Mishna, Baba Kama 3:2
משנה, בבא קמא ג
השופך מים ברשות הרבים והוזק בהן אחר חייב בנזקו המצניע את הקוץ ואת הזכוכית והגודר את גדרו בקוצים וגדר שנפל לרשות הרבים והוזקו בהן אחרים חייב בנזקן:
One who pours water into the public domain, and another was injured by it, is liable for his injury. One who conceals a thorn, and glass, and makes his fence out of thorns, or his fence fell into the public domain, and others were injured by them, is liable for their injury. [Moreshet translation]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. To what extent is a person liable for damages to another?

2. How are the laws here applicable to damages caused by companies? by countries?

Time Period: Rabbinic (Maccabees through the Talmud)