The 4 New Years and Nisan vs Tishrei

When is the New Year?

(א) ארבעה ראשי שנים הם.באחד בניסן ראש השנה למלכים ולרגלים.באחד באלול ראש השנה למעשר בהמה.רבי אלעזר ורבי שמעון אומרים, באחד בתשרי .באחד בתשרי ראש השנה לשנים ולשמטין וליובלות, לנטיעה ולירקות.באחד בשבט , ראש השנה לאילן, כדברי בית שמאי.בית הלל אומרים, בחמשה עשר בו.

(1) The four new years are: On the first of Nisan, the new year for the kings and for the festivals; On the first of Elul, the new year for the tithing of animals; Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Shimon say, in the first of Tishrei. On the first of Tishrei, the new year for years, for the Sabbatical years and for the Jubilee years and for the planting and for the vegetables. On the first of Shevat, the new year for the trees, these are the words of the House of Shammai; The House of Hillel says, on the fifteenth thereof.

Understanding the Text:

What are the four new years mentioned? What do they each mark? According to this mishna is any one of these new years more important than the other? How do you know?

Considering the Impact of the Text:

What does the idea of celebrating four different new years mean to you? How does this impact the way you think about how you personally mark time? How the Jewish people marks time? What meaning might each of these new years have for you personally?

(א) וַיֹּאמֶר ה' אֶל מֹשֶׁה וְאֶל אַהֲרֹן בְּאֶרֶץ מִצְרַיִם לֵאמֹר. (ב) הַחֹדֶשׁ הַזֶּה לָכֶם רֹאשׁ חֳדָשִׁים רִאשׁוֹן הוּא לָכֶם לְחָדְשֵׁי הַשָּׁנָה.

(1) And the LORD spoke unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying: (2) ’This month shall be unto you the beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you.

Understanding the Text: This passage is referring to the month of Nisan (the month of Passover and the Exodus)

Considering the Impact of the Text: The mishna we read above tells us that the new year for years is Rosh Hashanah, what does it mean that the bible instructs us to start counting months in Nisan? Why do you think the mishna places the start of the "year" in Tishrei, but the bible marks the starting of months in Nisan?

Nisan vs. Tishrei: Which Should be the real New Year?

תניא רבי אליעזר אומר בתשרי נברא העולם בתשרי נולדו אבות בתשרי מתו אבות בפסח נולד יצחק בראש השנה נפקדה שרה רחל וחנה בראש השנה יצא יוסף מבית האסורין

It was taught that Rabbi Eliezer said: "In Tishrei the world was created. In Tishrei the forefathers were born. In Tishrei the forefathers died. During Passover Yitzchak was born. During Rosh Hashanah Sarah, Rachel, and Hannah were remembered. During Rosh Hashanah Joseph left the dungeon."

continuation on next daf

בר"ה בטלה עבודה מאבותינו במצרים בניסן נגאלו בתשרי עתידין ליגאל

ר' יהושע אומר בניסן נברא העולם בניסן נולדו אבות בניסן מתו אבות בפסח נולד יצחק בר"ה נפקדה שרה רחל וחנה בר"ה יצא יוסף מבית האסורין בר"ה בטלה עבודה מאבותינו במצרים בניסן נגאלו בניסן עתידין ליגאל

תניא ר"א אומר מנין שבתשרי נברא העולם שנאמר (בראשית א, יא) ויאמר אלהים תדשא הארץ דשא עשב מזריע זרע עץ פרי איזהו חדש שהארץ מוציאה דשאים ואילן מלא פירות הוי אומר זה תשרי ואותו הפרק זמן רביעה היתה וירדו גשמים וצימחו שנא' (בראשית ב, ו) ואד יעלה מן הארץ

ר' יהושע אומר מנין שבניסן נברא העולם שנא' (בראשית א, יב) ותוצא הארץ דשא עשב מזריע זרע ועץ עושה פרי איזהו חדש שהארץ מליאה דשאים ואילן מוציא פירות הוי אומר זה ניסן ואותו הפרק זמן בהמה וחיה ועוף שמזדווגין זה אצל זה שנאמר (תהלים סה, יד) לבשו כרים הצאן וגו'

on Rosh Hashanah the bondage of our ancestors in Egypt ceased; in Nisan they were redeemed and in Nisan they will be redeemed in the time to come.

R. Joshua says: In Nisan the world was created; in Nisan the Patriarchs were born; in Nisan the Patriarchs died; on Passover Isaac was born; on Rosh Hashanah Sarah, Rachel and Hannah were visited; on Rosh Hashanah Joseph went forth from prison; on Rosh Hashanah the bondage of our ancestors ceased in Egypt; and in Nisan they will be redeemed in time to come.

It has been taught: ‘R. Eliezer says: Whence
do we know that the world was created in
Tishri? Because it says, And God said, Let the earth put forth grass, herb yielding seed, and fruit-tree. Which is the month in which the earth puts forth grass and the trees are full of fruit? You must say that this is Tishri. That time was the season of rainfall, and the rain came down and the plants sprouted, as it says, And a mist went up from the earth.

R. Joshua says: Whence do we know that the world was created in Nisan? Because it says, And the earth brought forth grass, herb yielding seed after its kind, and tree bearing fruit. Which is the month in which the earth is full of grass and trees [begin to] produce fruit? You must say that this is Nisan. That time was the period when cattle, beasts and fowls copulate with one another, as it says, The rains have mounted the sheep, etc.

Understanding the Text: Which rabbi favors which new year? What are their proofs? Does the text indicate who is "right"?

Considering the Impact of the Text: Which rabbi's argument is most appealing to you and why? What do you think is at stake in this argument? How does this debate impact the way you think about Rosh Hashanah?