Daf Roulette on Sefaria

Are you interested in connecting with new people for long-distance learning? Take part in Sefaria's latest experiment, Daf Roulette, to connect with others, learn, and have fun!​​​​​​​

You are welcome to log on at any time and see if there is anyone waiting for a match. To increase your chances of getting a partner, ask a group of friends to log on at the same time, or join us during one of our Open Daf Hours every Tuesday:

8 pm EDT in North or South America

7 pm CEST/8 pm IDT in Europe and the Middle East

7 pm AEST in Oceania and East Asia

When you click the link to join, you’ll be automatically paired with a chavruta, or study partner. The daily page of Talmud will be on the page, with the video chat on the left side of the screen.

Introduce yourself and then dive into learning and discussing the text. If, for whatever reason, you and your partner decide it isn’t a good fit, simply click the “New Person” button below the video viewer.

You need to have a free Sefaria account to participate and you will be prompted to log in or sign up when you click the link. This experience is not available on the app and works best when using the website from your computer.J

