Canonization of the Tanakh

(ה) סֵפֶר שֶׁנִּמְחַק וְנִשְׁתַּיֵּר בּוֹ שְׁמוֹנִים וְחָמֵשׁ אוֹתִיּוֹת, כְּפָרָשַׁת וַיְהִי בִּנְסֹעַ הָאָרֹן, מְטַמֵּא אֶת הַיָּדַיִם. מְגִלָּה שֶׁכָּתוּב בָּהּ שְׁמוֹנִים וְחָמֵשׁ אוֹתִיּוֹת כְּפָרָשַׁת וַיְהִי בִּנְסֹעַ הָאָרֹן, מְטַמָּא אֶת הַיָּדַיִם. כָּל כִּתְבֵי הַקֹּדֶשׁ מְטַמְּאִין אֶת הַיָּדַיִם. שִׁיר הַשִּׁירִים וְקֹהֶלֶת מְטַמְּאִין אֶת הַיָּדַיִם. רַבִּי יְהוּדָה אוֹמֵר, שִׁיר הַשִּׁירִים מְטַמֵּא אֶת הַיָּדַיִם, וְקֹהֶלֶת מַחֲלֹקֶת. רַבִּי יוֹסֵי אוֹמֵר, קֹהֶלֶת אֵינוֹ מְטַמֵּא אֶת הַיָּדַיִם וְשִׁיר הַשִּׁירִים מַחֲלֹקֶת. רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן אוֹמֵר, קֹהֶלֶת מִקֻּלֵּי בֵית שַׁמַּאי וּמֵחֻמְרֵי בֵית הִלֵּל. אָמַר רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן בֶּן עַזַּאי, מְקֻבָּל אֲנִי מִפִּי שִׁבְעִים וּשְׁנַיִם זָקֵן, בַּיּוֹם שֶׁהוֹשִׁיבוּ אֶת רַבִּי אֶלְעָזָר בֶּן עֲזַרְיָה בַּיְשִׁיבָה, שֶׁשִּׁיר הַשִּׁירִים וְקֹהֶלֶת מְטַמְּאִים אֶת הַיָּדַיִם. אָמַר רַבִּי עֲקִיבָא, חַס וְשָׁלוֹם, לֹא נֶחֱלַק אָדָם מִיִּשְׂרָאֵל עַל שִׁיר הַשִּׁירִים שֶׁלֹּא תְטַמֵּא אֶת הַיָּדַיִם, שֶׁאֵין כָּל הָעוֹלָם כֻּלּוֹ כְדַאי כַּיּוֹם שֶׁנִּתַּן בּוֹ שִׁיר הַשִּׁירִים לְיִשְׂרָאֵל, שֶׁכָּל הַכְּתוּבִים קֹדֶשׁ, וְשִׁיר הַשִּׁירִים קֹדֶשׁ קָדָשִׁים. וְאִם נֶחְלְקוּ, לֹא נֶחְלְקוּ אֶלָּא עַל קֹהֶלֶת. אָמַר רַבִּי יוֹחָנָן בֶּן יְהוֹשֻׁעַ בֶּן חָמִיו שֶׁל רַבִּי עֲקִיבָא, כְּדִבְרֵי בֶן עַזַּאי, כָּךְ נֶחְלְקוּ וְכָךְ גָּמְרוּ:

(5) A scroll on which the writing has become erased and eighty-five letters remain, as many as are in the section beginning, "And it came to pass when the ark set forward" (Numbers 10:35-36) defiles the hands. A single sheet on which there are written eighty-five letters, as many as are in the section beginning, "And it came to pass when the ark set forward", defiles the hands. All the Holy Scriptures defile the hands. The Song of Songs and Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) defile the hands. Rabbi Judah says: the Song of Songs defiles the hands, but there is a dispute about Kohelet. Rabbi Yose says: Kohelet does not defile the hands, but there is a dispute about the Song of Songs. Rabbi Shimon says: [the ruling about] Kohelet is one of the leniencies of Bet Shammai and one of the stringencies of Bet Hillel. Rabbi Shimon ben Azzai said: I have received a tradition from the seventy-two elders on the day when they appointed Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah head of the academy that the Song of Songs and Kohelet defile the hands. Rabbi Akiba said: Far be it! No man in Israel disputed that the Song of Songs [saying] that it does not defile the hands. For the whole world is not as worthy as the day on which the Song of Songs was given to Israel; for all the writings are holy but the Song of Songs is the holy of holies. If they had a dispute, they had a dispute only about Kohelet. Rabbi Yohanan ben Joshua the son of the father-in-law of Rabbi Akiva said in accordance with the words of Ben Azzai: so they disputed and so they reached a decision.

(א) אהללה נא אנשי חסד, אבותינו בדורותם.

(ב) רב כבוד חלק עליון, וגדלו מימות עולם.

(ג) דורי ארץ במלכותם, ואנשי שם בגבורתם.
(ג) היועצים בתבונתם, וחוזי כל בנבואתם.

(ד) שרי גוים במזמתם, ורוזנים במחקרותם.
(ד) חכמי שיח בספרתם, ומושלים במשמרותם.

(ה) חוקרי מזמור על חוק, נושאי משל בכתב.

(ו) אנשי חיל וסמכי כח, ושוקטים על מכונתם.

(ז) כל אלה בדורם, ומימיהם תפארתם.

(ח) יש מהם הניחו שם, להשתענות בנחלתם.

(ט) ויש מהם אשר אין לו זכר, וישבתו כאשר שבתו.

(י) כאשר לא היו היו, ובניהם מאחריהם.

(יא) וולם אלה אנשי חסד, ותקותם לא תשבת.

(יב) עם זרעם נאמן טובם, ונחלתם לבני בניהם.

(יג) עד עולם יעמד זכרם, וצדקתם לא תשכח.

(יד) גויתם בשלום נאספו, ושמם חי לדור ודור.

(טו) חכמתם תשנה עדה, ותהלתם יספר קהל.

(טז) חנוך נמצא תמים, והתהלך עם יהוה, ונלקח, אות דעת לדור ודור.

(יז) נח צדיק נמצא תמים, לעת כלה היה תחליף.
(יז) בעבורו היה שארית, ובבריתו חדל מבול.

(יח) באות עולם נכרת עמו, לבלתי השחית כל בשר.

(יט) אברהם אב המון גוים, לא נתן בכבודו מום.

(כ) אשר שמר מצות עליון, ובא בברית עמו.
(כ) בבשרו כרת לו חק, ובניסוי נמצא נאמן.

(כא) על כן בשבועה הקים לו, לברך בזרעו גוים.
(כא) להנחילם מים עד ים, ומנהר עד אפסי ארץ.

(כב) וגם ליצחק הקים בן, בעבור אברהם אביו.
(כב) ברית כל ראשון נתיו, וברכה נחה על ראש ישראל.

(כג) ויכוננהו בברכה, ויתן לו נחלתו.
(כג) ויציבהו לשבטים, לחלק שנים עשר.

(כד) ויוצא ממנו איש, מוצא חן בעיני כל חי.

(א) אהוב אלהים ואנשים, משה זכרו לטובה.

(ב) ויכבדהו אלהים, ויאמצהו במרומים.

(ג) בדבריו האותות מהרו, ויחזקהו לפני מלך.
(ג) ויצוהו אל העם, ויראו את כבודו.

(ד) באמונתו ובענותו, בחר בו מכל בשר.

(ה) וישמיעהו את קולו, ויגישהו לערפל.
(ה) וישם בידו מצוה, תורת חיים ותבונה.
(ה) ללמד ביעקב חוקיו, ועדותיו ומשפטיו לישראל.

(ו) וירם קדוש את אהרן / למטה לוי, וישימהו לחק עולם.

(ז) ויתן עליו הוד, וישרתהו בכבודו.
(ז) ויאזרהו בתועפות ראם, וילבישהו פעמונים.

(ח) וילבישהו כליל תפארת, ויפארהו בכבוד ועוז.
(ח) מכנסים כתנות ומעיל, ויקיפהו פעמונים.

(ט) ורמונים המון סביב, לתת נעינה בצעדיו.

(י) בגדי קודש זהב תכלת, וארגמן מעשה חשב.
(י) חשן משפט אפוד ואזור, ושני תולעת מעשה אורג.

(יא) אבני חפץ על החשן, פתוחי חותם במלואים.
(יא) כל אבן יקרה לזכרון, בכתב חרות למספר בני ישראל.

(יב) עטרת פז מעיל ומצנפת, וציץ חרות חותם קדש.
(יב) הוד כבוד ותהלת עז, מחמד עין ומכלל יופי.

(יג) לפניו לא היה כן, כן לעולם לא ילבשם זר.
(יג) האמין לו ולבניו כזה, וכן בניו לדורותם.

(יד) מנחתו כליל תקטר, בכל יום צמיד פעמים.

(טו) וימלא משה את ידו, וימשחהו בשמן הקדש.
(טו) ותהי לו ברית עולם, ולזרעו כימי שמים.

(טז) לשרת ולכהן לו,ולברך את עמו בשמו.
(טז) ויבחר בו מכל חי, להגיש עלה וחלבים.

(יז) ולהקטיר ריח ניחח ואזכרה, ולכפר על בני ישראל.
(יז) ויתן לו מצותיו, וימשילהו בחוק ומשפט.

(יח) וילמד את עמו חק, ומשפט את בני ישראל.
(יח) ויחרו בו זרים, ויקנאו בו במדבר.

(יט) אנשי דתן ואבירם, ועדת קרח בעזוז אפם.
(יט) וירא יהוה ויתאנף, ויכלם בחרון אפו.

(כ) ויבא להם אות, ויאכלם בשביב אשו.
(כ) ויוסף לאהרן כבודו, ויתן לו נחלתו.

(כא) ראשית קדש נתן לו לחם, אשי יהוה יאכלון.
(כא) לחם פנים חלקו, ומתנה לו ולזרעו.

(כב) אך בארצם לא ינחל, ובתוכם לא יחלק נחלה.
(כב) אשי יהוה חלקו ונחלתו, בתוך בני ישראל.

(כג) וגםפינחס בן אלעזר, בגבורה נחל שלישי.
(כג) בקנאו לאלוה כל, ויעמוד בפרץ עמו.

(כד) אשר נדבו לבו, ויכפר על בני ישראל.
(כד) לכן גם לו הכין חק, ברית עולם לכלכל מקדש.

(כה) אשר תהיה לו ולזרעו, כהונה גדולה על עולם.
(כה) וגם בריתו עם דוד, בן ישי למטה יהודה.

(כו) נחלת אש לפני כבודו, נחלת אהרן לכל זרעו.
(כו) ועתה ברכו נא, את יהוה הטוב.

(כז) המעטר אתכם כבוד, ויתן לכם חכמת לב.
(כז) למען לא ישכח טובכם, וגבורתכם לדורות עולם.

(א) גבור בן חיל יהושע בן נון, משרת משה בנבואה.
(א) אשר נוצר להיות בימיו, תשועה גדולה לבחיריו.

(ב) להנקם נקמי אויב, ולהנחיל את ישראל.
(ב) מה נהדר בנטותו יד, בהניפו כידון על עיר.

(ג) מי הוא לפניו יתיצב, כי מלחמות יהוה נלחם.

(ד) הלא בידו עמד השמש, יום אחד כשנים היה.

(ה) כי קרא אל אל עליון, כאכפה לו אויביו מסביב.
(ה) ויענהו אל עליון, באבני ברד ואלגביש.

(ו) השליך על גוי אויב, ובנוסם האביד כולם.
(ו) למען דעת כל גוי חרם, כי צופה יהוה מלחמתם.

(ז) וגם כי מלא אחרי אל, ובימי משה עשה חסד.
(ז) הוא וכלב בן יפנה, להתיצב בפרע קהל.

(ח) להשיב חרון מעדה, ולהשבית דבה רעה.
(ח) לכן גם הם בשנים נאצלו, משש מאות אלף רגלי.

(ט) להביאם אל נחלתם, ארץ זבת חלב ודבש.
(ט) ויתן לכלב עצמה, ועד שיבה עמדה עמו.

(י) להדריכו על במתי ארץ, וגם זרעו ירש נחלה.
(י) למען דעת כל זרע יעקב, כי טוב למלא אחרי יהוה.

(יא) והשופטים איש בשמו, כל אשר לא נשא לבו.
(יא) ולא נסוג מאחרי אל, יהי זכרם לברכה.

(יב) [תפרחנה עצמותם כשושנה], ושמם תחליף לבניהם.

(יג) אוהב עמו ורצוי עושהו, המשואל מבטן אמו.
(יג) נזיר יהוה בנבואה, שמואל שופט ומכהן.
(יג) בדבר אל הכין ממלכת, וימשח נגידים על עם.

(יד) במצות יהוה צוה עדה, ויפקד אלהי יעקב.

(טו) באמונת פיו דרוש חזה, וגם בדברו נאמן רועה.

(טז) וגם הוא קרא אל אל, כאפכה לו אויביו מסביב.
(טז) בעלתו טלה חלב, וירעם משמים יהוה.

(יז) בפרע אדיר נשמע קולו, ויכנע נציבי צר, ויאבד כל סרני פלשתים.

(יח) ועת נוחו על משכבו, העיד יהוה ומשיחו.

(יט) כפר ונעלם ממי לקחתי, וכל אדם לא ענה בו.
(יט) וגם עד עת קצו, נכון נמצא בעיני יהוה.

(כ) ובעיני כל חי, וגם אחרי מותו נדרש.

(כא) ויגד למלך דרכיו, וישא מארץ קולו בנבואה.

(א) וגם אחריו עמד נתן, להתיצב לפני דוד.

(ב) כי כחלב מורם מקדש, כן דוד מישראל.

(ג) לכפירים שחק כגדי, ולדבים כבני בשן.

(ד) בנעוריו הכה גבור, ויסר חרפת עולם.
(ד) בהניפו ידו על קלע, וישבר תפארת גלית.

(ה) כי קרא אל אל עליון, ויתן בימינו עז.
(ה) להדוף את איש יודע מלחמות, ולהרים את קרן ישראל.

(ו) על כן ענו לו בנות, ויכנוהו ברבבה.
(ו) בעטותו צניף נלחם, ומסביב הכניע צר.

(ז) ויתן בפלשתים ערים, ועד היום שבר קרנם.

(ח) בכל מעשהו נתן הודות, לאל עליון באמרי כבוד.
(ח) בכל לבו אוהב עשהו, וכבל יום הודה לו בזמירות.

(ט) בגינות שיר הכין לפני מזבח, וקול מזמור ונבלים תקן.

(י) ויתן לחגים בכל שנה ושנה, הוד פאר וכבוד.
(י) בהללו את שם קדשו, לפני בקר ירן משפט.

(יא) גם יהוה העביר פשעו, וירם לעולם קרנו.
(יא) ויתן לו חוק ממלכת, וכסאו הכין עד ירושלים.

(יב) וּבַעֲבוּרוֹ עָמַד אַחֲרָיו, בֵּן מַשְׂכִּיל שׁוֹכֵן לָבֶטַח.

(יג) שְׁלֹמֹה מלך בימי שלוה, ואל הניח לו מסביב.

(יד) אשר הכין בית לשמו, ויצב לעד מקדש.

(טו) מה חכמת בנעוריך, ותצף כיאר מוסר.

(טז) ארץ כסית בחכמתך, ותקלס במרום שירה.

(יז) בשיר משל חידה ומליצה, עמים הסערתה.

(יח) נקראת בשם הנכבד, הנקרא על ישראל.
(יח) ותצבר כברזל זהב, וכעפרת הרבית כסף.

(יט) ותתן לנשים כסלך, ותמשילם בגויתך.

(כ) ותתן מום בכבודך, ותחלל את יצועיך.
(כ) להביא אף על צאצאיך, ואנחה על משכבך.

(כא) לחלק העם לשני שבטים, ומאפרים ממלכת חמס.

(כב) אבל אל לא יטוש חסד, ולא יפיל מדבריו ארצה.
(כב) לא יכרית לבחיריו נין ונכד, וזרע אובהו לא ישמיד.

(כג) ויתן ליעקב שארית, ולבית דוד ממנו שרש.
(כג) וישכב שלמה מיושש, ויעזב אחריו מנון.

(כד) רחב אולת וחסר בינה, רחבעם הפריע בעצתו עם.
(כד) עד אשר קם, אל יהי לו זכר.
(כד) ירבעם בן נבט, אשר חטא והחטיא את ישראל.

(כה) ויתן לאפרים מכשול, להדיחם מאדמתם.
(כה) ותגדל חטאתו מאד, ולכל רעה התמכר.

(א) עד אשר קם נביא כאש, ודבריו כתנור בוער.

(ב) וישבר להם מטה לחם, ובקנאתו המעיטם.

(ג) בדבר אל עצר שמים, ויורד שלוש אשות.

(ד) מה נורא אתה אליהו, ואשר כמוך יתפאר.

(ה) המקים גוע ממות, ומשאול כרצון יהוה.

(ו) המוריד מלכים על שחת, ונכבדים ממטותם.

(ז) המושח מלא תשלומות, ונביא תחליף תחתיך.

(ח) השמע בסיני תוכחות, ובחורב משפטי נקם.

(ט) הנלקח בסערה מעלה, ובגדודי אש שמים.

(י) הכתוב נכון לעת, להשבית אף לפני חרון אל.
(י) להשיב לב אבות על בנים, ולהכין שבטי ישראל.

(יא) אשרי ראך ומת, ואשריך כי חיה תחיה.

(יב) אליהו שבאוצר נסתר, ונמלא רוחו אלישע.
(יב) פי שנים אותות הרבה, ומופתים כל מוצא פיהו.

(יג) מימיו לא זע מכל, ולא משל ברוחו כל בשר.
(יג) כל דבר לא נפלא ממנו, ומתחתיו נברא בשרו.

(יד) בחייו עשה נפלאות, ובמותו תמהי מעשה.

(טו) בכל זאת לא שב העם, ולא חדלו מחטאתם.
(טו) עד אשר נסחו מארצם, ויפוצו בכל הארץ.

(טז) וישאר ליהודה מזער, ועוד לבית דוד קצין.
(טז) ויש מהם עשו יושר, ויש מהם הפליאו מעל.

(יז) יחזקיהו חזק עירו, בהטות אל תוכה מים.
(יז) ויחצב כנחשת צורים, ויחסום הרים מקוה.

(יח) בימיו עלה סנחריב, וישלח את רבשקה.
(יח) ויט ידו על ציון, ויגדף אל בגאונו.

(יט) אז נמוגו בגאון לבם, ויחילו כיולדה.

(כ) ויקראו אל אל עליון, ויפרשו אליו כפים.

(כא) ויך את מחנה אשור, ויהמם במגפה.

(כב) כי עשה יחזקיהו את הטוב, ויחזק בדרכי דוד.
(כב) [כאשר צוהו ישעיה הנביא, המהלל בנביאים.]

(כג) [בימיו עמד השמש, ונוסף על חיי המלך.]

(כד) ברוח גבורה חזה אחרית, וינחם אבלי ציון.

(כה) עד עולם הגיד נהיות, ונסתרות לפני בואן.

(א) שם יאשיהו כקטורת סמים, וממלה מעשה רוקח.
(א) בחך כדבש ימתיק זכרו, וכמזמור על משתה היין.

(ב) כי נחל על משובתינו, וישבת תועבות הבל.

(ג) ויתם אל אל לבו, ובימי חמס עשה חסד.

(ד) לבד מדויד יחזקיהו, ויאשיהו כלם השחיטו.
(ד) ויעזבו תורת עליון / מלכי יהודה, עד תמם.

(ה) ויתן קרנם לאחור, וכבודם לגוי נבל נכרי.

(ו) ויציתו קרית קדש, וישמו ארחתיה.
(ו) ביד ירמיהו כי ענוהו, והוא מרחם נוצר נביא.

(ז) לנתוש ולנתוץ ולהאביד להרוס, וכן לבנות לנטע ולהשגיב.

(ח) וחזקאל ראה מראה, ויגד זני מרכבה.

(ט) וגם הזכיר את איוב, ומכלכל כל דרכי צדק.

(י) וגם שנים עשר הנביאים, תהי עצמתם פרחת מתחתם.
(י) אשר החלימו את יעקב, וישגבהו באמונת תקוה.

(יא) [מה נהללה את זרבבל, והוא על יד ימין כחותם.]

(יב) [גם יהושע בן יהוצדק, אשר במצוק הקימו מזבח.]
(יב) וירימו היכל קדש, ומכונן לכבוד עולם.

(יג) נחמיה יאדק זכרו, המקים את חרבתינו.
(יג) וירפא את הריסתינו, ויצב דלתים ובריח.

(יד) מעט נוצרו על הארץ כחנוך, וגם הוא נלקח פנים.

(טו) כיוסף אם נולד גבר, וגם גויתו נפקדה.

(טז) ושם ושת ואנוש נפקדו, ועל כל חי תפארת עמם.

(1) I wish to praise the pious men, our ancestors in their generations.

(2) Much honored portion of the Highest, and and His greatness from the days of old

(3) The earth's generations in their kingdoms, and the people of renown in their might; counselors in their understanding, and seers in their prophecy.

(4) Noblemen of nations in their designs, rulers in their plans; wise thinkers in their books, and proverb-tellers in their preserved works.

(5) Composers of psalms by decree, princes of proverbs by writing.

(6) Men of valor and steadfast power, and tranquil upon their foundations.

(7) All these in their generations, in their days, were renowned.

(8) From among them some left a name, that they be rested on their legacy.

(9) And from among them some were not remembered, and ceased to be when they ceased to be.

(10) When they were no more, they were no more, and their children after them.

(11) Still, these were pious men, and their hope will not cease.

(12) With their seed is their faithful goodness, and their inheritance to their children's children.

(13) Forever and ever their memories stand, and their righteousness will not be forgotten

(14) Their corpses are in peace gathered up, and their names live from generation to generation.

(15) Their wisdom the community will repeat, and their praises the assembly will recount.

(16) Ḥanokh was found pure, and walked with God, and was taken - a sign of knowledge from generation to generation....

(17) Righteous Noaḥ was found pure, at a time of destruction he was substituted; for his sake there was a remnant, and in his covenant the Flood ceased.

(18) Through an eternal sign the covenant was made with him, and without it all flesh would have been wiped out.

(19) Avraham was a father of many [av hamon] nations, given no blemish in his glory.

(20) He kept the commandments of the Highest, and came with a covenant with Him. In his flesh a law was cut, and in his test he was found faithful.

(21) Thus, with an oath He held him up, to bless nations with his seed; to grant them from sea to sea, and from the River to the edge of the land.

(22) And also to Yitzḥaq He brought a sun, for the sake of Avraham his father; a covenant of all given from the first, and a blessing rested on the head of Israel.

(23) And He founded him with a blessing, and He gave him his inheritance; and he established him with tribes, as a portion twelvefold.

(24) And he brought from him a man, finding grace in the eyes of all life.

(1) Beloved by God and man, Moshe, remembered for good.

(2) And God honored him, and strengthened him in the heights.

(3) With his words, the letters He sped up, and He strengthened him before the king; and He commanded the people, and they saw His glory.

(4) In his faithfulness and his humility, He chose him from all flesh.

(5) And He caused him to hear his voice, and He drew him to the thick cloud; and He placed in his hand the commandment, the Torah of life and understanding; to teach Yaaqov His laws, and His statues and ordinances to Israel.

(6) And He raised Aharon, he the tribe of Levi, to holiness, and He placed him as an eternal law.

(7) And He put upon him splendor, and He appointed him minister in His glory; and girded him with the majesty of the aurochs, and clothed him with bells.

(8) And He clothed him all in majesty, and beautifued him in glory and strength; breeches, tunic, robe, and surrounded him in bells.

(9) And many pomegranates surrounding, to make music with his steps.

(10) Holy clothes, gold, purple, and crimson, works of the masters; breatplate of judgement, ephod and girdle, and two scarlet threads, woven.

(11) Precious stones upon the breastplate, sealed and engraved in openings; every stone called a memory, written carved for the number of the children of Israel.

(12) A pure-gold crown, robe, turban, and headplate carved with a holy seal; splendrous glory and praiseworthy strength, pleasant to see and entirely beauty.

(13) Before him was none like him, thus after him no stranger will wear it. He trusted in him and in his sons like this, and thus his sons to their generations.

(14) Their grain-offering is entirely smoked, and on every day it is twice offered.

(15) And He filled Moshe's hand, and He anointed him with holy oil; and he was to Him an eternal covenant, and to his seed as in the days of heaven.

(16) To minister and to serve as priest for Him, and to bless His people with His name. And He chose him from all life, to bring the whole-offerings and the suet-offerings.

(17) And to burn a sweet smell and a remembrance, and to atone for the children of Israel.

(18) And He gave his people a law, and a rule to the children of Israel; and strangers were angry with him, and jealous of him in the desert.

(19) The men of Datan and Aviram, and the congregation of Qoraḥ in their enraged anger; and they saw ADONAI and He was enraged, and destroyed them in his great anger.

(20) And He brought a sign to them, and consumed them in blazing fire; and He added His glory to Aharon, and gave him His inheritance.

(21) The holy first-part He gave him bread, and fires of ADONAI consumed them. The shewbread portiopn, and a gift to him and his seed.

(22) Yet in their land he would not inherit, and in their midst he would not receive an inheritance; the fires of ADONAI are his portion and inheritance, in the midst of the children of Israel.

(23) And also, Pinḥas ben El'azar, in his strength, a third portion. In his zealousness to the God of all, and he stood at the people's breach.

(24) And who, in his nobility, his heart, atoned for the children of Israel; thus he also was given a law, an eternal covenant to administer the Sanctuary.

(25) That would be his and his seeds, a great priesthood for all time. And also His covenant with David son of Yishai of the tribe of Judah.

(26) A portion of fire before His glory, the portion of Aharon to all his seed. And now, bless, please, ADONAI the good.

(27) He crowns you with glory, He gives you a wise heart; that you not forget your goodness, and your strength for all generations.

(1) A warrior, son of valor, Yehoshua son of Nun, minister to Moshe in prophecy; who was made a guardian in his days, a great salvation to His chosen ones.

(2) To avenge vengeance on the enemies, and to inherit Israel. How admirable when he stretched his hand, when he waved his javelin at a city.

(3) Who is it who could stand against him? For the wars of ADONAI were fought.

(4) Was it not by his hand that the sun stood still, a single day as if it were two?

(5) For he called to God the Highest, as his enemies surrounding forced him; and God the Highest answered him, with stones of ice and hail.

(6) He threw them down on the enemy nation, and as they fled destroyed them all; so that all battling nations knew, that ADONAI guards their wars.

(7) And he also was fully following God, and in the days of Moses did piety; he and Kalev son of Yefuneh, to hold fast against the wild assembly.

(8) To turn anger from the congregation, and to end their evil report; thus the two of them were spared from the six hundred thousand infantry.

(9) To bring them to their inheritance, a land flowing with milk and honey; and He gave to Kalev wisdom and until old age it stayed with him.

(10) To guide him upon the heights of the land, and also his seed took an inheritance; that all the seed of Yaakov know that it is good to fully follow after Adonai.

(11) And the judges, each man by his name, every one who didn't self-glorify; and didn't durn away from following God, may their memories be blessed.

(12) [May their essences flower as a rose], and may their names pass on to their children!

(13) Beloved of his people, desired of deeds, chosen from the womb of his mother; a nazirite of ADONAI in prophecy, Shmuel, the priestly judge. At the word of God he established a monarchy, and he anointed princes over hte people.

(14) With the commandment of ADONAI he commanded the congregation, and the God of Yaakov took note of them.

(15) In his faithful mouth he expounded a vision, and in his trusted word guidance.

(16) And he also called to God, as his enemies surrounding forced him; as he offered up a lamb's suet, ADONAI thundered from heaven.

(17) With a mighty crash His voice was heard, and He subdued the nobility of the enemy, and destroyed all the Philistine tyrants.

(18) And when it came time for his final rest, he testified to ADONAI and His anointed.

(19) Did I take bribes or secret payments from anyone? And not one person answered him. And until the the end of his time, he was found right in the eyes of ADONAI.

(20) And in the eyes of all life, and also after his death he expounded.

(21) And he told the king his ways and lifted from the ground his voice in prophecy.

(1) And also after him arose Natan, to stand forth against David.

(2) For just as the suet is the highest of the holy offering, so too David from Israel.

(3) With lions he played as with a goat, and with bears as a calf from the east.

(4) In his youth he struck down the warrior, and causing him eternal pain and shame; with a flick of his hand on the sling, and he broke the majesty of Golyat.

(5) For he called to God the Highest, and He gave strength in his right hand; to hold back a man knowing in war, and to raise the horn of Israel.

(6) Thus the girls sang to him, and established him with "ten thousand." When crowned in a turban he fought, and all around him subjugated enemies.

(7) And he went against the Philistine foe, and to this day shattered their horn.

(8) In all his deeds he gave thanks, to God the Highest with words of glory. In all his heart he loved his Maker, and every day he thanked him with music.

(9) Melodies, songs, he established for the temple, and the sound of psalms and harps he made.

(10) And he gave splendor and beauty and honor to the festivals year after year; as he blessed the Holy Name, before the morning he raised justice.

(11) Also ADONAI passed over his transgression, and He raised his horn forever; and He gave him a law of monarchy, and his throne He established up to Jerusalem.

(12) And on his account arose after him a wise son, dwelling in security.

(13) Shlomo was king in prosperous days, and God caused him quiet all around.

(14) He who built a house for His name, and he founded an eternal Sanctuary.

(15) How wise were you in your youth! Your instruction flowed like the Nile!

(16) Land covered in Your wisdom, and Your song praised on the heights.

(17) With song, parable, riddle, and quote, all the people were amazed.

(18) You were called in the Glorious Name, that which was called over Israel; and amassed gold like iron, and like lead multiplied silver.

(19) And you gave your lust to women, and they ruled you in your pride.

(20) And you brought a blemish on your glory, and profaned your bead, to bring anger on your descendants, and moaning upon your deathbead.

(21) To a portion of the people to two tribes, and from Ephraim a kingdom of violence.

(22) But God will not forsake piety, and will not let His words fall to the ground; He will not cut off from His chosen grandson or great-grandson, and the seed of His beloved He will not destroy.

(23) And He gave to Yaakov a remnant, and to the house of David a root from them; and Shlomo lay down to die hopeless, and help withered from him.

(24) Wide in stupidity and lacking in wisdom, Reḥov'am whose counsel made the people unruly; until one arose – may he have no memory! – Yerov'am son on Nevaṭ, who sinned and caused sin to Israel.

(25) And he gave to Ephraim a stumbling-block, to force them from their land; and he increased his sin greatly, and to all evil he was addicted.

(1) Until a prophet like fire arose, whose words were like a flaming oven.

(2) And he shattered their staff of bread, and in his zealousness reduced them greatly.

(3) With a word of God, the heavens stopped; and rained three fires.

(4) How awesome are you, Eliyahu, and who is like you in wonder?

(5) Who raised a corpse from death, and from Sheol, as ADONAI willed.

(6) Who brought kings down to the pit, and nobles up from their sickbeds.

(7) Who anointed the one who fulfilled retribution, and the prophet who replaced you.

(8) Who heard reproofs at Sinai, and at Ḥorev judgements of vengeance.

(9) Who was taken up in a whirlwind, in a regiment of heaven's fire.

(10) Who was written truly for the time, to stop anger before the rage of God; to return the hearts of fathers to their sons, and to establish the tribes of Israel.

(11) Happy is one who sees you and dies, and happy are you for you still live.

(12) Eliyahu, who in the treasuries is hidden, and whose spirit filled Elisha; for many twofold signs and wonders came from all that came from his mouth.

(13) In his days he never cowered before anything, and no mortal power ruled his spirit. Not a thing was too wondrous for him, and from below him his flesh was created.

(14) In his life he did wonders, and in his death powerful deeds.

(15) With all this the people did not repent; and did not cease from their sins; until they were torn from their land, and scattered in all the earth.

(16) And a few remained with Judah, and there still was a ruler from the house of David. And there were from among them who did right, and there were from among them who did evil.

(17) Yeḥizqiyahu strengthened his city by bringing into it water; and he cut through rock with bronze, and dammed the mountains for a pool.

(18) In his days Sanḥeriv arose, and sent out Ravshaqeh; and he lifted his hand against Zion, and blasphemed God in his pride.

(19) Then they were appalled at his pride, and writhed like a woman in later.

(20) And they called to God the Highest, and they spread out their hands.

(21) And He smote the camp of Assyria, and they were devastated in a plague.

(22) Thus did Yeḥizqiyahu good, and was strong in the ways of David [as Yeshayahu the prophet commanded him, praised among the prophets.]

(23) [In his days the sun stood, and added to the life of the king.]

(24) With a great spirit he saw the end, and comforted the mourners of Zion.

(25) Eternally he told them what would be, and secrets before they occured.

(12) And they erected the holy temple; Which was prepared for everlasting glory.

(13) Nehemiah, glorious is his memory; Who raised up our ruins:
And healed our breaches; And set up gates and bars.

(14) Few have been created upon the earth like Enoch (?); And he also was taken within (?).

(15) Like Joseph was ever a man born? And also his body was visited.

(16) And Shem and Seth and Enosh were visited (H); And above every living thing was the glory of Adam.

(א) וגם נמצא כתוב בספרים, כי ירמיהו הנביא ציוה לגולים לקחת את האש ולטמנה כאשר אמרנו.

(ב) גם נתן להם את ספר תורת ה' לבל ישכחוה, ולבבם לא יפתה לסור מן הדרך, בראותם את פסילי זהב וכסף בגאון תפארתם.

(ג) וישנן להם דברים רבים ונכוחים, לבל תמוש תורת ה' מלבבם.

(ד) וגם זאת נמצא כתוב, כי הגיד להם על פי ה', לשאת אתם את אוהל מועד ואת הארון.

(ה) ויהי בבואם ההרה אשר עלה עליו משה לראות את הארץ, וימצא ירמיהו שם מערה ויסתר בה את האוהל ואת הארון ואת מזבח הקטורת, ויסתום את פיה.

(ו) ומקצת האנשים אשר הלכו אתו בקשו לעשות להם אות, וילאו למצוא את המערה.

(ז) וישמע ירמיהו ויגער בם ויאמר, אל ידע איש את המקום, עד אשר יקבץ ה' את עמו ונתן להם רחמים.

(ח) אז יגלה ה' את המקום, וכבוד ה' יופיע בענן, כאשר היה בימי משה ובימי שלמה בהתחננו אל ה' לקדשו.

(ט) ויספר להם ירמיהו את חכמת שלמה ואת הקורבנות אשר הקריב עת חנוכת המזבח, ככלותו להקים את מקדש ה'.

(י) וכאשר התפלל משה, ותצא אש מלפני ה' ותאכל על המזבח את העולה, כן נענה גם שלמה בתפילתו.

(יא) כי אש ירדה מן השמיים ותאכל את העולה ואת הזבחים.

(יב) וכאשר דרש דרש משה את שעיר החטאת והנה שורף ולא אכל ממנו איש, כן עשה שלמה בהקריבו את קורבנותיו לה' שמונת ימים.

(יג) כל הדברים האלה נמצאו בדברי הימים הנכתבים בימי נחמיה.

(יד) וכאשר דרש נחמיה אל ספרי דוד והמלכים והנביאים, ואת אשר כתבו בדבר הקורבנות ויאספם לאסיפה.

(טו) כן עשה גם יהודה, כי אסוף אסף את הספרים אשר נפוצו והתפזרו בסערת המלחמה בארץ.

(טז) והם למשמרת בידינו, ואם נכספתם להם, שלחו נא אלינו ושלחנום לכם.

(1) It was also written in the books, that Jeremiah the prophet commanded the exiles to take the fire and hide it like we said.

(2) [Jeremiah] also gave them the book of the Torah of The Lord so they should not forget it, and they should not be seduced in their hearts to turn from the path, when they see graven images of gold and silver with the pride of their glory.

(3) [Jeremiah] taught them many proven things, so that the Torah of The Lord would not leave their hearts.

(4) This was also written, that [Jeremiah] told them according to the mouth of The Lord, to take with them The Tent of Meeting and The Ark.

(5) It was when they came to the mountain that Moses ascended to see the land, Jeremiah found a cave there and he hid The Tent of Meeting, The Ark, and The Alter of Incense in it, and he closed [the cave's] opening.

(6) Some of the people that went with [Jeremiah] tried to make a sign [at the cave] for themselves, yet they became tired from looking for the cave.

(7) Jeremiah heard [about it] and he rebuked them and said. "No man will know the location [of the cave], until The Lord will gather his nation and grant them mercy.

(8) Then The Lord will reveal the location [of the cave], and the glory of The Lord will shine in a cloud, as it was in the days of Moses and Solomon when they begged The Lord to sanctify ?himself? (unclear pronoun)."

(9) Jeremiah told them about the wisdom of Solomon and about the sacrifices that [Solomon] offered [at] the time of the dedication of the alter, when he finished erecting the temple of The Lord.

(10) When Moses prayed, A fire left from the presence The Lord and consumed the burnt offering that was on the alter. In this manner Solomon's prayer was also answered.

(11) For a fire descended from the heavens and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices.

(12) And when Moses searched [?in the ashes for?] the ram of the sin offering, Behold! it was charred and no man ate of it. So did Solomon when he offered his sacrifices to The Lord [all] eight days.

(13) All these events can be found in The Chronicles that were written in the days of Nehemiah.

(14) When Nehemiah searched for the books of David, the kings, the prophets, and [anything] that had information about the sacrifices, he collected them into a collection.

(15) So did Judah, when he collected the books that were scattered and dispersed in the storm of the war throughout the land.

(16) They are being guarded in our hands, and if you are desiring of them, send to us and they will be sent to you.

8. For we have not an innumerable multitude of books among us, disagreeing from, and contradicting one another: [as the Greeks have:] but only twenty two books: which contain the records of all the past times: which are justly believed to be divine. (8) And of them five belong to Moses: which contain his laws, and the traditions of the origin of mankind, till his death. This interval of time was little short of three thousand years. But as to the time from the death of Moses, till the reign of Artaxerxes, King of Persia, who reigned after Xerxes, the Prophets, who were after Moses, wrote down what was done in their times, in thirteen books. The remaining four books contain hymns to God; and precepts for the conduct of human life. ’Tis true, our history hath been written since Artaxerxes very particularly; but hath not been esteemed of the like authority with the former by our forefathers; because there hath not been an exact succession of Prophets since that time. And how firmly we have given credit to these books of our own nation, is evident by what we do. For during so many ages as have already passed, no one has been so bold, as either to add any thing to them; to take any thing from them; or to make any change in them. But it is become natural to all Jews, immediately, and from their very birth, to esteem these books to contain divine doctrines; and to persist in them: and, if occasion be, willingly to die for them. For ’tis no new thing for our captives, many of them in number, and frequently in time, to be seen to endure wracks, and deaths of all kinds, upon the theatres; that they may not be obliged to say one word against our laws, and the records that contain them. Whereas there are none at all among the Greeks who would undergo the least harm on that account: no nor in case all the writings that are among them were to be destroyed. For they take them to be such discourses as are framed agreeably to the inclinations of those that write them. And they have justly the same opinion of the elder writers: since they see some of the present generation bold enough to write about such affairs, wherein they were not present; nor had concern enough to inform themselves about them from those that knew them. Examples of which may be had in this late war of ours: where some persons have written histories, and published them, without having been in the places concerned; or having been near them when the actions were done: but these men put a few things together, by hearsay; and insolently abuse the world; and call these writings by the name of Histories.

-- Josephus: Against Apion 1.8

36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

-- Matthew 22.36-40 (NIV). cf. Deut. 6.5 and Lev. 19.18