Rashi, Genesis 7:12
יב( ויהי הגשם על הארץ - ולהלן הוא אומר )פסוק יז( ויהי המבול, אלא כשהורידן, הורידן ברחמים שאם יחזרו יהיו גשמ יברכה, וכשלא חזרו היו למבול
And the rain was upon the earth And further (verse 17) Scripture says: “Now the Flood was [upon the earth].” But when He brought them [the rains] down, He brought them down with mercy, so that if they would repent, they would be rains of blessing. When they did not repent, they became a flood. — [Midrash Hane’elam, Zohar Chadash 28a]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

What examples do we have today of "rains of blessing" and "destructive floods"?

What should our reaction be to each?

Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)