Rose Schneiderman's work as a lining maker
Like all lining-makers, I had to furnish my own sewing machine. One could be bought from Singer on the installment plan for one hundred dollars. But since Mother had been able to save a little money, how I’ll never know, we bought a Wilcox and Gibbs one-thread machine for thirty dollars cash. I also had to furnish the thread I used. And not just one color either. You had to have several colors handy to mach the colors of the lining. The cost ran up to at least fifty cents a month. I learned to use the machine in three or four weeks and after a trial period with Cornelia, I was on my own. The first week on the job I earned six dollars, more than twice as much as I had earned at Ridley’s. However, Mother was far from happy. She thought working in a store much more genteel than working in a factory. But we needed that extra money. Schneiderman, Rose, and Lucy Goldwaite. All for One. (New York: Paul S. Eriksson, Inc.), 1967, p.43-44.

Suggested Discussion Questions:

For discussion questions and related lesson plan, see

Time Period: Modern (Spinoza through post-WWII)