Genesis Rabbah 20
בראשית רבה (וילנא) פרשת בראשית פרשה כ
חייא בר אדא הוה יתיב קמיה דרב הוה מסבר ליה ולא סבר, א"ל למה לית את סבור, א"ל דהא חמרתי בעי למילד ואני מתירא שמא תיצון ותמות
Hiya bar Ada was sitting before Rav. [Rav] would explain the matter to him, but [Hiya bar Ada] was not able to understand. [Rav] said to him, "Why aren't you understanding?" [Hiya] replied, "Because my donkey is about to give birth and I am afraid that she might freeze to death." [Translation by AJWS}

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1) What is preventing Hiya bar Ada from grasping his studies?

2) What can this teach us about education? need?

3) What is preoccupying you now? Is preoccupation generally good or bad?

4) How do you overcome preoccupation? How do you engage it?

Time Period: Rabbinic (Maccabees through the Talmud)