Parashat Re'eh: What's Going On Here?

What's going on here? מַה זֶה?

Benei Yisrael are warned not to follow the words of a נְבִיא שֶׁקֶר (nevi sheker, false prophet). The Torah describes this as a person who performs miracles, but then tells Benei Yisrael to worship other gods (Devarim 13).

Who exactly is this nevi sheker, and what gives them the power to perform miracles?

  • R. Akiva says it’s someone who used to be a real, and good, prophet. That’s how they were able to perform miracles. The Torah is warning us that, if a prophet breaks away from God, we have to stop listening to them (Sanhedrin 90a).
  • Rambam says it may look like a nevi sheker can perform miracles, but it’s just tricks and illusions.
  • Ramban argues that a nevi sheker was a bad guy who actually could perform real miracles!