פרשת וישב תשכ"ו - מעשה תמר ויהודה
א. הדמיון בין רות לתמר
בנו יעקב, בפירושו לפרקנו (בפירושו לספר בראשית, בגרמנית):
מה שתמר מהרהרת בלבה את זה מבטאה רות במילים מפורשות: (א' ט"ז) "עמך עמי ואלוקיך אלוקי". ואולם התפקיד מתפצל שם לשתי מבצעות, התכנון לנעמי והביצוע לרות, ואילו כאן הכל בידיה של תמר.
1. הסבר במה הדמיון בין רות לתמר?
2. מה ההוכחות בפרקנו שכאלה היו הרהוריה של תמר?
ב. מעשה תמר ומכירת יוסף
מ"ד קאסוטו, "מעשה תמר ויהודה" (קובץ לזכרו של י.נ. שמחוני ז"ל "ציונים" הוצאת אשכול, ברלין תרפ"ט עמודים 93-100):
...מה שהביאני לידי דעה, שאין להפריד בין הפרשה שלנו (פרשת תמר ויהודה) ובין מה שקדם לה, הריהי ביחוד העובדה, כי בין מעשה תמר ויהודה ובין מכירת יוסף יש להכיר מעין קשר פנימי, המשתקף בהקבלת פרטים אחדים בשתי הפרשיות והמתגלה לעינינו בבירור מתוך הקבלת הניבים המורים על אותם הפרטים.
והוא מביא דברי חז"ל אחדים, כגון:
אומר ר' חמא בר חנינא: ב"הכר" בישר לאביו, ב"הכר" בישרוהו, ב"הכר" בישר (ל"ז ל"ג): "הכר נא הכתנת בנך היא אם לא". ב"הכר" בישרוהו (ל"ח כ"ה) "הכר נא למי החתמת והפתילים והמטה האלה".
The verse continues: “And she said: Discern, please, whose are these, the signet, and the cords, and the staff” (Genesis 38:25). Rabbi Ḥama, son of Rabbi Ḥanina, says: With use of the word discern Judah informed his father that Joseph was lost, and also with use of the word discern they informed Judah about the signs. The Gemara explains: With the word discern he informed Jacob his father when he brought him the coat of Joseph and said to his father: “And they sent the coat of many colors, and they brought it to their father; and said: This have we found. Discern now whether it is your son’s coat or not” (Genesis 37:32). With the word discern they informed him: “And she said: Discern, please, whose are these.”
אמר ר' יוחנן: אמר הקב"ה ליהודה: אתה אמרת לאביך "הכר נא", חייך שתמר אומרת לך "הכר נא".
And God said, "Let there be a firmament" - It is written (Psalms 104:3), "Who lays the beams of his upper chambers in the waters." It is the custom of the world that a king of flesh and blood constructs a palace and makes a roof for it out of stones and wood and dirt. But the Holy One Blessed Be He made a roof for his world out of water, as it says "Who lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters." "And God said 'let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters'". The rabbis said regarding this in the name of Rabbi Chanina, but Rabbi Pinchas and Rabbi Jacob the son of Rabbi Avin said this in the name of Rabbi Samuel son of Nachman: "when the Holy One, blessed be He, said 'let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters', the middle liquid layer solidified, and the lower heavens were formed, and the heavens above the heavens, the upper ones [were formed]". Rab said "their works on the first day were liquid and on the second they were solid. "Let there be a firmament" [means] let the firmament solidify". Rabbi Yehudah the son of Rabbi Simon said "['let there be a firmament' means] let a thin plating be made for the firmament (raqi'a), just as you see it said "and they beat thin (vayeraq'u) the plates of gold (Exodus 39:3)"". Rabbi Chanina said "the fire came forth from above and dried the surface of the firmament [solidifying it]". Rabbi Yochanan came to this conclusion with this verse: "By His breath [meaning fire] the heavens are smoothed (Job 26:13)." He used to say: "Rabbi Chanina taught me well". Rabbi Yudan the son of Rabbi Shimon said "the fire went forth from above and it made the surface of the firmament gleam". R. Berakhyah, R. Yaakov bar R. Avina in the name of R. Abbah bar Kahana said: The work of creation came to teach about the giving of the Torah, and the teaching was revealed through it: "As when fire kindles the parts” (Isaiah 64:1)—its halves. When did the fire split between the upper and lower [heavens], is it not when the Torah was given!? Thus it was at the creation of the universe.Thus it was at the creation of the universe." Rabbi Pinchas in the name of Rabbi Hoshaya said: "as the empty space that is between the earth and the firmament, so there is an empty space between the firmament and the upper waters. So "let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters" [means] between them and in the middle of them". Rabbi Tanchuma said: "I will explain the reasoning. If it is said "and God made the firmament and divided between the waters which were above the firmament" I would say that the water is positioned on the very body of the firmament. But as it says "and between the waters which are over the firmament", see!, the upper waters are hung upon the word". Rabbi Acha said: "[it is] like the flickering of candles, and [its] fruits are the rain waters". A certain Samaritan asked Rabbi Meir and said to him "Is it possible that the upper waters are suspended on a word?" And he replied to him "yes". And Rabbi Meir said "bring me a clepsydra (a water clock)" and the Samaritan brought a clepsydra and he placed upon it a gold plate, but the water did not stand still [under the plate]. He placed a silver plate on it, but the water did not stand still [under the plate]. But when he placed his finger on [the plate], the water stood still [and the plate did not bob]. The Samaritan said to him "you are putting your finger on it!" And Rabbi Meir responded "See how if my finger stills the water, and I am flesh and blood, how much more does the finger of the Holy One, blessed be He [control the water]. Therefore, the water is hung on a word." The Samaritan said to him "Is it possible that he himself, concerning whom it is written "Do I not fill the heavens and the earth (Jeremiah 23:24)" was speaking with Moses from between the poles of the ark?" Rabbi Meir responded: "bring to me large mirrors" and he continued "look at yourself in what is brought; your reflection in large!" Meir said to him "bring me small mirrors" and he brought small mirrors. Rabbi Meir said "look at yourself in what is brought, your reflection is small!" Rabbi Meir said to him "See how if you can change yourself whenever you want, and you are flesh and blood, how much more he who spoke and the universe came into existence, blessed is He! And so when he wishes to be "Do I not fill the heavens and the earth (Jeremiah 23:24)" he is and when he wishes he spoke with Moses from between the poles of the ark. Rabbi Chanina the son of Isei said: "sometimes the universe and its fullness is not strong enough for the glory of His divinity, and at other times He speaks with man from between the hairs of his head. This is written: "Then Hashem answered Job out of the whirlwind (se'arah) (Job 38:1)" [but read instead] from between the hairs (sha'arot) of his head. And still further the Samaritan asked Rabbi Meir "Is it possible that "the river of God is full of water (Psalm 65:10)" from the six days of creation and has not all diminished? How strange!" And Rabbi Meir said to him: "Go in and wash yourself and weigh yourself when you have not gone in and then after you have gone in." As soon as the Samaritan left he weighed himself and his body weight was not at all diminished. Rabbi Meir said "now all that sweat that comes out of you, did it not come out of you?" And the Samaritan said "yes". Rabbi Meir responded "See how if you lost no fluid from your body's spring of fluids, and you are flesh and blood, how much more is it [true regarding] the spring of the Holy One, blessed be He, [that] "the river of God is full of water (Psalm 65:10)" and from the six days of creation has not all diminished?" Rabbi Yochanan said: "The Holy One, blessed be He, raised up all the waters of creation and set half of them in the firmament and half in the Ocean; it is surprising! It is thus written "the river (peleg) of God is full of water (Psalm 65:10)" [the word "river" (peleg) must be understood as the Aramaic word] half (palg'a). The firmament is similar to a lake and above the lake is a covering. From the from the lake heat condensation flows from the covering, and the condensation [as rain] descends to the midst of the salt waters [of the sea] and the rain does not mix itself [with the salt water]. Rabbi Jonah said "do not be amazed, as it is the case that the Jordan River passes through the Sea of Tiberias (the Sea of Galilee) and it does not mix itself with it; this is a miraculous thing to say! A man sifting wheat or chaff in a sieve, the grains have not descended two or three finger-breadths and they have mixed together, but these [raindrops] have traveled and traveled year after year and have not mixed themselves [with salt water]." Rabbi Yudan, son of Rabbi Shimon says "it is because he sends them down by a measured deduction, as it is said "for He draws away (yegara') the drops of water (Job 36:27)". But see how it says "and an abatement shall be made (venigra') from your assessment (Leviticus 27:18)" [showing that the financial use of this root gr' proves that God sends them down in a measured deduction]. The thickness of the earth is equal to the thickness of the firmament, as it is said "He sits above the circle (chug) of the earth (Isaiah 40:22)" [and] "He walked about the circle (chug) of the heavens (Job 22:14)". Since "circle" (chug) occurs in both verses, they are a gezeira shavah [proving the earth and firmament have the same thickness]. Rabbi Acha said in the name of Rabbi Chanina: "This is like a metal plate". Rabbi Joshua, the son of Rabbi Nehemiah, said: "They are about two or three finger-breadths". Rabbi Shimon the son of Pazzi said: "The upper waters are greater than the lower waters by about thirty xestes (pints). "Between the waters above the waters (la-mayim)" [the lamed's gematria is] thirty [thus proving his point that the waters above have thirty extra pints]. The rabbis said "they are half and half". the verse states: "and god made the heavens", this is one of the verses that ben zoma shook the world with, he made implying a physical action , this cant be for we know that the heavens were created with gods speech? which is what it says: " with the word of god the heavens were made and with the wind of his mouth all of their army's"?. why doesn't it say "it was good" on the second day of creation?r yochanan taught in the name of r yosi the son of r chalafta, because hell was created on the second day, as it says " the topheth has been ready for him since yesterday, a day that has a yesterday but not three days ago. another reason that it dose not say "it was good" on the second day, r channina says its because division was created on the second day, as it says: "and it (the heavens) should separate between the two body's of water". r tivyomi said if division that is for the sake of fixing the world does not have good all the more so division that is to mix up the world doesn't have good. r shmuel says because the creation of water wasnt finished, it was written on the third day "it was good" twice, one for the creation of water and one for the days work. a noble woman asked r yosi, why dosen't it say "and it was good on the second day? he answered her even so it was included in the end as it says: "and god saw all that he did and it was very good" she said back to him this is analogous to six people coming to you give each one a manna and to one of them you don't give anything, then you go back and give one manna to everyone, is it not true that 5 of them have a mana and a 1/6 manna and the last one only has 1/6? he said to her like r shmuel says because the creation of water wasnt finished, it was written on the third day "it was good" twice, one for the creation of water and one for the days work. r levi in the name of r tanchum the son of r chnelyayi said, it states in the verse:" he (god) tells the end in the beginning", from the beginning of creation god saw Moses who is called "good" and was ultimately was going to be punished from an issue regarding water and therefore did not write and it was good regarding the water. r simon in the name of r levi said it is analogous to a king who had a bad legion, the king said since this legion is no good my name shouldn't be called on it, so too god said, since these waters punished the generation of the flood, dor enosh, and haflaga it should not be written regarding them "forit was good" "and god called the ferment heavens", rav says it means fire and water mixed together. r abba the son of r chahna said in the name of rav , god took fire and water, joined them together and made the heavens. another matter, the word שמים can be read as meaning "evaluation" for the heavens evaluate the actions of people, if they merit than "the heavens will tell his righteousness" and if he doesn't merit "the heavens will reveal his sin". another matter why is it called shumiaim because people wonder about them are they water or fire?!!! r pinchas said he came and revealed it "
קשה לחשוב שהקבלה שכזאת תלויה רק במקרה: ודאי תלויה היא ברצונו של בעל הפרשה.
And God said, "Let there be a firmament" - It is written (Psalms 104:3), "Who lays the beams of his upper chambers in the waters." It is the custom of the world that a king of flesh and blood constructs a palace and makes a roof for it out of stones and wood and dirt. But the Holy One Blessed Be He made a roof for his world out of water, as it says "Who lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters." "And God said 'let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters'". The rabbis said regarding this in the name of Rabbi Chanina, but Rabbi Pinchas and Rabbi Jacob the son of Rabbi Avin said this in the name of Rabbi Samuel son of Nachman: "when the Holy One, blessed be He, said 'let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters', the middle liquid layer solidified, and the lower heavens were formed, and the heavens above the heavens, the upper ones [were formed]". Rab said "their works on the first day were liquid and on the second they were solid. "Let there be a firmament" [means] let the firmament solidify". Rabbi Yehudah the son of Rabbi Simon said "['let there be a firmament' means] let a thin plating be made for the firmament (raqi'a), just as you see it said "and they beat thin (vayeraq'u) the plates of gold (Exodus 39:3)"". Rabbi Chanina said "the fire came forth from above and dried the surface of the firmament [solidifying it]". Rabbi Yochanan came to this conclusion with this verse: "By His breath [meaning fire] the heavens are smoothed (Job 26:13)." He used to say: "Rabbi Chanina taught me well". Rabbi Yudan the son of Rabbi Shimon said "the fire went forth from above and it made the surface of the firmament gleam". R. Berakhyah, R. Yaakov bar R. Avina in the name of R. Abbah bar Kahana said: The work of creation came to teach about the giving of the Torah, and the teaching was revealed through it: "As when fire kindles the parts” (Isaiah 64:1)—its halves. When did the fire split between the upper and lower [heavens], is it not when the Torah was given!? Thus it was at the creation of the universe.Thus it was at the creation of the universe." Rabbi Pinchas in the name of Rabbi Hoshaya said: "as the empty space that is between the earth and the firmament, so there is an empty space between the firmament and the upper waters. So "let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters" [means] between them and in the middle of them". Rabbi Tanchuma said: "I will explain the reasoning. If it is said "and God made the firmament and divided between the waters which were above the firmament" I would say that the water is positioned on the very body of the firmament. But as it says "and between the waters which are over the firmament", see!, the upper waters are hung upon the word". Rabbi Acha said: "[it is] like the flickering of candles, and [its] fruits are the rain waters". A certain Samaritan asked Rabbi Meir and said to him "Is it possible that the upper waters are suspended on a word?" And he replied to him "yes". And Rabbi Meir said "bring me a clepsydra (a water clock)" and the Samaritan brought a clepsydra and he placed upon it a gold plate, but the water did not stand still [under the plate]. He placed a silver plate on it, but the water did not stand still [under the plate]. But when he placed his finger on [the plate], the water stood still [and the plate did not bob]. The Samaritan said to him "you are putting your finger on it!" And Rabbi Meir responded "See how if my finger stills the water, and I am flesh and blood, how much more does the finger of the Holy One, blessed be He [control the water]. Therefore, the water is hung on a word." The Samaritan said to him "Is it possible that he himself, concerning whom it is written "Do I not fill the heavens and the earth (Jeremiah 23:24)" was speaking with Moses from between the poles of the ark?" Rabbi Meir responded: "bring to me large mirrors" and he continued "look at yourself in what is brought; your reflection in large!" Meir said to him "bring me small mirrors" and he brought small mirrors. Rabbi Meir said "look at yourself in what is brought, your reflection is small!" Rabbi Meir said to him "See how if you can change yourself whenever you want, and you are flesh and blood, how much more he who spoke and the universe came into existence, blessed is He! And so when he wishes to be "Do I not fill the heavens and the earth (Jeremiah 23:24)" he is and when he wishes he spoke with Moses from between the poles of the ark. Rabbi Chanina the son of Isei said: "sometimes the universe and its fullness is not strong enough for the glory of His divinity, and at other times He speaks with man from between the hairs of his head. This is written: "Then Hashem answered Job out of the whirlwind (se'arah) (Job 38:1)" [but read instead] from between the hairs (sha'arot) of his head. And still further the Samaritan asked Rabbi Meir "Is it possible that "the river of God is full of water (Psalm 65:10)" from the six days of creation and has not all diminished? How strange!" And Rabbi Meir said to him: "Go in and wash yourself and weigh yourself when you have not gone in and then after you have gone in." As soon as the Samaritan left he weighed himself and his body weight was not at all diminished. Rabbi Meir said "now all that sweat that comes out of you, did it not come out of you?" And the Samaritan said "yes". Rabbi Meir responded "See how if you lost no fluid from your body's spring of fluids, and you are flesh and blood, how much more is it [true regarding] the spring of the Holy One, blessed be He, [that] "the river of God is full of water (Psalm 65:10)" and from the six days of creation has not all diminished?" Rabbi Yochanan said: "The Holy One, blessed be He, raised up all the waters of creation and set half of them in the firmament and half in the Ocean; it is surprising! It is thus written "the river (peleg) of God is full of water (Psalm 65:10)" [the word "river" (peleg) must be understood as the Aramaic word] half (palg'a). The firmament is similar to a lake and above the lake is a covering. From the from the lake heat condensation flows from the covering, and the condensation [as rain] descends to the midst of the salt waters [of the sea] and the rain does not mix itself [with the salt water]. Rabbi Jonah said "do not be amazed, as it is the case that the Jordan River passes through the Sea of Tiberias (the Sea of Galilee) and it does not mix itself with it; this is a miraculous thing to say! A man sifting wheat or chaff in a sieve, the grains have not descended two or three finger-breadths and they have mixed together, but these [raindrops] have traveled and traveled year after year and have not mixed themselves [with salt water]." Rabbi Yudan, son of Rabbi Shimon says "it is because he sends them down by a measured deduction, as it is said "for He draws away (yegara') the drops of water (Job 36:27)". But see how it says "and an abatement shall be made (venigra') from your assessment (Leviticus 27:18)" [showing that the financial use of this root gr' proves that God sends them down in a measured deduction]. The thickness of the earth is equal to the thickness of the firmament, as it is said "He sits above the circle (chug) of the earth (Isaiah 40:22)" [and] "He walked about the circle (chug) of the heavens (Job 22:14)". Since "circle" (chug) occurs in both verses, they are a gezeira shavah [proving the earth and firmament have the same thickness]. Rabbi Acha said in the name of Rabbi Chanina: "This is like a metal plate". Rabbi Joshua, the son of Rabbi Nehemiah, said: "They are about two or three finger-breadths". Rabbi Shimon the son of Pazzi said: "The upper waters are greater than the lower waters by about thirty xestes (pints). "Between the waters above the waters (la-mayim)" [the lamed's gematria is] thirty [thus proving his point that the waters above have thirty extra pints]. The rabbis said "they are half and half". the verse states: "and god made the heavens", this is one of the verses that ben zoma shook the world with, he made implying a physical action , this cant be for we know that the heavens were created with gods speech? which is what it says: " with the word of god the heavens were made and with the wind of his mouth all of their army's"?. why doesn't it say "it was good" on the second day of creation?r yochanan taught in the name of r yosi the son of r chalafta, because hell was created on the second day, as it says " the topheth has been ready for him since yesterday, a day that has a yesterday but not three days ago. another reason that it dose not say "it was good" on the second day, r channina says its because division was created on the second day, as it says: "and it (the heavens) should separate between the two body's of water". r tivyomi said if division that is for the sake of fixing the world does not have good all the more so division that is to mix up the world doesn't have good. r shmuel says because the creation of water wasnt finished, it was written on the third day "it was good" twice, one for the creation of water and one for the days work. a noble woman asked r yosi, why dosen't it say "and it was good on the second day? he answered her even so it was included in the end as it says: "and god saw all that he did and it was very good" she said back to him this is analogous to six people coming to you give each one a manna and to one of them you don't give anything, then you go back and give one manna to everyone, is it not true that 5 of them have a mana and a 1/6 manna and the last one only has 1/6? he said to her like r shmuel says because the creation of water wasnt finished, it was written on the third day "it was good" twice, one for the creation of water and one for the days work. r levi in the name of r tanchum the son of r chnelyayi said, it states in the verse:" he (god) tells the end in the beginning", from the beginning of creation god saw Moses who is called "good" and was ultimately was going to be punished from an issue regarding water and therefore did not write and it was good regarding the water. r simon in the name of r levi said it is analogous to a king who had a bad legion, the king said since this legion is no good my name shouldn't be called on it, so too god said, since these waters punished the generation of the flood, dor enosh, and haflaga it should not be written regarding them "forit was good" "and god called the ferment heavens", rav says it means fire and water mixed together. r abba the son of r chahna said in the name of rav , god took fire and water, joined them together and made the heavens. another matter, the word שמים can be read as meaning "evaluation" for the heavens evaluate the actions of people, if they merit than "the heavens will tell his righteousness" and if he doesn't merit "the heavens will reveal his sin". another matter why is it called shumiaim because people wonder about them are they water or fire?!!! r pinchas said he came and revealed it "
(עד כאן דברי מ"ד קאסוטו שם).
1. מצא עוד מקומות בפרקנו הרומזים למקומות בפרק ל"ז!
2. מה ההבדל בניסוח הרעיון של "מידה כנגד מידה" בגמרא ובמדרש רבה?
השוה את שני הפסוקים המקבילים:
"וַיַּכִּירָהּ וַיֹּאמֶר כְּתֹנֶת בְּנִי..."
And he knew it, and said: ‘It is my son’s coat; an evil beast hath devoured him; Joseph is without doubt torn in pieces.’
"וַיַּכֵּר יְהוּדָה וַיֹּאמֶר..."
And Judah acknowledged them, and said: ‘She is more righteous than I; forasmuch as I gave her not to Shelah my son.’ And he knew her again no more.
הסבר מה סיבת השוני בסגנון?
ג. מעשה תמר - מיקום הפרשה
"וַיְהִי בָּעֵת הַהִוא וַיֵּרֶד יְהוּדָה מֵאֵת אֶחָיו"
And it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down from his brethren, and turned in to a certain Adullamite, whose name was Hirah.
ד"ה ויהי בעת ההיא: למה נסמכה פרשה זו לכאן והפסיק בפרשתו של יוסף? ללמד שהורידוהו אחיו מגדולתו כשראו בצרת אביהם, אמרו: "אתה אמרת למכרו. אילו אמרת להשיבו, היינו שומעים לך!"
ויהי בעת ההוא AND IT CAME TO PASS AT THAT TIME — Why is this section placed here thus interrupting the section dealing with the history of Joseph? To teach that his brothers degraded him from his high position. When they saw their father’s grief they said, “You told us to sell him: if you had told us to send him back to his father we would also have obeyed you” (Genesis Rabbah 85:2).
ד"ה ויהי בעת ההיא: אין זה העת כאשר נמכר יוסף, רק קודם המכרו. וכמוהו (דברים י' ז') "משם נסעו הגדגדה"; (דברים י' ח') "בעת ההיא הבדיל ה' את שבט לוי" ושבט הלוי נבחר בשנה השנית, ונסעו אל גדגד בשנת הארבעים, ובמקומו אפרשנו. ולמה הזכיר הכתוב זאת הפרשה במקום הזה? והיה ראוי אחר (ל"ז ל"ו) "והמדינים מכרו אותו" פרשת (ל"ט א') "ויוסף הורד מצרימה" ?! להפריש בין מעשה יוסף בדבר אשת אדוניו למעשה אחיו. והוצרכתי לפירוש הזה, בעבור שאין מיום שנמכר יוסף עד יום רדת אבותינו למצרים רק כ"ב שנה, והנה נולד אונן שהוא שני לבני יהודה וגדל עד שהיה לו זרע... ועוד (פסוק י"ב) "וירבו הימים", גם הרתה תמר והולידה את פרץ והוא בא אל מצרים ויש לו שני בנים (עיין מ"ו י"ב).
וראוי שתדע, שזאת הפרשה לא היתה אחר מכירת יוסף אבל היו קצת דברי הסיפור בעת מכירת יוסף, ולזה אמר שזה היה "בעת ההיא", וזה אי אפשר שישלם זה הענין כולו אחר מכירת יוסף, כמו שביאר הראב"ע. ואל יקשה בעיניך, איך היה יהודה נפרד מאחיו קודם מכירת יוסף והנה הוא היה עם אחיו במכירתו?! כי הוא היה הולך ושב, והנה היה לו לבדו צאן מלבד צאן אביו...
1. מה ההבדל בין רש"י לבין שני האחרים בהבנת פסוק א' של פרקנו?
2. מה ההבדל בין רש"י לבין שני האחרים בפרשם את הקשר הפנימי שבין פסוק ל"ז לבין פסוק ל"ח?
3. היש למצוא בספר בראשית פסוקים האומרים במפורש או ברמז, שהתחרטו האחים על מעשה המכירה?
למי מן המפרשים הנ"ל יש להביא ראיה מן הפסוקים:
"וַיְהִי בָּעֵת הַהִוא וַיֹּאמֶר אֲבִימֶלֶךְ וּפִיכֹל..."
And it came to pass at that time, that Abimelech and Phicol the captain of his host spoke unto Abraham, saying: ‘God is with thee in all that thou doest.
"וָאֹמַר אֲלֵכֶם בָּעֵת הַהִוא לֵאמֹר..."
And I spoke unto you at that time, saying: ‘I am not able to bear you myself alone;
"וַיְהִי בָּעֵת הַהִיא וְיָרָבְעָם יָצָא"
And it came to pass at that time, when Jeroboam went out of Jerusalem, that the prophet Ahijah the Shilonite found him in the way; now Ahijah had clad himself with a new garment; and they two were alone in the field.
5. לקושיתו של רש"י מקשים כמה ממפרשיו: הלא את מדרשי "למה נסמכה" מביא רש"י כרגיל רק כאשר אין הפרשיות מובאות כסדרן (= בסדר כרונולוגי); אבל כאן, שלדעת רש"י סדורות הפרשיות כסדרן, שהרי מעשה יהדה אחרי מכירת יוסף היה, למה מקשה רש"י: למה נסמכה פרשה זו לכאן? ישב קושיתם זו!
6. הרלב"ג יכול היה להביא סמך לפירושו משמואל א' י"ז. מהו הסמך?
ד. שאלות בטעמי המקרא
"וַיֵּלְכוּ אֶחָיו לִרְעוֹת אֶת צֹאן אֲבִיהֶם בִּשְׁכֶם"
And his brethren went to feed their father’s flock in Shechem.
נקוד על "את" שלא הלכו אלא לרעות את עצמן (בראשית רבה).
And his brethren went to feed their father’s flock in Shechem.
רש"י, לפסוק י"ז:
ד"ה נסעו מזה: הסיעו עצמן מן האחוה.
אבות דר' נתן:
פ' ל"ד: נקוד על "את", ללמד, שלא לרעות את הצאן בלכו, אלא לאכול ולשתות ולהתפתות.
1. האם יש גם סיוע למדרשים אלה – מלבד הניקוד של המילה "את" – גם מצד הטעמים?
2. והשווה שמואל ב' ג' ל"ה, אשר מבנהו התחבירי דומה לזה של פסוקנו, אך הוטעם בטעמים אחרים:
"וַיָּבֹא כָל הָעָם לְהַבְרוֹת אֶת דָּוִד לֶחֶם בְּעוֹד הַיּוֹם..."
ה. שאלות בטעמי המקרא
"וַיַּעַבְרוּ אֲנָשִׁים מִדְיָנִים סֹחֲרִים וַיִּמְשְׁכוּ וַיַּעֲלוּ אֶת יוֹסֵף מִן הַבּוֹר..."
And there passed by Midianites, merchantmen; and they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for twenty shekels of silver. And they brought Joseph into Egypt.
ברוב ההוצאות הוטעם "וימשכו" בפשטא, ואילו הרב ברכר, עורך הוצאת "יהואש" הטעים בקדמא.
והעיר הרב מ. ברויאר, בספרו "פיסוק טעמים שבמקרא" עמוד 154, הערה 2:
"הרי זה תיקון לגיטימי, שכן קל להסביר את הטעות: צורת הקדמא שוה לצורת הפשטא ואין ביניהן אלא מקומן..."
(אך בתנ"ך "ישראל" שבעריכת הרב ברויאר הוטעם בפשטא).
מה גרם לו להרב ברכר "לתקן" את הטעם?
ו. שאלות בטעמי המקרא
"וַיְסַפֵּר שַׂר הַמַּשְׁקִים"
And the chief butler told his dream to Joseph, and said to him: ‘In my dream, behold, a vine was before me;
"וַיְדַבֵּר שַׂר הַמַּשְׁקִים"
Then spoke the chief butler unto Pharaoh, saying: ‘I make mention of my faults this day:
יש כאן מילים דומות אך בטעמים שונים, ומעירה המסורה: בבית האסורים נשבר בצאתו נזקף. הסבר את הערת המסורה!