Parashat Re'eh: Torah Reading - Trop
We have learned so many special notes for Torah reading.

But does every word in the Torah get a note?

Actually, you might be surprised to learn that the answer is no! Some words don’t get their own notes. Instead, they get attached to nearby words and just “hitch a ride.” Check out this phrase from our parashah:
אֵ֥ת כׇּל־הַֽחֻקִּ֖ים וְאֶת־הַמִּשְׁפָּטִ֑ים
all the rules and laws
There are five words there, but only three notes! But you can’t really have a word without a note, so we join the words without notes to ones with notes with a special dash, called a makaf. The makaf tells you that the word before just gets sung together with the word as if they are one. Here is an example of four words on a single note from earlier in the Torah (it might be familiar from Kiddush on Shabbat afternoon):
and all that is in them
So next time you see a word without a note, don’t feel too bad for it. Look for the makaf—it’s kind of like the next word offering a helping hand and welcoming that first word in, to come sing together.