03 Ketubot 1/8-10

(ח) רָאוּהָ מְדַבֶּרֶת עִם אֶחָד בַּשּׁוּק, אָמְרוּ לָהּ מַה טִּיבוֹ שֶׁל זֶה. אִישׁ פְּלוֹנִי וְכֹהֵן הוּא. רַבָּן גַּמְלִיאֵל וְרַבִּי אֱלִיעֶזֶר אוֹמְרִים, נֶאֱמֶנֶת. וְרַבִּי יְהוֹשֻׁעַ אוֹמֵר, לֹא מִפִּיהָ אָנוּ חַיִּין, אֶלָּא הֲרֵי זוֹ בְחֶזְקַת בְּעוּלָה לְנָתִין וּלְמַמְזֵר, עַד שֶׁתָּבִיא רְאָיָה לִדְבָרֶיהָ:

(ט) הָיְתָה מְעֻבֶּרֶת, וְאָמְרוּ לָהּ מַה טִּיבוֹ שֶׁל עֻבָּר זֶה. מֵאִישׁ פְּלוֹנִי וְכֹהֵן הוּא. רַבָּן גַּמְלִיאֵל וְרַבִּי אֱלִיעֶזֶר אוֹמְרִים, נֶאֱמֶנֶת. רַבִּי יְהוֹשֻׁעַ אוֹמֵר, לֹא מִפִּיהָ אָנוּ חַיִּין, אֶלָּא הֲרֵי זוֹ בְחֶזְקַת מְעֻבֶּרֶת לְנָתִין וּלְמַמְזֵר, עַד שֶׁתָּבִיא רְאָיָה לִדְבָרֶיהָ:

(י) אָמַר רַבִּי יוֹסֵי, מַעֲשֶׂה בְתִינוֹקֶת שֶׁיָּרְדָה לְמַלֹּאת מַיִם מִן הָעַיִן, וְנֶאֱנְסָה. אָמַר רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן בֶּן נוּרִי, אִם רֹב אַנְשֵׁי הָעִיר מַשִּׂיאִין לַכְּהֻנָּה, הֲרֵי זוֹ תִנָּשֵׂא לַכְּהֻנָּה:

(8) [In a case where people] saw her conversing [intimately] with a man in the market, [and] they said to her, "What is the nature [i.e., the lineage] of that man?" She says, "He is so and so, and he is a kohen [or of other legitimate descent]." Rabban Gamliel and Rabbi Eliezer say, "She is believed." Rabbi Yehoshua says, "We do not live by [the words of] her mouth. Rather, she is presumed to have been penetrated by a netin [Gibeonites] or a mamzer [the offspring of certain prohibited relationships who may not marry into the general Jewish population], until she brings proof for her words."

(9) [In a case where] she was pregnant, and they said to her, "What is the nature of this fetus [i.e., what is the lineage of the father]?" She replies, "By so and so, and he is a priest." Rabban Gamliel and Rabbi Eliezer say, "She is believed." Rabbi Yehoshua says, "We do not live by [the words of] her mouth. Rather, she is presumed to have had sexual relations with a netin or a mamzer until she brings proof for her words."

(10) Rabbi Yossi said, "It [once] happened that a girl went down to draw water from the spring, and she was raped. Rabbi Yochanan ben Nuri ruled, 'If the majority of the townsmen [were of pure descent and qualified to] marry [into families of the] priesthood, this [girl] may marry into the priesthood.'