Shedding Light on Burning Issues #2: Letter of the Law, Spirit of the Law

הכותב את נכסיו לאחרים. והניח את בניו. מה שעשה עשוי. אבל אין רוח חכמים נוחה הימנו. רבן שמעון בן גמליאל אומר אם לא היו בניו נוהגין כשורה. זכור לטוב:

One who wrote his property off to others and passed over his sons, what he has done is done, but the sages are not pleased with him. Rabban Shimon ben Gamaliel says: If has sons did not behave properly, he should be remembered for good.

מי שפרע מאנשי דור המבול ומאנשי דור הפלגה ומאנשי סדום ועמורה וממצרים בים הוא עתיד ליפרע ממי שאינו עומד בדיבורו והנושא ונותן בדברים לא קנה והחוזר בו אין רוח חכמים נוחה הימנו.

He who punished the generations of the Flood, and of the Dispersion, the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Egyptians at the [Red] Sea, He will exact vengeance of him who does not stand by his word; and he who enters into a verbal transaction effects no title, yet he who retracts therefrom, the spirit of the Sages is displeased with him.

(ה) וּבָנ֞וּ אֶת־בָּמ֣וֹת הַבַּ֗עַל לִשְׂרֹ֧ף אֶת־בְּנֵיהֶ֛ם בָּאֵ֖שׁ עֹל֣וֹת לַבָּ֑עַל אֲשֶׁ֤ר לֹֽא־צִוִּ֙יתִי֙ וְלֹ֣א דִבַּ֔רְתִּי וְלֹ֥א עָלְתָ֖ה עַל־לִבִּֽי׃ (פ)

(5) They have built shrines to Baal, to put their children to the fire as burnt offerings to Baal - which I never commanded, never decreed, and which never came to My mind.

תרגום יונתן ירמיהו פרק יט

(ה) ובנו ית במת בעלא לאוקדא ית בניהון בנורא עלון לבעלא דלא פקדית באוריתי ודלא שלחית ביד עבדי נבייא ולא רעוא קדמי:

Targum Yonatan Yirmiya 19

And they built an altar of Ba'al to consume their children in fire to Ba'al, which I did not command in my Torah, nor send int he hand of my prophet, nor is desirable before me.

דרב מנגיד על דמקדש בשוקא ועל דמקדש בביאה.

Rav punished any man who betrothed [a woman] in a market place, or by intercourse.

ונראה שהמדרש הזה לומר שנצטוינו מן התורה להיות לנו מנוחה בי"ט אפילו מדברים שאינן מלאכה לא שיטרח כל היום למדוד התבואות ולשקול הפירות והמתכות ולמלא החביות יין ולפנות הכלים וגם האבנים מבית לבית וממקום למקום... לכך אמרה תורה "שבתון" שיהיה יום שביתה ומנוחה לא יום טורח וזהו פירוש טוב ויפה.

It appears to me that the meaning of the midrash [interpreting the phrase “Shabbaton”] is that we are commanded on Yom Tov to rest from those activities that technically do not qualify as melacha, we should not be disturbed all day to measure our grain, to weigh our fruit and possessions, to fill our vessels with wine, to move our wares, and even building stones, from house to house and place to place... Therefore, the Torah commands us “Shabbaton”’ - that these should be days of rest and cessation of work, and not days of labor and toil. And this is a good and beautiful interpretation.

והענין כי התורה הזהירה בעריות ובמאכלים האסורים והתירה הביאה איש באשתו ואכילת הבשר והיין א"כ ימצא בעל התאוה מקום להיות שטוף בזמת אשתו או נשיו הרבות ולהיות בסובאי יין בזוללי בשר למו וידבר כרצונו בכל הנבלות שלא הוזכר איסור זה בתורה והנה יהיה נבל ברשות התורה.

And the matter is [that] the Torah prohibited sexual transgressions and forbidden foods, and permitted sexual relations between husband and wife and the eating of meat and [the drinking of] wine. If so, a desirous person will find a place to be lecherous with his wife or his many wives, or to be among the guzzlers of wine and the gluttons of meat. He will speak as he pleases about all the vulgarities, the prohibition of which is not mentioned in the Torah. And behold, he would be a scoundrel with the permission of the Torah.

ולרבותינו בזה מדרש יפה אמרו זו פשרה ולפנים משורת הדין... וזה ענין גדול לפי שאי אפשר להזכיר בתורה כל הנהגות האדם עם שכניו ורעיו...

And our rabbis have a fine midrash regarding this: "This is compromise and going beyond the letter of the law"... And this is an important matter, for it is impossible to mention in the Torah and one's activities with one's neighbors and friends...

קובץ אגרות חזון איש ח"ג קסה

כל מצות התורה וחוקיה, ניתנו ללמד מהן מלבד פרטי מצותן, את חפץ ד' מאיתנו בהנהגתנו.

Letters of the Chazon Ish, 3:165

All the commands of the Torah and its laws - it is possible to derive from them, beyond the details of the commandments, God's desire from our behavior.

הרב צבי שכטר

והנה קרא כתיב, רוחי אשר עליך, ודברי אשר שמתי בפיך לא ימושו וגו'. ורגילים העולם לומר, שבאמריקא יש ביטוי באנגלית, שיש שני ענינים, יש את אות הדין (לעט"ר או"ו ט"ה ל"א) ויש רוח הדין (ספירי"ט או"ו ט"ה ל"א), ורוחי אשר עליך הכונה על רוח התורה ורוח ההלכה, ודברי אשר שמתי בפיך הכוונה היא על "אות הדין", ועצם ההלכה, ולהנהיג הנהגות חדשות לא מספיק שיהי' לפי "אות הדין", אלא בעינן שתהיה ההנהגה המחודשת גם כפי רוח ההלכה, ולזה בעינן הסכמת גדולי התורה שיש להם ידיעות בכה"ת כולה, ואשר ממילא הם יכולים להבין מה היא רוח ההלכה.

Rabbi Hershel Schachter

Behold a verse is written, "my spirit that is upon you, and my words that I placed in your mouth shall not be removed"... People are accustomed to say, that in America there is an English phrase, that there are two matter: the letter of the law and there is the spirit of the law. And "my spirit that is upon you" - the intention is to the spirit of the Torah and the spirit of the law. "And my word that I placed in your mouth" - the intention is to the "letter of the law" and the actual ruling. To create new practices, it is not sufficient that it be in accordance with the letter of the law. Rather, we require that the new practice be in accordance with the spirit of the law. And for this we require the agreement of the greats of the generations who have knowledge in the entirety of Torah, and through which they can come to understand what is the spirit of the law.

Rabbi Mayer Twersky

The reason for the Rav's nuanced formulation is that Hazal in many instances highlighted the difference between technical and axiological infractions by delineating different categories of impermissible behavior. Whereas the former are always labeled assur, the latter, though categorically wrong and impermissible, are classified as ein ruah hakhamim nohe mi-menu, or alternately without classification unequivocally censured. For instance, the Talmud states explicitly that it is impermissible to renege on an oral commitment to finalize a business transaction and yet conspicuously avoids the term assur, opting instead for the phraseein ruah hakhamim nohe mi-menu. Similarly, although betrothing in the marketplace is not technically assur, nevertheless, according to halakha, this vulgar practice is clearly wrong and, as such, is punishable by lashes. The same strict punishment is imposed upon one who betroths without prior engagement, though this act too is not technically classified as assur. In sum, although axiological principles are sacrosanct and any deviation therefrom is severely censured, nevertheless the term assur is often reserved for technical violations.

Rabbi Saul Berman, Playing Ball on Shabbat and Yom Tov

Ball playing on shabbat and yom tov is a vacuous, pointless activity, almost as useless as sleeping hours on end. But it is halakhically permissible and serves a perceived need for relaxing, enjoyable and physically energetic activity time. Let’s not take that away from people until we can replace it with something that serves approximately the same purposes, and also serves to enrich their religious and ethical beings.

גדול כבוד הבריות שדוחה [את] לא תעשה שבתורה ואמאי לימא אין חכמה ואין תבונה ואין עצה לנגד ה' תרגמה רב בר שבא קמיה דרב כהנא בלאו (דברים יז, יא) דלא תסור

Great is the duty of honouring one's fellow-creatures, since it sets aside a prohibition enjoined by the Torah. Why should this be so? Let one say, "There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the Lord" ! Rab b. Shaba explained it in the presence of Rab Kahana as referring to the prohibition, "Thou shalt not turn aside from the sentence which they shall declare unto thee" (Deut. xvii. 11).

(ויקרא א, ב) דבר אל בני ישראל וסמך בני ישראל סומכין ואין בנות ישראל סומכות רבי יוסי ור' (ישמעאל) [שמעון] אומרים בנות ישראל סומכות רשות אמר רבי יוסי סח לי אבא אלעזר פעם אחת היה לנו עגל של זבחי שלמים והביאנוהו לעזרת נשים וסמכו עליו נשים לא מפני שסמיכה בנשים אלא כדי לעשות נחת רוח לנשים

"Speak to the sons of Israel ... and he shall lay his hands" - The sons of Israel lay their hands, but the daughters of Israel do not! Rabbi Yosi and Rabbi Shimon say: The daughters of Israel may optionally lay their hands. Rabbi Yosi said: Abba Elazar told me, "Once, we had a calf to be brought as a peace offering, and we brought it [the calf] to the Women's Court and the women laid their hands on it. Not because the laying of the hands applies to women, but rather to gratify the women."

How Bat Mitzvah Became Orthodox, Zev Eleff and Menachem Butler

Unsurprising, therefore, the ritual was a product of the out-of-town Orthodox pioneers who dared to take risks along the American frontier. Decades later, it was long forgotten that bat mitzvah was ever a controversial item. In a sense, it had found a place within tradition. Bat mitzvah, then, had become Orthodox.

Netziv (Approbation to Ahavas Chesed): It says in Yevamos (79a): There are three inherent characteristics of the Jewish people – they are merciful, shy and they do acts of kindness to others… Nevertheless there are explicit commands in the Torah to do acts of kindness such as Vayikra (25:35): You shall support your brother who has become poor, Shemos (22:24): Do not lend money with interest. The reason for this is to teach us that besides being obligated to do acts of kindness because we are human beings we have an additional obligation from the Torah – just as we have for all the mitzvos which we wouldn’t know from commonsense.

Rav Kook, Shmonah Kevatzim 75

Yirat Shamayim - fear of heaven - may not supplant the natural sense of morality of a person, for in that case it is not a pure Yirat Shamayim. The signpost for a pure Yirat Shamayim is when the natural sense of morality (המוסר הטבעי) that is extant in the straightforward nature of man is improved and elevated by it more than it would have been without it. But if one were to imagine a kind of Yirat Shamayim that without its input, life would tend to do well and bring to fruition things that benefit the community and the individual, and furthermore, under its influence less of those things would come to fruition, such a Yirat Shamayim is wrong.