Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Laws of Character Development and Ethical Conduct 6:10
רמב"ם הלכות דעות פרק ו:י
חייב אדם להזהר ביתומים ואלמנות מפני שנפשן שפלה למאד ורוחם נמוכה אע"פ שהן בעלי ממון * אפילו אלמנתו של מלך ויתומיו מוזהרים אנו עליהן שנאמר כל אלמנה ויתום לא תענון, והיאך נוהגין עמהן, לא ידבר אליהם אלא רכות, ולא ינהוג בהן אלא מנהג כבוד, ולא יכאיב גופם בעבודה ולבם בדברים קשים, ויחוס על ממונם יותר מממון עצמו
A person is obligated to show great care for orphans and widows because their spirits are very low and their feelings are depressed. This applies even if they are wealthy. We are commanded to [show this attention] even to a king's widow and his orphans as [implied by Exodus 22:21]: "Do not mistreat any widow or orphan." How should one deal with them? One should only speak to them gently and treat them only with honor. One should not cause pain to their persons with [overbearing] work or aggravate their feelings with harsh words and [one should] show more consideration for their financial interests than for one's own. [Translation by R. Eliyahu Touger]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. How are we obligated to care for the orphan and widow? Why?

2. Whom in society do the orphan and widow represent? Do we treat them the way that the Rambam commands us to?

Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)