Tikkun Chait Adam HaRishion and Purim

There is a braisa that is brought down in perek “ben sorer umorer” (Sanhedrin 70a-70b) which discusses as to what the eitz ha daas was.

(Rough translation)

Rebbe Meir says this tree that Adam harishon ate from was a grape (-vine) that there isn’t a thing that brings a man to sin that isn’t like wine. Rebbe Yehudah says it was wheat, as an infant does not know to call his mother and father are until he tastes (wheat) grain. Rebbe Nechemya says it was a fig, because the thing that did the damage they fixed with, “And they Sew pants of Fig leaves” (Genesis 3:7)

What I’d like to say is that on Purim we are MeTakken the Chait of Adam HaRishon, ACCORDING TO ALL THREE OPINIONS!

1. We are Metakken the Chait of Adam Harishon according to Rebbe Meir through the din of adah lo yedah
We are Metakken the Chait of Adam Harishon according to Rebbe Yehudah through the mitzva of sudas purim
3. We are Metakken the Chait of Adam Harishon according to Rebbe Nechemya through changing the usual way we dress

*Note: Derech Hashem 3:4:2, Derech Hashem 3:4:9, Gemara Shabbos 88a , Derech Hashem 4:8:3 for further connections.