Black People
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(א) וַתְּדַבֵּ֨ר מִרְיָ֤ם וְאַהֲרֹן֙ בְּמֹשֶׁ֔ה עַל־אֹד֛וֹת הָאִשָּׁ֥ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר לָקָ֑ח כִּֽי־אִשָּׁ֥ה כֻשִׁ֖ית לָקָֽח׃

(1) And Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had married; for he had married a Cushite woman.

(א) הכשית - שהיא ממשפחת חם.

(1) הכושית, from one of the tribes going back to Cham.

(א) כי אשה כשית לקח - כדכתיב בדברי הימים, דמשה רבינו מלך היה בארץ כוש ארבעים שנה ולקח מלכה אחת ולא שכב עמה כמ"ש שם. והם לא ידעו כשדברו בו שלא נזקק לה, זה עיקר פשוטו. שאם בשביל צפורה דברו, מה צורך לפרש כי אשה כושית לקח וכי עד עתה לא ידענו כי צפורה מדינית היא?! ועוד תשובה, כי לא היתה כושית, כי כוש מבני חם הוא ומדין מבני קטורה אשר ילדה לאברהם.

(1) כי אשה כושית לקח, as reported in the biography of Moses (compare Yalkut Shimoni, edition by Heiman-Shiloni on Exodus page 34, glossary 18) According to that version, Moses ruled for 40 years as king over the land of Cush, took himself a woman as his queen but never slept with her, as reported there. Miriam and Aaron were never aware of the fact that Moses had not consummated that union. This is the plain meaning of our verse.
If, as some believe, Miriam and Aaron spoke about Moses and Tzipporah, what need was there for the Torah to describe Moses’ wife as אשה כושית when everyone is well aware that Moses married Tzipporah the daughter of Yitro who was a Midianite, not a Cushite. Tzipporah could not have been described as Cushite seeing that the Cushites are descended from Cham, and the Midianites are descendents of the sons of Keturah, Avraham’s concubine, who bore 6 sons for him one of them being Midian. [Rash’bam’s argument is tenuous, for if Keturah was the same person as Hagar, according to most commentators, seeing that Hagar was an Egyptian, a woman descended from her could be described as Cushite, seeing that Mitzrayim, Egypt, was a descendant of Cham, also. Ed.]

(א) כי אשה כושית לקח. בדברי הימים דמשה משמע כושית ממש שהיתה מלכה ומשה משל על כוש ארבעים שנה ולכך אמרו אך במשה דבר ה' כלומר וכי בשביל שדבר עמו הקב"ה נתגאה שלא רצה ליקח אשה מבנות ישראל הלא גם בנו דבר ולא נתגאינו בכך ונראה שעל אותה מלכה שלקח היו אומרים כן כי מצפורה בורח היה מפני פרעה ואנוס היה:

(1) כי אשה כושית לקח, “for he had married a woman from the land of Cush.” (Ethiopia) According to Moses’ biography, Moses had been king in that country and his wife had been a queen in her own right previously. Moses had ruled over that land for a period of forty years (before coming to Midian) This is why the Torah reported Miriam and Aaron as speaking critically only of Moses (“did G’d only speak with Moses?”) They thought that seeing that G’d had spoken with Moses, Moses had felt that no Jewish woman was good enough for him to marry, i.e. that he had given himself airs. They did not criticise Moses for having married Tzipporah, as he had done so in circumstances when he was a refugee from Egyptian justice at the time.

(א) כי אשה כושית לקח. לפי הפשט משמעות כושית גויה. אלא שנתגיירה. וכסבורים אהרן ומרים דמש״ה פירש משה ממנה. משום שאינה לפי כבודו של משה. שתהי׳ אשתו שלא מיחוסי ישראל. ודברו בזה שמכ״מ אינו נכון. אחר שכבר לקח וידע שהיתה גויה ולא הטעתו. וא״כ אינו ראוי לצערה ולפרוש ממנה. [אח״כ ראיתי שפי׳ כן בספר פענח רזי לפי דרכו שמפרש כושית שחורה]:

(1) According to the simple meaning of the text, a gentile black woman. But who had converted. And Aaron and Miriam thought that this was why Moshe separated himself from her. That his wife was not of Israelite lineage. And they were saying that under no circumstances is this proper. After he had taken her and knew she was a non-Israelite and she didn't deceive him. Therefore it's not fair to make her sad and separate himself from her. [Afterwards I saw this commentary in the book "Paanekh Razei" who as his custom explains כושית as being black.