Purpose of Creation (1) תכלית בריאת העולמות

לעילוי נשמת ר' ברוך מרדכי בן זלמן ע"ה

Halakhic Man Pg. 52-53- Rabbi Joseph D. Soloveitchik

Full article and other documents: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jeAkpVl9fLl12HL569UbUiTHGcKXVZQd?usp=sharing

Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik (Reb Chaim Brisker) (1853 – 30 July 1918) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaim_Soloveitchik

Rabbi Sholom Dovber Schneersohn (1880-1920). תרס"ו 1905

Halakhic Man is the classic work of modern Jewish and religious thought by the twentieth century's preeminent Orthodox Jewish theologian and talmudic scholar. It is a profound excursion into religious psychology and phenomenology, a pioneering attempt at a philosophy of halakhah, and a stringent critique of mysticism and romantic religion.

כאשר אאמו"ר ז"ל (בעל ההילולא) למד לקבל "סמיכה" לרבנות, החליט – מאיזה טעם שהוא – לנסוע להיבחן ולקבל סמיכה אצל כמה וכמה גדולי-ישראל, שלא היו מחוגי החסידים ("עולם'שע גדולים"), כמו הגאון רבי חיים מבריסק, והגאון רבי אליהו חיים מייזל מלודז', ועוד הרבה מה"עולם'שע גדולים" בזמן ההוא.

כיוון שעל-פי לבושו היה ניכר על אאמו"ר עובדת היותו חסיד, ומה גם שנודע שהוא ממשפחת בית הרב – הִרבה ר' חיים בריסקער לייגעו בבחינה ("ער האָט אים גוט געמאַטערט"), שמא יצליח להשתמט ("זיך אויסדרייען") מלתת לו סמיכת חכמים. וכשנוכח לדעת, בסופו של דבר, שלא יעלה בידו להשתמט מנתינת הסמיכה, הפטיר ואמר: "געוואַלד ר' לויק! אַזאַ גוטע קאָפּ, אין וואָס האָט איר עס אַריינגעלייגט!... [אבוי ר' לויק! ראש טוב כזה, במה טמנת אותו]" – כוונתו היתה לכך שאאמו"ר ז"ל השקיע את ראשו בלימוד חסידות וקבלה! (כ"ק אדמו"ר חייך, וחזר עוד הפעם:) "אַזאַ גוטע קאָפּ, אין וואָס האָט איר עס אַריינגעלייגט!..."

כדי לקבל סמיכה הוצרך המועמד לקבלת הסמיכה לשהות במחיצתו של ר' חיים בריסקער – בחדר הבית-דין ("בית-דין שטיבל") – בשעה שהיה פוסק שאלות, והיה מתבקש – על-ידי ר' חיים בריסקער – לחוות דעתו איך צריך לפסוק בעניין זה.

בין השאלות שהופנו אליו היתה גם שאלה שהגיעה לר' חיים בריסקער בעיצומו של חג-הסוכות – ביום-טוב שחל בשבת או בשבת חול-המועד, ובכל אופן, לאחר כניסת השבת – על-דבר אנשי החצר שמשתמשים בסוכה אחת ושכחו לעשות "עירוב-חצרות". כשר' חיים בריסקער הפנה את השאלה לאאמו"ר, נענה אאמו"ר והשיב מיד – שהסוכה עצמה מערבת. ר' חיים בריסקער נהנה מה"המצאה", ואישר שהפסק הוא כדברי אאמו"ר.

('תורת מנחם – התוועדויות' תשי"א חלק ב' (ג) עמ' 257)

יום טוב של ראש השנה - תרס"ו

AKA המשך תרס"ו

Rosh Hashanah 5666 (1905)

61 Maamarim - 2.5 years.

כ"ק אדמו"ר רבי שלום דובער שניאורסאהן נ"ע

Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashanah – Tof Reish Samech Vov

Credit: https://www.meaningfullife.com/biography-of-the-rebbe-rashab/#fn-441-2

The purpose of existence is to draw down infinite Divine energy into this universe through our work in Torah and Mitzvot, thus creating a “home” for the Divine in the lowest of worlds. In addition to drawing down infinite energy into finite existence and fully integrating matter and spirit, we introduce through our efforts a new dimension of the Divine that did not exist even before the Tzimtzum. (Summary of Maamar 1)

(Rough translation of an excerpt of maamar one)

…It is known that the reason for the creation and the sustenance of the worlds, and the purpose of the soul descending in a body, is in order to draw down the revelation of the Infinite Light (Or En Sof) into this world through Torah and Mitzvot. And this is the concept of the unification of the transcendence of G-d (sovev kol almin) and the immanence of G-d (mimalei kol almin). As we say before every mitzvah, “For the sake of the union of the Holy One, blessed be He, with His Shechinah,” which is the aspect of the integration of the sovev kol almin and the mimalei kol almin. This is the drawing down of the revelation of the Essence of the Infinite Light (Atzmus Or En Sof) which is the ultimate purpose of the existence of the worlds and the descent of the soul.

As it says [Midrash Tanchumah Naso 16]:

“G-d had a desire to have a home in the lower world.”[2]

And like the home of a person, by way of an analogy, the essence of a person lives in his home.[3] The same thing is above so to speak, the Essence of the Infinite Light of G-d is revealed below.[4]

As it says in the beginning of Eimek HaMelech[5] (The Depth of the King):

“The creation of the worlds happened through the first tzimtzum[6] that took place in the Infinite Light. And it left a hole (chalal) and a space (makom panoi), and this [vacuum or space that was created] is the source of the coming into being of the containers (kelim)[7] and the existence of all the worlds.”

And after[8] the tzimtzum, the revelation of the line (kav) is drawn down – this is the revelation of the light that will illuminate the containers and the worlds.[9] (And through this [ie. the kav], creation was actualized, as it is known that the formation of the containers as well as the formation of the worlds in general, is through the kav and the power of the residue (reshimu[10]). Like a potential state (hiyuli[11]) that gives power, as is discussed at length in another place.)

And the general worlds that are structured in a form of light and vessels (orot ve kelim)[12] are within the chalal and makom panoi that remains after the tzimtzum.

[13] However, it says:

“And He placed them in the Garden of Eden to serve (l’avdah) and to guard (l’shamrah).” [Bereishit 2:15]

L’avdah are the 248 positive mitzvahs and l’shamrah are the 365 negative mitzvahs. This means to draw down additional light through the kav from the Infinite Light before the tzimtzum,[14] until Moshiach comes [when] there will be the revelation of the Infinite Light in the space of the chalal as it was before the tzimtzum.

And seemingly it’s not understood: What is new about this: also before the tzimtzum the light filled the entire space!

The simple answer is that in the beginning when the Infinite Light filled the empty vacuum, there was no potential for the existence of the worlds. And if so, then the revelation would not have been in the worlds. However, after the creation of the worlds, when the Infinite Light that is before the tzimtzum is drawn down, then the revelation is in the worlds.[15] And if so, before the creation, it was not possible for the light before the tzimtzum to be contained [by the worlds]. Nevertheless, after the creation, they were able to receive this light as well.

One can say that this idea is as it states in Eitz Chayim[16] [on another topic]: Regarding the idea of the revelation of the kav, if the kav would have remained in the beginning, there would have been no potential for the existence of containers. After the creation, the light of the kav can shine in them without them being overwhelmed. Similarly, regarding the general light before the tzimtzum, after the creation of the worlds, they [the containers] are able to receive this light.

And one can say that an example for this is like the transmission of intelligence or knowledge from a teacher to a student. If in the beginning the teacher were to give over to the student the inner depths of his wisdom, the student would not be able to receive it. The teacher has to give over a limited light that is proportionate to the capacity of the student. After the student receives this diminished light and contains and integrates it in his mind, then afterwards he can come to the depth and innermost aspect of the intellect of the teacher (the sages say that [at forty] the student comes to the knowledge (daas) of the teacher) and he can receive it etc.

And one has to say that this is also because of the fixing (tikkun) of the keli. When a person begins to understand, the vessels of the mind begin to be repaired and refined. As it is known that when a teacher teaches a student with a lot of influence, the skills of the student become like those of the teacher.[17]

And this example can be used to understand that after the creation of the worlds the light of the kav shines into them. It’s also known that the permeating light [of the kav] polishes the keli from within, and the surrounding or transcendent light polishes the keli from without.[18] And that’s why afterwards the kelim are able to receive light that is even higher than the revelation of the kav.

And the main thing is that this flow is through the Torah as it is written, “G-d gives strength [to His People]” and “There is no strength except Torah,” because through Torah the tzadikim are able to receive the Infinite Light that is higher and transcends the world without annihilating their existence. And the same with the worlds, they are able to receive the light through this, as it says in Tanya chapter 36.

So we see from this, that even though this light [that enters into existence] is the same light that filled the challal before the tzimtzum, however, the innovation is that the light is revealed in the worlds.[19]

And another explanation [regarding the innovation that is accomplished] is that there will be a revelation of light that is greater than the light that was there before. And these are the additional lights that are drawn down [and revealed] through Torah and Mitzvot. And these [lights] are of the innermost aspect and essence of the Infinite Light, which are even higher than the light that filled the challal [before the tzimtzum], as will be explained later.

And generally speaking, this [new dimension of light] is the revelation of the Infinite Light, sovev kol almin. And this was the purpose for the creation of the worlds.[20] ….

עמק המלך הוא ספר קבלה שנכתב על ידי רבי נפתלי הירץ בכרך, תלמידו של מהר"י סרוג, מתלמידי האר"י הקדוש. הספר נדפס בשנת ת"ח.