Mishpetei Uzziel vol. 4 Hoshen Mishpat 42 (Rabbi Ben-Zion Meir Chai Uzziel) - B
שו"ת משפטי עוזיאל כרך ד - חושן משפט סימן מב
יחסה אהבה וכבוד כיצד? כי טוב לו: עמך במאכל, עמך במשתה (קידושין כ). הא למדת שיחס בעל הבית אל הפועל צריך להיות יחס אחוה כאל אדם שוה ועוזר לו להשלמת עבודתו; ולא יחס של נחות דרגא המביא לידי מעשים שיש בהם משום העלבה והכלמה כי באותה מדה שנזקק הפועל לבעל הבית, כך זקוק בעל הבית אל הפועל ובהשתתפותו נשלמת פעולתו של הבית.
How does one establish a relationship of love and honor? “[if after seven years, an indentured servant does not want to leave because] it is good for him/her [to be with you]” (Deuteronomy 15) This means: s/he is your kin in regard to food and in regard to drink. (Talmud Kiddushin 20a). This teaches that the relationship between the employer and the worker needs to be a relationship of fellowship, as with an equal, and not a relationship in which one person is of inferior status, as such a relationship can lead to acts that are insulting or that induce shame, for the employer needs to show toward the employee the same qualities that the employee shows toward the employer. Through this partnership, the work of the household will be completed. [Translation by Rabbi Jill Jacobs]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. What does the verse from Deuteronomy tell us? What about this verse is surprising?

2. How does Rav Uzziel understand the implications of this verse? Do you agree with his interpretation?

3. Does this interpretation describes most employee-employer relationships that you observe today? How can we improve workplace relations to create a better sense of fellowship amongst employees and their employers?

Time Period: Modern (Spinoza through post-WWII)