Purim from Under a Mountain

(שמות יט, יז) ויתיצבו בתחתית ההר א"ר אבדימי בר חמא בר חסא מלמד שכפה הקב"ה עליהם את ההר כגיגית ואמר להם אם אתם מקבלים התורה מוטב ואם לאו שם תהא קבורתכם א"ר אחא בר יעקב מכאן מודעא רבה לאורייתא אמר רבא אעפ"כ הדור קבלוה בימי אחשורוש דכתיב (אסתר ט, כז) קימו וקבלו היהודים קיימו מה שקיבלו כבר

The Torah says, “And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet God; and they stood at the lowermost part of the mount” (Exodus 19:17). Rabbi Avdimi bar Ḥama bar Ḥasa said: the Jewish people actually stood beneath the mountain, and the verse teaches that the Holy One, Blessed be He, overturned the mountain above the Jews like a tub, and said to them: If you accept the Torah, excellent, and if not, there will be your burial. Rav Aḥa bar Ya’akov said: From here there is a substantial caveat to the obligation to fulfill the Torah. The Jewish people can claim that they were coerced into accepting the Torah, and it is therefore not binding. Rava said: Even so, they again accepted it willingly in the time of Ahasuerus, as it is written: “The Jews ordained, and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves unto them” (Esther 9:27), and he taught: The Jews ordained what they had already taken upon themselves through coercion at Sinai.

Comparing and Contrasting יציאת מצרים with the story of פורים

יציאת מצרים

  • 10 Plagues

  • Well of Miriam

  • Clouds of Glory

  • Splitting of Yam Suf

  • Man falling from the Sky

  • Hashem’s revelation at Har Sinai

Story of פורים

  • Name אסתר has the words סתר in it, which means hidden.

  • Hashem’s name not mentioned in entire Megillah.

  • No supernatural miracles

Guided Questions for Understanding

  1. What is the figurative understanding of כפה הקב"ה עליהם את ההר כגיגית?

  2. Why was this a מודעא רבה לאורייתא?

  3. How was the issue mentioned in the previous question resolved בימי אחשורוש?

  4. What was unique during בימי אחשורוש that made the acceptance of Torah different than the first time the Jewish people accepted the Torah?