Mishna, Pesachim 10:1
משנה מסכת פסחים פרק י משנה א
ערבי פסחים סמוך למנחה לא יאכל אדם עד שתחשך ואפילו עני שבישראל לא יאכל עד שיסב ולא יפחתו לו מארבע כוסות של יין ואפילו מן התמחוי:
On the eve of Passover, close to minchah time, a person should not eat until it gets dark. Even a poor Jew may not eat until he or she reclines. They should not provide the poor person with fewer than four cups of wine, even if it comes from the soup kitchen. [Translation by Uri L’Tzedek. Edited for gender neutrality]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. Why are we commanded to recline while we eat and drink four cups on wine at the Passover seder?

2. Why is the commandment to drink four cups of wine at the seder to celebrate our redemption from Egypt enough to demand that a poor person acquire wine from the soup kitchen?

3. What is the significance of demanding of the poor to celebrate redemption? What is redemption?

Time Period: Rabbinic (Maccabees through the Talmud)