היחס לאחר ביהדות
הדף מאת: אריה יעקובסון
"אמרו עליו על נחום איש גמזו שהיה סומא (=עיוור) משתי עיניו, גדם (=בלי ידיים) משתי ידיו, קטע (=קטוע רגליים) משתי רגליו, וכל גופו מלא שחין (=מחלת עור קשה). והיה מוטל בבית רעוע...
אמרו לו תלמידיו: רבי! וכי מאחר שצדיק גמור אתה, למה עלתה לך כך?
אמר להם: בני! אני גרמתי לעצמי! שפעם הייתי מהלך בדרך לבית חמי והיה עימי משווה (=משא) שלושה חמורים, אחד של מאכל, אחד של משתה, ואחד של מיני מגדים. בא עני אחד ועמד לי בדרך, ואמר לי אבי פרנסני, אמרתי לו: המתן, עד שאפרוק מן החמור. לא הספקתי לפרוק מן החמור עד שיצתה נשמתו. הלכתי ונפלתי על פניו, ואמרתי: עיני שלא חסו על עיניך-יסומו.ידיי שלא חסו על ידיך-יתגדמו. רגליי שלא חסו על רגליך-יתקטעו. ולא נתקררה דעתי עד שאמרתי: כל גופי יהיה מלא שחין.
אמרו לו: אוי לנו שראינוך כך!
אמר להם: אוי לי אם לא ראיתוני בכך..."
§ The Gemara relates another story about a rundown building. They said about Naḥum of Gam Zu that he was blind in both eyes, both his arms were amputated, both his legs were amputated, and his entire body was covered in boils. And he was lying in a dilapidated house, and legs of his bed were placed in buckets of water so that ants should not climb onto him, as he was unable to keep them off in any other manner. Once his students sought to remove his bed from the house and afterward remove his other vessels. He said to them: My sons, remove the vessels first, and afterward remove my bed, as I can guarantee you that as long as I am in the house, the house will not fall. Indeed they removed the vessels and afterward they removed his bed, and immediately the house collapsed. His students said to him: Rabbi, since you are evidently a wholly righteous man, as we have just seen that as long as you were in your house it did not fall, why has this suffering befallen you? He said to them: My sons, I brought it upon myself. Naḥum of Gam Zu related to them the following: As once I was traveling along the road to my father-in-law’s house, and I had with me a load distributed among three donkeys, one of food, one of drink, and one of delicacies. A poor person came and stood before me in the road, saying: My rabbi, sustain me. I said to him: Wait until I unload the donkey, after which I will give you something to eat. However, I had not managed to unload the donkey before his soul left his body. I went and fell upon his face and said: May my eyes, which had no compassion on your eyes, be blinded; may my hands, which had no compassion on your hands, be amputated; may my legs, which had no compassion on your legs, be amputated. And my mind did not rest until I said: May my whole body be covered in boils. Naḥum of Gam Zu prayed that his suffering might atone for his failure. His students said to him: Even so, woe to us that we have seen you in this state. He said to them: Woe is me if you had not seen me in this state, as this suffering atones for me.