Parashat Vayeishev: In This Week's Parashah

In This Week’s Parashah: מָה בַּפָּרָשָׁה​​​​​​​

Full Parashah Reading: Bereishit 37:1-40:23
  • Yaakov gives Yosef a כְּתוֹנֶת פַּסִּים (ketonet passim, a fine coat or sweater). Yosef’s brothers feel jealous and hate him.
  • Yosef dreams that his brothers’ bundles of wheat bow down to his, and that the sun, moon, and 11 stars bow down to him.
  • Yaakov sends Yosef to check on his brothers, who are out shepherding. When they see him approaching, they plot to kill him.
  • Reuven persuades the others to throw Yosef into a pit instead of killing him. Yehudah proposes selling him. Yosef is sold to traders passing by and taken to מִצְרַיִם (Mitzrayim, Egypt) as a slave.
  • The brothers dip Yosef’s ketonet passim in goat blood. They show it to Yaakov, who assumes that Yosef was killed by a wild animal.
  • In Mitzrayim, Yosef is sold to Potiphar, an important member of Pharaoh's court. Potiphar’s wife falsely accuses Yosef of attacking her, and Yosef is sent to jail.
  • While in jail, Yosef meets Pharaoh’s baker and cupbearer. Both of them have dreams, which Yosef interprets, predicting that the baker will be killed and the cupbearer will return to Pharaoh’s service. This all comes true, but Yosef is still in prison.