Giving Torah to kindergarten buddies for Consecration
So.... how does Torah shape you, Brawerman 6th grader?
In a few days, you will present your kindergarten buddy with their first Torah. You've watched this ceremony take place each year and now it is your turn to take your place as the oldest in the school who pass the Torah down to the youngest generation. What does this ceremony mean to you?
We have the opportunity for you to say more than "My name is Elissa and this is my buddy Ari." It is your turn to communicate what Torah means to you and what part of torah you love that you are excited to share with your kindergartner. BUT... What is it? What about the values Torah teaches us such as be grateful, be generous, love your neighbor, be happy and joyous. Is Torah about the stories not for their facts but the truths we learn from our ancestors? In this special year, you will present your Kinder buddy with a letter.
First: Think about these ideas with your chevruta:
Why are you Jewish and how do you act in a Jewish manner?
When I think of what Torah means I think about..... (a memory, a quote, a verse, one year when the Brawerman theme was awesome for you).
What Torah values do you think are reflected in your actions as an individual (Ex. do you do acts of tikkun olam because you feel like the value of being God's partner is important?)
If I had to summarize the whole teaching and lesson of Torah or our Jewish values in general in a very long sentence or a favorite verse it would be:
Finish the sentence... Dear (buddy), my hope for you as I give you the gift of Torah is that...........