101 Shevuot 2/1-4

(א) ידיעות הטומאה שתים שהן ארבע. נטמא וידע. ונעלמה ממנו הטומאה. וזכור את הקדש. נעלם ממנו הקדש. וזכור את הטומאה. נעלמו ממנו זה וזה. ואכל את הקדש ולא ידע. ומשאכל ידע. הרי זה בעולה ויורד. נטמא וידע. ונעלמה ממנו טומאה. וזכור את המקדש. נעלם ממנו מקדש. וזכור את הטומאה. נעלם ממנו זה וזה. ונכנס למקדש ולא ידע. ומשיצא ידע. הרי זה בעולה ויורד:

(ב) אחד הנכנס לעזרה. ואחד הנכנס לתוספת העזרה. שאין מוסיפין על העיר ועל העזרות. אלא במלך ונביא ואורים ותומים ובסנהדרין של שבעים ואחד. ובשתי תודות. ובשיר. ובית דין מהלכין ושתי תודות אחריהם. וכל ישראל אחריהם. הפנימית נאכלת. והחיצונה נשרפת. וכל שלא נעשה בכל אלו. הנכנס לשם. אין חייבין עליה:

(ג) נטמא בעזרה ונעלמה ממנו טומאה. וזכור את המקדש. נעלם ממנו מקדש וזכור לטומאה. נעלם ממנו זה וזה. והשתחוה. או ששהה בכדי השתחואה. בא לו בארוכה חייב. בקצרה פטור. זו היא מצות עשה שבמקדש שאין חייבין עליה:

(ד) ואיזו היא מצות עשה שבנדה שחייבין עליה. היה משמש עם הטהורה. ואמרה לו נטמאתי. ופירש מיד חייב. מפני שיציאתו הנאה לו כביאתו:

(1) Awareness of impurity is of two [types], which are [really] four; If one became impure and was aware, and then forgot the impurity, but remembered the sanctified [food]; or if one forgot [that the food was] sanctified, but remembered the impurity; or if one forgot this or that, and ate the sanctified [food] and was not aware, and after he ate, was aware, this one [is obligated to] a Oleh veYored [a sliding-scale sin-offering where the economic status of the individual determines whether he brings an animal, a bird, or flour]. If one became impure and was aware, and then forgot the impurity, but remembered the Temple; or if one forgot the Temple, but remembered the impurity; or if one forgot this or that, entered the Temple and was not aware, and after he exited, was aware, one [is obligated to] a oleh veyored.

(2) [This is the case for] the one who enters the temple courtyard and the one who enters the addition to the temple courtyard, for we do not add to the City or to the temple courtyards except [upon agreement] by the king , by prophet, and by the urim vetumim [scrolls in the High Priest's breastplate], by Sanhedrin [highest court, charged with deciding cases and appeals that had national significance. It was comprised of 71 scholars who had received the full traditional rabbinical ordination, and its decisions fixed Jewish practice for subsequent generations.] of seventy-one [judges], with two thanksgiving offerings, and by song. The court walks [around the area being added] and two thanksgiving offerings after them, and all of Israel after them. The inner [offering] was eaten, and the outer [offering] was burned. And any [addition] that was not made with all of these, the one who enters there, he is not liable.

(3) He who became impure in the temple courtyard and forgot the impurity, but remembered the Temple; or if one forgot the Temple, but remembered the impurity; or if one forgot either one, and prostrated himself or lingered the time it takes to prostrate, or came [left the temple] to it by the long [route], he is liable, by the shortest [route], he is exempt. This is the positive commandment of the Temple, that they are not liable for.

(4) What is the positive commandment regarding a niddah [menstruating woman] that one would be liable for? The one who was having relations with a clean woman, and she said to him, "I have become unclean," and he withdrew immediately, he is liable, because his leaving is as enjoyable for him as is his entering.