פרשת שמות תשי"ב - ההתגלות בסנה
א. שאלה כללית
הסבר, מהו היחס בין סוף פרק ב' פסוקים כ"ג-כ"ה לבין פרקנו. הוכח שקשר זה בין שתי הפרשיות: ב', כ"ג-כ"ה ובין: ג', ז'-י' - מוצא את ביטויו גם בלשון הפסוקים.
ב. המסומל בהתגלות בסנה
"וַיֵּרָא מַלְאַךְ ה' אֵלָיו בְּלַבַּת אֵשׁ מִתּוֹךְ הַסְּנֶה וַיַּרְא וְהִנֵּה הַסְּנֶה בֹּעֵר בָּאֵשׁ וְהַסְּנֶה אֵינֶנּוּ אֻכָּל"
And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush; and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.
מדרשים רבים נאמרו בביאור "המראה הגדול הזה" והנה מקצתם:
א) מכילתא ריש שמות:
ר' שמעון בן יוחאי אומר: מפני מה נגלה הקב"ה משמי מרום והיה מדבר עם משה מתוך הסנה? אלא מה הסנה קשה מכל אילנות שבעולם וכל ציפור שנכנסת לתוכו, אינה יוצאת מתוכו בשלום, עד שמתחתכת איברים איברים, כן היה שעבודם של ישראל במצרים קשה מכל שעבוד בעולם.
ב) מכילתא דרשב"י ב':
ר' אלעזר בן ערך אומר: מפני מה נגלה הקב"ה משמי מרום והיה מדבר עם משה מתוך הסנה, והלא היה לו לדבר מראש הרים ומגבהי עולם, ומארזי הלבנון? אלא השפיל עצמו ודיבר מתוך הסנה. ועליו אמר שלמה (משלי כ"ט כ"ב): "ושפל רוח יתמוך כבוד". אי אתה מוצא מן האילנות שפל מן הסנה. וכן הוא אומר (תהלים קל"ח): "כי רם ה' ושפל יראה."
... הדא הוא דכתיב (שיר השירים ה'): "פתחי לי יונתי תמתי" מה התוֹמים הללו, אם חשש אחד בראשו, חברו מרגיש, כן אמר הקב"ה (תהלים צ"א) "עמו אנכי בצרה"... אמר לו הקב"ה למשה: אי אתה מרגיש שאני שרוי בצער כשם שישראל שרויין בצער – הוי יודע ממקום שאני מדבר עמך, מתוך הקוצים, כביכול: אני שותף בצערם.
5. "An angel of the LORD appeared to him." It is written: "I sleep, but my heart is awake" (Song of Songs 5:2). I am sleeping [from performing] the commandments, but my heart is awake to perform them. "My undefiled [tamati]" (ibid.) at Sinai, for they attached themselves [nitmemu] to Me at Sinai and said: ‘"Everything the LORD had spoken we will do and obey’" (Exodus 24:7). R. Yannai said: Just as twins [te'omim] feel one another's s headaches, [so too] God said, as it were [as if He were our twin]: "’I am with him in sorrow" (Psalms 91:15). Another explanation: What is [the meaning of] "I am with him in sorrow"? When they have sorrows they only call out to the Holy One, Blessed be He. In Egypt, [as it is written] "And their cry came up unto God" (Exodus 2:23). By the sea [as it is written] "And the children of Israel cried out unto the Lord" (ibid. 14:10) and there are many other examples like these. And it says: "In all their sorrows He [too] was in sorrow" (Isaiah 63:9). The Holy One, Blessed be He said to Moses, You do not sense that I too dwell in sorrow just as Israel dwells in sorrow. But you should know: from the place I speak to you from within the thorn-bush, [that is a sign] as it were that I too am a partner in their sorrow. "An angel of the LORD appeared." R. Yohanan said: This is Michael. R. Hanina said, it was Gabriel. Whenever they saw R. Yose the tall, they used to say, There is our holy Rabbi! So too wherever Michael appears, he is the Glory of the Shechinah. "To him." What does ’"to him" [imply]‘? To teach that other men were with him, yet only Moses saw [the angel]. So too it is written regarding Daniel: "And only I Daniel saw the vision." (Daniel 10:7). "In a flame of fire..." to embolden him, so that when he would come to Sinai and saw the fires he should not be afraid of them. Another explanation of "In a flame [labat] of fire" - from the upper half of the bush, jut as the heart ([leb] is in the upper half of a man. "From within the bush." A Gentile once asked R. Joshua b. Karhah: Why did the Holy One, Blessed be He, see fit to speak to Moses from within a thorn-bush? [R. Joshua retorted]: If it had been a carob tree or a sycamore tree, would you not have asked the same question. However to send you away you without any answer is not possible, [so] why from within a thorn-bush? To teach you that there is no empty place devoid of the Shechinah, not even a [lowly] thorn-bush. "In a flame of fire." At first only one angel descended and stood in the center of the fire as an intermediary. Only afterwards did the Shechinah descend and spoke with him from within the thorn-bush. Rabbi Eliezer said: Just as the thorn-bush is the lowliest of all trees in the world, so too Israel were lowly and downtrodden in Egypt. Therefore the Holy One, Blessed be He revealed Himself to them and redeemed them, as it says (Exodus 3:8) "And I will go down and save them from the Egypt." Rabbi Yossi said: Just as the thorn-bush is the hardest of all the trees, and any bird that enters into it does not come out unharmed, so too the servitude in Egypt was harsher to God more than any other servitude in the world, as it says (Ibid. 7) "And the LORD said seen I have seen the poverty of My people." Why does the verse say "see I have seen" twice? For after they drowned them in the river they would then bury them in a building. This can be compared to someone who took a staff and hit two people, and the two of them received [a lashing] with a whip and know its suffering. So too the suffering and the servitude of Israel was revealed and known to the One who spoke and thereby was the world, as it says "For I know their pains." Rabbi Yohanan said: Just as this thorn-bush is used as a fence for a garden, so too Israel is a fence for the world. Alternatively, just as the thorn-bush grows near any water, so too Israel only grows in the merit of Torah which is called water, as it says (Isaiah 55:1) "Ho any thirsty one go to water." Alternatively, just as the thorn-bush grows in a garden or in a river, so too Israel are in this world and the next world. Alternatively, just as the thorn-bush produces thorns and roses, so too Israel contains righteous and wicked people. Rabbi Pinhas ha-Kohen the son of Rabbi Hama said: Just as this thorn-bush, if someone puts his hand in he does not feel anything, but when he takes it out it gets scratched; so too when Israel went down to Egypt no one noticed anything, but when they went out "The Lord plagued Pharaoh" (Genesis 12:17). Alternatively, "From with in the thorn-bush." Rabbi Nahman the son of Rabbi Shmuel the son of Nahman said: of all the trees, some produce one leaf, some two or three. A myrtle produces three, as it says (Leviticus 23:40) "A plaited tree". A thorn-bush however has five leafs. The Holy One, Blessed be He, said to Moses, Israel will only be redeemed in the merit of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and in your and Aaron's merit. Alternatively, "From with in the thorn-bush." He hinted to him [Moses] that he would live 120 years, the numerical value of the thorn-bush [הסנה - ה=5 ס=60, נ=50, ה=5]. "And he saw and behold the thorn-bush was consumed by fire." From here they said, Heavenly fire raises palm branches and burns but does not consume and is black. Earthly fire does not raise palm branches and is red, consumes and does not burn. And why did the Holy One, Blessed be He reveal Himself to Moses in this way? Because he [Moses] thought in his heart, saying, Maybe the Egyptians will destroy Israel. Therefore the Holy One, Blessed be He revealed Himself in a thorn-bush that was burning but not consumed. He said to him, just as the thorn-bush is burning but is not consumed, so too the Egyptians will not be able to destroy Israel. Alternatively, since the Holy One, Blessed be He was talking with Moses and he did not want stop his task [of minding the sheep], He showed him this thing so he would turn his face and see Him. You find this [intimated] from the beginning [of the verse]: "An angel of the LORD appeared to him" - yet Moses did not go. Once he stopped doing his task and went to see, immediately "God called him" (Exodus 3:4).
שאל גוי אחד את ר' יהושע בן קרחה: מה ראה הקב"ה לדבר עם משה מתוך הסנה? אמר לו: אילו מתוך חרוב או מתוך שקמה – כן היית שואלני. אלא להוציאך חלק אי אפשר. למה מתוך הסנה? ללמדך שאין מקום פנוי בלא שכינה, אפילו סנה!
5. "An angel of the LORD appeared to him." It is written: "I sleep, but my heart is awake" (Song of Songs 5:2). I am sleeping [from performing] the commandments, but my heart is awake to perform them. "My undefiled [tamati]" (ibid.) at Sinai, for they attached themselves [nitmemu] to Me at Sinai and said: ‘"Everything the LORD had spoken we will do and obey’" (Exodus 24:7). R. Yannai said: Just as twins [te'omim] feel one another's s headaches, [so too] God said, as it were [as if He were our twin]: "’I am with him in sorrow" (Psalms 91:15). Another explanation: What is [the meaning of] "I am with him in sorrow"? When they have sorrows they only call out to the Holy One, Blessed be He. In Egypt, [as it is written] "And their cry came up unto God" (Exodus 2:23). By the sea [as it is written] "And the children of Israel cried out unto the Lord" (ibid. 14:10) and there are many other examples like these. And it says: "In all their sorrows He [too] was in sorrow" (Isaiah 63:9). The Holy One, Blessed be He said to Moses, You do not sense that I too dwell in sorrow just as Israel dwells in sorrow. But you should know: from the place I speak to you from within the thorn-bush, [that is a sign] as it were that I too am a partner in their sorrow. "An angel of the LORD appeared." R. Yohanan said: This is Michael. R. Hanina said, it was Gabriel. Whenever they saw R. Yose the tall, they used to say, There is our holy Rabbi! So too wherever Michael appears, he is the Glory of the Shechinah. "To him." What does ’"to him" [imply]‘? To teach that other men were with him, yet only Moses saw [the angel]. So too it is written regarding Daniel: "And only I Daniel saw the vision." (Daniel 10:7). "In a flame of fire..." to embolden him, so that when he would come to Sinai and saw the fires he should not be afraid of them. Another explanation of "In a flame [labat] of fire" - from the upper half of the bush, jut as the heart ([leb] is in the upper half of a man. "From within the bush." A Gentile once asked R. Joshua b. Karhah: Why did the Holy One, Blessed be He, see fit to speak to Moses from within a thorn-bush? [R. Joshua retorted]: If it had been a carob tree or a sycamore tree, would you not have asked the same question. However to send you away you without any answer is not possible, [so] why from within a thorn-bush? To teach you that there is no empty place devoid of the Shechinah, not even a [lowly] thorn-bush. "In a flame of fire." At first only one angel descended and stood in the center of the fire as an intermediary. Only afterwards did the Shechinah descend and spoke with him from within the thorn-bush. Rabbi Eliezer said: Just as the thorn-bush is the lowliest of all trees in the world, so too Israel were lowly and downtrodden in Egypt. Therefore the Holy One, Blessed be He revealed Himself to them and redeemed them, as it says (Exodus 3:8) "And I will go down and save them from the Egypt." Rabbi Yossi said: Just as the thorn-bush is the hardest of all the trees, and any bird that enters into it does not come out unharmed, so too the servitude in Egypt was harsher to God more than any other servitude in the world, as it says (Ibid. 7) "And the LORD said seen I have seen the poverty of My people." Why does the verse say "see I have seen" twice? For after they drowned them in the river they would then bury them in a building. This can be compared to someone who took a staff and hit two people, and the two of them received [a lashing] with a whip and know its suffering. So too the suffering and the servitude of Israel was revealed and known to the One who spoke and thereby was the world, as it says "For I know their pains." Rabbi Yohanan said: Just as this thorn-bush is used as a fence for a garden, so too Israel is a fence for the world. Alternatively, just as the thorn-bush grows near any water, so too Israel only grows in the merit of Torah which is called water, as it says (Isaiah 55:1) "Ho any thirsty one go to water." Alternatively, just as the thorn-bush grows in a garden or in a river, so too Israel are in this world and the next world. Alternatively, just as the thorn-bush produces thorns and roses, so too Israel contains righteous and wicked people. Rabbi Pinhas ha-Kohen the son of Rabbi Hama said: Just as this thorn-bush, if someone puts his hand in he does not feel anything, but when he takes it out it gets scratched; so too when Israel went down to Egypt no one noticed anything, but when they went out "The Lord plagued Pharaoh" (Genesis 12:17). Alternatively, "From with in the thorn-bush." Rabbi Nahman the son of Rabbi Shmuel the son of Nahman said: of all the trees, some produce one leaf, some two or three. A myrtle produces three, as it says (Leviticus 23:40) "A plaited tree". A thorn-bush however has five leafs. The Holy One, Blessed be He, said to Moses, Israel will only be redeemed in the merit of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and in your and Aaron's merit. Alternatively, "From with in the thorn-bush." He hinted to him [Moses] that he would live 120 years, the numerical value of the thorn-bush [הסנה - ה=5 ס=60, נ=50, ה=5]. "And he saw and behold the thorn-bush was consumed by fire." From here they said, Heavenly fire raises palm branches and burns but does not consume and is black. Earthly fire does not raise palm branches and is red, consumes and does not burn. And why did the Holy One, Blessed be He reveal Himself to Moses in this way? Because he [Moses] thought in his heart, saying, Maybe the Egyptians will destroy Israel. Therefore the Holy One, Blessed be He revealed Himself in a thorn-bush that was burning but not consumed. He said to him, just as the thorn-bush is burning but is not consumed, so too the Egyptians will not be able to destroy Israel. Alternatively, since the Holy One, Blessed be He was talking with Moses and he did not want stop his task [of minding the sheep], He showed him this thing so he would turn his face and see Him. You find this [intimated] from the beginning [of the verse]: "An angel of the LORD appeared to him" - yet Moses did not go. Once he stopped doing his task and went to see, immediately "God called him" (Exodus 3:4).
מה דרכו של סנה, אדם מכניס ידו לתוכו אינו ניזוק, לפי שקוציו כפופין למטה, ואם ביקש להוציא את ידו, הקוצים תופסים בה ואין יכול להוציאה, כך המצרים: בתחילה קיבלו את ישראל בסבר פנים יפות שנאמר (בראשית מ"ה) "ארץ מצרים לפניך היא", וכשביקשו לצאת לא הניחום שנאמר: "וגם את ישראל לא אשלח".
מתוך הסנה: ולא אילן אחר, משום (תהלים צ"א) "עמו אנכי בצרה".
בלבת אש means IN A FLAME OF FIRE, i. e. in the very heart of (לב) the fire. Similarly is לב used of inanimate objects in: (Deuteronomy 4:11) “in the heart of (לב) heaven”; (II Samuel 18:14) “in the midst of (לב) the terebinth”. Do not be puzzled by the ת, although the ordinary word for heart, לב. does not require the suffix ת in the construct form, because we have another example of this form, viz., (Ezekiel 16:30) “how weak is thy heart (לבתך)”.‎ מתוך הסנה OUT OF THE MIDST OF A BUSH (a thornbush) — and not from any other tree, in accordance with the idea (Psalms 91:15) “I will be with him in trouble” (Midrash Tanchuma, Shemot 14).
(הערה: למדרש א' השוה שמות י"ח רש"י ט' ד"ה על כל הטובה!)
1. מהו הרעיון המסומל במדרש ב', והיכן מצינו ביטויים אחרים לרעיון זה במדרשי חז"ל? (ועיין ספורנו שמות ל"ח כ"ד ד"ה כל הזהב).
2. מה ההבדל בין ההשקפה המוצאת ביטויה במדרש ג' לבין זו המוצאת ביטויה במדרש ד'?
3. מה ראה רש"י לבחור בין כל המדרשים הנ"ל דווקא במדרש ג' לפירושו? (ועיין גם רש"י י"ד ד"ה אהיה אשר אהיה).
4. הידועים לך תקופות בתולדות ישראל בהן אנו פוגשים אותה תופעה המתוארת במדרש ה'?
ג. חזרה על מילת "ויאמר"
"וַיֹּאמֶר אַל תִּקְרַב הֲלֹם שַׁל נְעָלֶיךָ... כִּי הַמָּקוֹם אֲשֶׁר אַתָּה עוֹמֵד עָלָיו אַדְמַת קֹדֶשׁ הוּא"
And He said: ‘Draw not nigh hither; put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.’
"וַיֹּאמֶר אָנֹכִי אֱ-לֹהֵי אָבִיךָ אֱ-לֹהֵי אַבְרָהָם אֱ-לֹהֵי יִצְחָק"
Moreover He said: ‘I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.
1. הסבר, למה חזר הכתוב על מילת "ויאמר", והלא גם בפסוק ה' וגם בפסוק ו' המדבר אחד הוא?
"וַיֹּאמֶר הַבֶּט נָא הַשָּׁמַיְמָה וּסְפֹר... וַיֹּאמֶר לוֹ כֹּה יִהְיֶה זַרְעֶךָ"
And He brought him forth abroad, and said: ‘Look now toward heaven, and count the stars, if thou be able to count them’; and He said unto him: ‘So shall thy seed be.’
מה המשותף בשני המקומות שהצריך בשניה את החזרה על מילת "ויאמר"?
(ועיין גם גיליון וישב תשי"ב שאלה ב'.)