Derech Eretz Zuta, 1:29
מסכתות קטנות מסכת דרך ארץ פרק א:כט
אם הטיבות הרבה, יהי בעיניך מעט, ואמור לא משלי הטיבותי אלא ממה שהטיבו לי.
If you did someone a great favor, regard it as small, and do not say, 'I did this good act with my own money'. Rather, say it was from what God had graciously given you. [Translation by Areyvut]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. What are the two messages conveyed by this text?

2. Why is it important to both minimize your own generosity and also attribute it to God?

Time Period: Rabbinic (Maccabees through the Talmud)