמרם דלמא לירד ולמכור תנן

א"ל דלמא מפומבדיתא את דמעיילין פילא בקופא דמחטא

והא דומיא דנשותיהם [ובניהם] קתני

מה התם כלל לא אף הכא נמי כלל לא.

The Gemara relates: There was a similar incident in Neharde’a, and Rav Sheshet resolved the matter from this baraita and ruled that the court does not authorize a relative to descend to the property of a captive. Rav Amram said to him: Perhaps we learned in the baraita that the courts do not allow a relative to descend and to sell the land? Rav Sheshet said mockingly to him, employing a similar style: Perhaps you are from Pumbedita, where people pass an elephant through the eye of a needle, i.e., they engage in specious reasoning. But doesn’t the juxtaposition between their wives and their children in the verse teach that the meaning is similar in both cases? Just as there, with regard to the wives, it means that they may not remarry at all, so too here, with regard to the sons, it means that they may not descend to the property at all.

"וכולן שמין להם כאריס"

"וכולן" - לאיתויי מאי?

The Gemara asks with regard to the phrase written in the baraita: And for all of them, the court appraises their work as one would appraise the work of a sharecropper, what additional case does it serve to include, as apparently it applies only to property of those who abandoned it, in accordance with the opinion of Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel?

לאיתויי הא דאמר רב נחמן אמר שמואל:

שבוי שנשבה מורידין קרוב לנכסיו.

יצא לדעת אין מורידין קרוב לנכסיו

ורב נחמן דידיה אמר: בורח הרי הוא כשבוי.

בורח מחמת מאי?

אילימא מחמת כרגא היינו לדעת!

אלא בורח מחמת מרדין.

The Gemara answers: It comes to include that which Rav Naḥman says that Shmuel says: For a captive who was taken captive, the court authorizes a relative to descend and manage his property. If he left of his own volition, the court does not authorize a relative to descend and manage his property. And Rav Naḥman says his own statement: The legal status of one who flees is like that of a captive. The Gemara asks: One who flees for what reason? If we say that he flees due to a tax [karga] that he attempts to evade, that is the case of one who left of his own volition. Rather, the reference is to one who flees due to an allegation that he committed murder [meradin], and he flees to avoid execution. Therefore, his legal status is that of a captive.